Get to the part where you are going to the restricted section for the book on finding information on Nick Flamel. In the library, when you have the invisibility cloak on, it is slight difficult. When you are in the library where the Prefects are, go in a corner (if the Prefects do not hear you). Turn to the corner, not facing outward because your wand can be barely seen by Prefects. Do not touch the Prefects or you will be caught. When you are in a bigger part of the library entrance (when a Prefect hears you he or she will go into the area where you were), there will be a doorway with a Prefect in the way. Take your wand and hide in the shadows by the bigger door (directly in front of you when you first enter the first part of the library). Look to see if any Prefects are near you. If they are, hide in the shadows and do not be seen. Aim your wand in the other direction of the Prefect, and it will go in the direction where you aimed. Run or sneak to the doorway. You will be closer to the restricted section, but there are more Prefects. This is more difficult than the other area you were in. Take a Dungbomb (or Wanted) and throw it near a Prefect. When he or she is distracted, run to a corner or a nearby wall. Sidle near it, then try to ignore the Prefects. If they hear you, stand in a corner and face it. They can hear you, but can barely see you. Then, sneak past them. When you get farther in the area, Filtch and his cat are coming in. He can hear you easily. When you move, he will try to follow you. When you get to a crawl-space, there may be Prefects in the library, If so, use the same strategy as done in the other areas. Get the book and go back through the crawl space. Take the same way as traveled earlier. When you get to the first part of the library (with the Prefect blocking the door as before), hide in corners and do the same thing repeatedly and go to Ron.