Go to the forbidden forest. Go back towards the bottom of the screen. If you move quickly, five Dugbogs will appear. Continue then stop and use Hebivicus on nearby plants. Launch the Bubotubers and continue. Run up the hill with the cauldron on it. Use Windardium Leviosa on it. Move it over to blow up the Bubotubers that could not be launched. In there will always be one Dugbog. Kill it. Another will appear. This will never stop. If you want to stop, stun the Dugbog then levitate the cauldron in there and blow up the Bubotubers. Once out, continue in the direction you were going before. The next clearing you reach should have mushrooms blocking the path to the north and the south. Use the Bubotuber to kill the mushrooms to the north. Move in that direction. At the end should be a Blast-Ended Skrewt. Kill it. You can stun it by making it run into a wall. Then, continue up the vines on the right using Herbivicus. Vampyr Mosps should appear. Kill them. Once at the top, another Blast-Ended Skrewt should be there, along with Vampyr Mosps. Once you kill all these and collect all the beans, go back the way you came. When you reach a clearing, run south and blow up the mushrooms. There will then be a fork in the road. The one on the left leads to a mini shield. The one on the right leads to a baby dragon in a cage. Go that way, blowing up all the mushrooms. As soon as the intermission sequence ends, run to the right. Use the Bubotuber to blow up the mushrooms. Use Herbivicus on the vines. Kill the Vampyr Mosps then press Start end the level. It is possible to get over 1849 beans all at once by doing this, mainly in that Dugbog corner.