Various issues of the following magazines can be collected to gain the listed bonus.
Magazine | How to unlock
Astoundingly Awesome Tales | Typically add 5 percent to damage against a selection of enemies or make it easier to heal radiation damage.
Grognak The Barbarian | Typically add to the damage dealt with melee or unarmed attacks.
Guns And Bullets | Add about 5 percent to critical damage.
Hot Rodder | Cusomize Power Armor with up to three new paint jobs.
La Coiffe | Two new hairstyles.
Live and Love | Add perks to influence companions, or give you an extra boost when they are around.
Massachusetts Surgical Journal | Increases limb damage by 2 percent.
RobCo FUN! | Get Holotape games.
Taboo Tattoos | Get up to five different tattoos.
Tales Of A Junktown Jerky Vendor | Improve prices when purchasing from vendors.
Tesla Science | Add 5% to your energy weapon.
Total Hack | Hack through Protectrons, spotlights, and turrets.
Tumblers Today | Bonus on lockpicking.
U.S. Covert Operations Manual | Improved sneaking.
Unstoppables | Add 1 percent of avoiding all damage from an attack.
Wasteland Survival Guide | Collect extra meat from all animal kills.
You're S.P.E.C.I.A.L.! | Typically add 5 percent to damage against a selection of enemies or make it easier to heal radiation damage.