While playing type one of the following codes. By activating a cheat, you will be marked as "cheater!" at the bottom of the pause menu and the result screen, this disable the achievements and challenge scores will not be recorded in the leaderboard.
Code | Effect
astral | Noclip: Disable collision with walls and items.
biggrove | Player's armor regenerate up to 100 after not being hit for 5 seconds.
blackdog | Fills the armor, energy and ammo.
blaze | Faster movement speed.
boombots | All explosions are wider and stronger.
buffet | Adds 50 upgrade points of both types.
entropy | Gives all weapons.
fernandos | Gives all security keys.
inferno | Invulnerability.
inflation | Balloon mode: Auto ops get bigger as they get damaged.
kofusion | Makes the weapons more powerful.
missile | Switches the "++ upgrade" of the selected secondary weapon.
molasses | Auto ops's movement speed are slower.
myonlyhope | Enables the usage of the holo-guide in New Game +.
politely | Auto ops's rate of fire are slower.
quartzon | Slow motion mode.
smashy | More powerful smash attack.
triggered | Unlimited ammo and energy.
tuberacer | Forces the player to move forward.
weapon | Switches the "++ upgrade" of the selected primary weapon.