Note: By the time you get to this area you should have picked up two Forge Stones. Go to Forge and buy the Evil Eye Helmet. This gives you two Lifeforce instead of one for each collected. Go to the area where you need to recover the Green Hive. As you are making your way out with it, you will reach an area with two big opponents that shoot the blue beam gun. One will be roaming up top, and the other stands next to a wheel to open the door next to him. In the same room is a floor plate to release the gnomes behind a cage door. Release the gnomes and use them to help you kill the both of the blue beam gun opponents. After they are dead, return to the gnome cage and open it again. They will keep respawning indefinitely. Try setting yourself near the top of the stairs going down while facing toward the cage. Then, send out your minions. While they are out hunting, set your controller to keep sending out minions. When not killing, they are collecting Lifeforce at double the rate due to the helmet.