You can duplicate any number of items and give them to a character just starting out in the campaign. To do this, you must first have a saved game file that has the character with the item that you want to duplicate. Start a new game with up to four characters and import the character with the item desired to be duplicated into each of the characters (up to four). Give all of the items to be duplicated to one of them and save the game. Then, create a new game and repeat the same procedure; but this time use the character from the newest saved game which should have multiple items already. Note: To save memory card space, just keep saving over the duplicating file. Continue doing this until the number of items duplicated is reached. Start a new game creating the character you want for the mission, then import the character that has been duplicated and give the items to the character that is actually being created for a game. Finally, create a new game and import the character that you created and then gave the duplicated items to in order to start the game with whatever items desired. Note: This can also be done to generate more money by selling the duplicated items instead of keeping them with the character that was created for the new game.