Getting A Female/Male 'Drifloon' :
I'm not sure if this will work for all of the versions or not but i got my female drifloon this morning at around 9:00 am to 9:43 am, my game time was around 76 hours (but this doesnt matter) and i have uxie and azelf caught and dialga and it was standing outside the 'Valley Windworks' next to route 205. make sure you have a good ammount of various balls, i caught it with a quick ball, (may not always work), make sure u have a pokemon that can make it sleep or paralyze it that way it wont kill ur pokemon, it was lvl 22 wen i found it and its atks are: Gust, Focus Energy, Payback, Stockpile. Make sure you have the pokemon that can paralyze, sleep, etc it on first, make it fall asleep, etc then get a pokemon at lvl 20-24 to use weak attacks on it until the hp bar is in yellow zone, if is still asleep then attempt to catch it, if not make it sleep, if it is still paralyzed then catch it. To get the Drifloom You want eg. female, Unburden, Naive, etc. save the game next to the drifloom and battle it until it has female, male. I chose a female so when i get a ditto i can attempt to breed it. |