To your right at the beginning there is a waiter crying. Sneak up on him and strangle. Drag behind dumpster and change clothes. Take room key (I'm still trying to figure out the room key and the champagne glasses we'll find soon). Walk in between the buildings and time it to come out behind the sentry as he passes going left. Got to the door in the wall and pick lock. Go to the garage door and enter. There will be guards, but if you walk they may shout, but that's all. Head upstairs passing two doors on your left and one on right. Enter kitchen and walk through straight. The champagne glasses are on the counter in the middle of the kitchen, but I haven't figured out how to use them yet. So go out the door to the left of the cook. Go up to the entrance. Take the bottom left door in the entryway. Go down hall and turn corner. Head down hall and check map. The target will be going back and forth between the ballroom and the room you're standing around the corner from. There is a maid inside the room. When he leaves for the ballroom, walk into room and strangle the maid, dragging her body behind the desk. Wait for the target by hiding in the corner and dropping him with a head shot when he enters again. Drag him behind something. Now check your map and watch where the white VIP goes. Follow him to the room (it will be one of the front corner rooms, either up or down stairs, they all have exclamation points). Kill him with a head shot and take combination. Drag him behind something and open safe. Take breifcase. (The chocolates I haven't figured out yet either) Head out of the room and back out the way you came. It shouldn't be a problem. |