Automatron: Strong Robot Companion |
This will allow you to have a huge and strong robot companion on your side, making quests much easier to face and maybe a bit funnier.
Shipment of Adhesive - 001EC135
Shipment of Aluminum - 001EC137
Shipment of Asbestos - 001EC13A
Shipment of Ceramic - 001EC13B
Shipment of Circuitry - 001EC13C
Shipment of Copper - 001EC140
Shipment of Crystals - 001EC142
Shipment of Fiber Optics - 001EC145
Shipment of Fiberglass - 001EC144
Shipment of Gears - 001EC146
Shipment of Glass - 001EC147
Shipment of Gold - 001EC148
Shipment of Lead - 001EC149
Shipment of Nuclear Material - 001EC14B
Shipment of Oil - 001EC14C
Shipment of Plastic - 2001EC14D
Shipment of Rubber - 001EC14E
Shipment of Screws - 001EC14F
Shipment of Silver - 001EC150
Shipment of Springs - 001EC151
Shipment of Steel - 001EC131 |
Crafting For Settlement |
First, you will need to meet Preston Garvey and his band of survivors before you start crafting. In Sanctuary, you will get a quest from a man called Sturges, who will provide you with the basis of the crafting thing. This will allow you to build beds and other structures, dealing with water, food and establishing defenses. Once you learn the basics, get back to the Workshop menu and look at the bar at the top of the screen, that will tell you in synthesis the resources which you need to build useful items. You can "tag for search" certain items so you know, while traveling along your trip into the Wasteland. You can even scrap items in your own settlement to craft stuff you need. Two things you will need to remember as your settlement arise and grows in size: you will have to deal with power generators close to each item you will place and needs power to work; people who inhabit your refuge can also guard spots and artillery cannons, so they are an actual resource you can use at your favor. |
Duplicate Items |
This glitch allows you to duplicate anything you can drop from your inventory. It also lets you get unlimited S.P.E.C.I.A.L. points (attribute points) to max out all your special skills (strength, perception) by duplicating the "You're Special!" magazine. The "You're Special!" magazine can be found inside your old house in Sanctuary, on the floor in Shaun's room. This basically gives you unlimited everything: infinite weapons, ammo, mini-nukes, fusion cores, attribute points, junk items, and even money when you resell all this stuff. To duplicate items, drop the item you want to duplicate from your inventory (so it is sitting on the ground). Command your dog companion (Dogmeat) to fetch it. Pick it up at the exact same time when he is lowering his head to pick it up. If done correctly, one copy will be placed in your inventory, while Dogmeat drops another after 2-3 seconds. Repeat this as many times as desired. If you are having any trouble duplicating items, first send Dogmeat away before commanding him to pick up the item to ensure you are able to do it correctly. Note: This glitch was performed on an unpatched version of the game. It will probably eventually get patched. To avoid not being able to use this exploit, either do not install new patches before using this exploit or delete the patches. You can avoid patches being installed by disconnecting from the internet until you are ready for the game to install new patches. |
Enable Console |
The console is no longer enabled with the ~ (tilde) button. It is now enabled with the ' button to the left of the return key.
Code | Effect
player.additem 000000A XXX (XXX being the amount) | Add lockpicks
| player.additem 000000F XXX (XXX being the amount) | Add Bottlecaps
| player.modav carryweight # | Permanently modifies players max weight
| player.setav speedmult xx | Sets player movement speed. For example, a value of 120 would be a 20% faster speed.
| player.setlevel xx | sets your characters level to what ever number you replace xx with (note: can only be used to raise you level can't bring it down)
| tgm | God Mode
| tim | Toggles Immortal Mode
| tmm 1 | Reveal all map markers
Infinite Caps |
Go to any vendor where you can find any type of ammunition. Choose to purchase all of the same type of ammo, but do not confirm the purchase. After it appears on your side of the transaction screen, choose the ammo on your side of the screen and give one round of ammo back to the vendor. Then, choose to give all the ammo back to the vendor. If done correctly, you will have one round of ammo remaining on your side of the transaction screen. You can select that round of ammunition repeatedly to get all of the vendor's caps. |
Skip Introduction Sequence |
Use a text editor such as notepad to edit the "Fallout4.ini" and "Fallout4Prefs.ini" files in the "Users[username]DocumentsMy GamesFallout4 " directory. Find the [General] section and add the line SIntroSequence=1 in both files. |
Surviving Long Drops |
Save the game just before hitting the ground after falling from a fatal height. Load the saved and you will land safely on the ground. |
Various Legendary Weapon Effects |
Legendary weapon effects are bonuses obtained by defeating certain Legendary enemies.
Weapon | How to unlock
Assassin's | Deal 50% increased damage against humans.
| Automatic | Automatic fire mode.
| Berserker's | Deal increased damage depending upon your damage resistance.
| Bloodied | Deal increased damage depending upon your health.
| Cavalier's | Take 15% decreased damage while blocking or sprinting.
| Crippling | Deal 50% more limb damage.
| Enraging | Your targets frenzy with critical hits.
| Explosive | Your bullets to explode on impact dealing 15 area of effect damage.
| Exterminator's | Deal 50% increased damage against Mirelurks and bugs.
| Freezing | Deal +10 cryo-damage and freeze targets with critical hits.
| Furious | Deal increased damage with each consecutive hit on the same target.
| Ghoul Slayer's | Deal 50% increased damage against Ghouls.
| Hunter's | Deal 50% increased damage against animals.
| Incendiary | Set targets on fire for +15 damage.
| Instigating | Deal double damage to full health targets.
| Irradiated | Deal +50 radiation damage.
| Junkie's | Deal increased damage depending upon the withdrawal effects.
| Kneecapper | 20% chance to cripple targets' legs.
| Lucky Weapon | Deal double damage with critical shots with critical meters refilling 15% faster.
| Medic's | Heals targets instead of dealing damage to them.
| Mutant Slayer's | Deal 50% increased damage against Super Mutants.
| Never Ending | Unlimited ammo capacity.
| Nimble | 75% faster movement speed while ADS.
| Nocturnal | Deal increased damage at night and decreased damage during the day.
| Penetrating | Negate 30% of the target's damage resistance and energy resistance.
| Plasma Infused | Turn enemies into goo and add +10 points of energy damage.
| Poisoner's | Poison targets for 10 seconds.
| Powerful | +25 extra damage.
| Quickdraw | Decrease Action Points cost by 25%.
| Rapid | 25% increased rate-of-fire and 15% increased reload speed.
| Relentless | Refill Action Points with critical hits.
| Sentinel's | 15% decreased damage while static.
| Staggering | Stagger enemies with each hit.
| Stalker's | When not in combat, increases VATS accuracy at the cost of increased Action Points.
| Troubleshooter's | Deal 50% increased damage against robots.
| Two Shot | Shoot additional projectiles.
| VATS Enhanced | Increases VATS hit chances, decreases Action Points cost by 25% and 40%.
| Violent | Deal 25% damage and limb damage with increasing recoil.
| Wounding | Bleed target for +25 additional damage.
Various Magazines |
Various issues of the following magazines can be collected to gain the listed bonus.
Magazine | How to unlock
Astoundingly Awesome Tales | Typically add 5 percent to damage against a selection of enemies or make it easier to heal radiation damage.
| Grognak The Barbarian | Typically add to the damage dealt with melee or unarmed attacks.
| Guns And Bullets | Add about 5 percent to critical damage.
| Hot Rodder | Cusomize Power Armor with up to three new paint jobs.
| La Coiffe | Two new hairstyles.
| Live and Love | Add perks to influence companions, or give you an extra boost when they are around.
| Massachusetts Surgical Journal | Increases limb damage by 2 percent.
| RobCo FUN! | Get Holotape games.
| Taboo Tattoos | Get up to five different tattoos.
| Tales Of A Junktown Jerky Vendor | Improve prices when purchasing from vendors.
| Tesla Science | Add 5% to your energy weapon.
| Total Hack | Hack through Protectrons, spotlights, and turrets.
| Tumblers Today | Bonus on lockpicking.
| U.S. Covert Operations Manual | Improved sneaking.
| Unstoppables | Add 1 percent of avoiding all damage from an attack.
| Wasteland Survival Guide | Collect extra meat from all animal kills.
| You're S.P.E.C.I.A.L.! | Typically add 5 percent to damage against a selection of enemies or make it easier to heal radiation damage.
Various Settlements |
Get a settlement's workshop to gain control of it and influence it. Each has a requirement that must be met before it can be used.
Settlement | How to unlock
Abernathy Farm | Complete the "Returning the Favor" quest.
| Boston Airport | Complete the "Shadow of Steel" quest.
| Bunker Hill | Complete the "The Battle of Bunker Hill" quest.
| Castle | Clear the area of hostiles.
| Coastal Cottage | Clear the area of hostiles.
| County Crossing | Complete the offered radiant quest.
| Covenant | Complete the "Human Error" quest or defeat the current residents.
| Croup Manor | Clear the area of hostiles.
| Egret Tours Marina | Placate or defeat Phyllis Daily.
| Finch Farm | Complete the "Out of the Fire" quest.
| Graygarden | Complete the "Troubled Waters" quest.
| Greentop Nursery | Complete the offered radiant quest.
| Hangman's Alley | Clear the area of hostiles.
| Jamaica Plain | Clear the area of hostiles.
| Kingsport Lighthouse | Clear the area of hostiles.
| Murkwater Construction Site | Clear the area of hostiles.
| Nordhagen Beach | Complete the offered radiant quest.
| Oberland Station | Complete the offered radiant quest.
| Outpost Zimonja | Clear the area of hostiles.
| Red Rocket Truck Stop | Unknown.
| Sanctuary Hills | Unknown.
| The Slog | Complete the offered radiant quest.
| Somerville Place | Complete the offered radiant quest.
| Spectacle Island | Clear the area of hostiles.
| Starlight Drive-in | Clear the area of hostiles.
| Sunshine Tidings Co-op | Clear the area of hostiles.
| Taffington Boathouse | Clear the area of hostiles.
| Tenpines Bluff | Complete the offered radiant quest.
| Warwick Homestead | Complete the offered radiant quest.
Various Steam Achievements |
Complete the listed task to unlock the corresponding Steam achievement. To view your achievement progress and stats, open the Steam client, select "Community", then search for the game hub for "Fallout 4 (PC)". Choose the "View Stats" option on the drop down list, then choose the option that will list the achievements for your username.
Achievement | How to unlock
...The Harder They Fall | Kill 5 Giant Creatures.
| ...They're Action Figures | Collect 20 Vault-Tec Bobbleheads.
| Ad Victoriam | Complete "Ad Victoriam".
| Animal Control | Kill 300 Creatures.
| Armed and Dangerous | Create 50 Weapon Mods.
| Benevolent Leader | Reach Maximum Happiness in a Large Settlement.
| Blind Betrayal | Complete "Blind Betrayal".
| Born Survivor | Reach Level 5.
| Commonwealth Citizen | Reach Level 10.
| Community Organizer | Ally with 3 Settlements.
| Dangerous Minds | Complete "Dangerous Minds".
| Fix-Er-Upper | Build 100 Workshop Items.
| Future Retro | Play a Holotape Game.
| Gun-For-Hire | Complete 10 Side Quests.
| Homerun! | Get a Homerun.
| Hunter/Hunted | Complete "Hunter/Hunted".
| Institutionalized | Complete "Institutionalized".
| Legend Of The Wastes | Reach Level 50.
| Lovable | Reach Maximum Relationship Level with a Companion.
| Mankind-Redefined | Complete "Mankind-Redefined".
| Masshole | Kill 300 People.
| Mercenary | Complete 50 Misc. Objectives.
| Never Go It Alone | Recruit 5 Separate Companions.
| Nuclear Family | Complete "Nuclear Family".
| Old Guns | Complete "Old Guns".
| Powering Up | Complete "Powering Up".
| Prankster's Return | Placed A Grenade Or Mine While Pickpocketing.
| Prepared for the Future | Decide the Fate of the Commonwealth.
| Print's Not Dead | Read 20 Magazines.
| Ranger Corps | Discover 100 Locations.
| Reunions | Complete "Reunions".
| RobCo's Worst Nightmare | Hack 50 Terminals.
| Rockets' Red Glare | Complete "Rockets' Red Glare".
| Sanctuary | Complete "Sanctuary".
| Scavver | Gather 1000 Resources Used For Crafting.
| Semper Invicta | Join the Brotherhood of Steel.
| Taking Independence | Complete "Taking Independence".
| The First Step | Join the Minutemen.
| The Molecular Level | Complete "The Molecular Level".
| The Nuclear Option | Complete "The Nuclear Option".
| They're Not Dolls... | Collect 10 Vault-Tec Bobbleheads.
| Touchdown! | Get a Touchdown.
| Tradecraft | Join the Railroad.
| Underground Undercover | Complete "Underground Undercover".
| Unlikely Valentine | Complete "Unlikely Valentine".
| Unstoppable Wanderer | Reach Level 25.
| War Never Changes | Enter The Wasteland.
| Wasteland D.I.Y. | Craft 100 Items.
| What's Yours Is Mine | Pick 50 Locks.
| When Freedom Calls | Complete "When Freedom Calls".
Various Traders |
Traders can be found at the following locations.
Trader | How to unlock
Alexis Combes, Maria Summerset, Horatio, Dr. Penske | Western Commonwealth, Vault 81.
| Arturo Rodriguez | Neighborhood; the Fens, Commonwealth Weaponry - Diamond City.
| Bean, Crisp, Danny, Reg, Sprocket, Waitron | North Central Commonwealth, Atomics Galleria.
| Becky Fallon | Neighborhood; the Fens, Fallon's Basement - Diamond City.
| Blake Abernathy and Connie Abernathy | Lexington and Northwest Commonwealth, Abernathy Farm.
| Bluejay and Rowdy | Quincy and Southern Commonwealth; Atom Cats Garage.
| Deb, Joe Savoldi, Kay, Tony Savoldi | Neighborhood; Charlestown, Bunker Hill.
| Deidre | North Central Commonwealth, the Slog.
| Doctor Patricia, Deezer, Penny Fitzgerald, Talia McGovern | North Central Commonwealth, Covenant.
| Doctor Sun | Neighborhood; the Fens, Doc Crocker's House - Diamond City.
| Eleanor | Quincy and Southern Commonwealth, the Trading Post.
| Finch | North Central Commonwealth, Finch Farm.
| Henry Cooke | Neighborhood; the Fens, Colonial Taphouse - Diamond City.
| John | Neighborhood; the Fens, Cathy & John's Super Salon - Diamond City.
| June Warwick | Quincy and Southern Commonwealth, Warwick Homestead.
| KL-E-0, Daisy, Whitechapel Charlie, Rufus Rubins, Clair Hutchins, Fred Allen | Neighborhood; Financial District, Goodneighbor.
| Kawolski | Neighborhood; the Fens, Klean Watur - Sheng Kawolski's House - Diamond City.
| Knight-Captain Cade and Proctor Teagan | Coastal Commonwealth, Prydwen.
| Leonard Moore | Coastal Commonwealth, Shanty Store.
| Moe Cronin | Neighborhood; the Fens, Swatters - Diamond City.
| Myrna | Neighborhood; the Fens, Diamond City Surplus - Diamond City.
| Polly | Neighborhood; the Fens, Choice Chops - Diamond City.
| Random Trader | Lexington and Northwest Commonwealth, Trader's Shack - West of Ranger Cabin.
| Robots | Western Commonwealth, Graygarden.
| Ronnie Shaw | Neighborhood; South Boston, the Castle.
| Scrap Merchant | Ramp overlooking the forest.
| Solomon | Neighborhood; the Fens, Chem-I-Care - Diamond City.
| Synth Food Vendor and Institute Requisition Vendor | Neighborhood; Cambridge, the Institute.
| Takahashi | Neighborhood; the Fens, Power Noodles - Diamond City.
| Theodore Collins and Rylee | Coastal Commonwealth, Longneck Lukowski's Cannery.
| Tinker Tom and Doctor Carrington | Neighborhood; North End, Old North Church.
| Trader | Lexington and Northwest Commonwealth, Small Trading Shack.
| Trader | North Central Commonwealth, Rotten Landfill.
| Trudy | Lexington and Northwest Commonwealth, Drumlin Diner.
| Vadim Bobrov and Yefim Bobrov | Neighborhood; the Fens, Dugout Inn - Diamond City.
| |