In Dragon Adventure mode, play until you get to the Majin Buu Saga. Once you make it to the Two Majin Buus storyline, you will be playing as Fat Buu. During that story, go to the top right area of the map and go to the Mountain Road area. Once there, Yamcha will offer you a contest to see how long you can last. If you either stay alive long enough or if you are strong enough to defeat him, you will be awarded with not only 1,000,000 Zeni, but you will also get Equipment Slots +4 and the Fox Mask fusion capsule. Once done, go back to the scenario selection screen and repeat. Increase Fat Buu's attributes as much as possible to make this easier. It is recommended that you spend some time in the Android Saga scenario and choose the "Goku Defeated!?!" story. Then, go to the bottom of the map to the Southern Capital. When you are fighting, destroy the buildings to look for a Dragon Ball. Keep doing this until you find them all then summon Shenron and hope that he has the Kiss From #18 capsule. That will bring up your attributes very quickly.
If you need to buy capsules for your characters early on in the Saiyan Saga or Frieza Saga, replay the Mysterious Alien Warrior (Saiyan Saga 00) event to unlock the hidden Fateful Brothers Saga. During the events of Fateful Brothers (where you play as Radditz), there are several events where you can endlessly attempt the side battles against groups of Saibamen. Each victory will result in a green Z-Item called the Saibamen set, as well as some Zeni and experience for Radditz. The Saibamen item set can be sold at Baba's shop for 150,000 Zeni. Repeat this as many times as desired to purchase Z-Items for your team. Also, purchasing the four Purple Z-Items at the shop is also recommended. Each set of two can be fused into the items Halo and Majin Seal, which allow good and bad characters to use their Blast 2 techniques at half the energy cost. This is a very helpful item during some of the more difficult Sagas. After unlocking the Majin Buu Saga, the other tip in this section is much more effective. |