When you land on a floor you have either already cleared, one you know is very difficult, or just want to skip, separate your characters and have one of your them (Olimar, Louie, President) have control of all the Pikmin. Then, switch to the character with no Pikmin and find the hole to escape with all your Pikmin. If the hole is sealed, then you need your Pikmin. However if it is open, then enter it and all your Pikmin will appear in the plunging scene; the ones who were with your other character, even though they were somewhere else. You must have all your Pikmin called upon by the character who stayed behind or not all of your Pikmin will make it to the next floor. If it states you do not have all your Pikmin, just switch characters. Then find the stranded Pikmin and switch back to escape. Check your numbers at the bottom of the screen so you do not have to worry about it. This should also work with spouts.