Code | Effect
astral | Noclip: Disable collision with walls and items.
biggrove | Player's armor regenerate up to 100 after not being hit for 5 seconds.
blackdog | Fills the armor, energy and ammo.
blaze | Faster movement speed.
boombots | All explosions are wider and stronger.
buffet | Adds 50 upgrade points of both types.
entropy | Gives all weapons.
fernandos | Gives all security keys.
inferno | Invulnerability.
inflation | Balloon mode: Auto ops get bigger as they get damaged.
kofusion | Makes the weapons more powerful.
missile | Switches the "++ upgrade" of the selected secondary weapon.
molasses | Auto ops's movement speed are slower.
myonlyhope | Enables the usage of the holo-guide in New Game +.
politely | Auto ops's rate of fire are slower.
quartzon | Slow motion mode.
smashy | More powerful smash attack.
triggered | Unlimited ammo and energy.
tuberacer | Forces the player to move forward.
weapon | Switches the "++ upgrade" of the selected primary weapon.