For easy levels you need to get about 1000gold.What you do is go to Balmara and head to the fine achlemist,it should be around all of the mansions so just look for it.Once you find it go in and talk to the lady, buy an apprentice mortar and pestle,and any of the other things you want(calcinator,ritard,ect.)Also I recomend buying two of them like the calcinator and mortar and pestle,and get both apprentice.Once you get these go to the mages guild,go to the bottom and teloport to Sadrith Mora:Wolverine Hall.Talk to the guy named Iniel,I think but hes the guy that sells ingredients,buy crab meat and rat meat,10 of each.Once you do this open your inventory now highlight the mortar and pestle and press it.Now you go to the ingredients and put all 10 of each meat,start pessing X to make potions.Sell the potions to the guy and repeat the process only buying the meats and making the potions not buying the mortar and pestle.If you ever need more money then just steal things in sadrith mora and sell them.This may take a little while at first but eventually you will make a lot of money once you do,just go out and find people to train you.My guy is about level 38 and all of my skills are at least 75. Have fun. |