There are sixteen Pokemon that you can get from answering the quiz questions. Unlike the previous game, each of these Pokemon can be acquired whether you choose to be male or female. The natures are different for male and female, but you can get them all.
PokemonMale NatureFemale Nature
Bulbasaur | Lonely | Docile
Charmander | Docile | Brave
Chikorita | Calm | Quiet
Chimchar | Naive | Impish
Cyndaquil | Timid | Calm
Meowth | Sassy | Relaxed
Mudkip | Rash | Lonely
Munchlax | Relaxed | Jolly
Piplup | Impish | Quirky
Skitty | Hasty | Naive
Squirtle | Quirky | Bold
Pikachu | Brave | Hasty
Totodile | Jolly | Sassy
Torchic | Hardy | Rash
Treecko | Quiet | Hardy
Turtwig | Bold | Timid