I have made a list of around 45 Alchemy Mixes most of which can be combined. It took forever, so enjoy
Drain fati. / fort. spe.= shalk resin, kagouti hide
Drain fatigue/ personality= Shalk resin, heather
Cure Common Disease= Muck, Choke weed
Paralyze= Rat meat, Hackle-Lo-leaf
Restore Personality= Heather, Guar hide
Drain Speed= Heather, Frost salts
Frost Shield= Frost salts, large kwama egg
Drain Luck= Dreugh wax, Chokeweed
Restore fatigue= chokeweed, small kwama egg
Restore Willpower= Trama root, scathecraw
Drain Strength= Scathecraw, saltrice
Restore Fatigue= Saltrice, scuttle
Levitate= Trama root, racer plumes
Drain personality= Shalk Resin, Netch leather
Drain personality= bonemeal, netch leather
Drain Fatigue= Bonemeal, Kagouti hide
Drain personality= Shalk Resin, heather
Drain Fatigue= Shalk resin, comberry
Drain strength= scathecraw, raw glass
Cure poison= scathecraw, rat meat
Drain health= scathecraw, fire petal
Drain speed= raw glass, heather
Fortify endurance= Daedra heart, guar hide
Drain agility= Daedra heart, emerald
Drain agility= daedra heart, ash salts
Drain magicka= Trama root, scamp skin
Drain magicka= trama root, bittergreen petal
Restore personality= scamp skin, guar hide
feather= scuttle, ruby
telekinesis= scuttle, bonemeal
telekinesis= scuttle, alit hide
restore fatigue= scuttle, small kwama egg
Drain health= ruby, roobrush
Drain agility= ruby, emerald
Drain agility= emerald, diamond
Drain agility= diamond, ruby
cure poison= roobrush, rat meat
detect key= ash yam, diamond
restore fatigue= large kwama egg, scuttle
paralyze= large kwama egg, rat meat
drain agility= hypha facia, ruby
drain agility= hypha facia, emerald
drain agility= hypha facia, diamond
drain agility= hypha facia, guar hide
This is very small list compared to all the combinations you could find if you wanted to. I think the gems (emerald, diamond, and ruby) have the same properties and can be replaced with each other, so if you didn't have an emerald, but you had a ruby, you could use the ruby in the emeralds place. I would be surprised if I didn't repeat a combination or miss spell a word or something, so don't go tell all your friends that Shairu's a screw up. |