This trick requires an SD Card and two Wiis with Super Smash Bros. Brawl saved game data. One system must not have all the music outside of the challenges unlocked. The other system must have all music outside of the challenges unlocked. Play several Brawls with a time limit of three minutes. Turn items on. Keep playing brawls under these rules until a CD appears. Get the CD. Finish the match and save the replay on the SD memory card. Note: You cannot save a replay if a Sudden Death match begins. Remove the SD card out and insert it into the Wii that has all the Super Smash Bros. Brawl music unlocked. Play the replay in the vault. When the CD should appear, it now will not. The character will attempt to grab the CD that is not there. When the time limit reaches thirty seconds, the characters will stop moving and the game's speed will increase. If a Sudden Death match starts in this now glitched replay, the characters will simply stand there until killed by the environment or dropping bombs.