If you dont have the full game and editor, but you want the awesome advantage of being able to make your characters gods, or close to it, here is one way. Well, in upper exile(go through south exit in fort emergence) follow the road to the fork. go west till you hit another fork, then go north. you should see the town of New Cotra. If you cant find it, go to the Vahnatai city Ghirka, i think, and head west around the body of water. go into the town and into the inn/tavern. speak with a sailor guy and talk with him until he says something about boats. you can figure it out im sure. buy the boat, its on the east side of town, get in it and head east. go around the first island and keep heading east until you run into some rocks. on the east part of the field of rocks is a secret passage. approach it and a message will appear and you can sail through it. land on the island and walk around a bit till a message pops up. enter and youll meet a witch that sells potions. she sells the Knowledge Brew, which raises the skill points of one player by 2. They are rather expensive, costing 2600 each, but its the only way to get free-ish skill points without buying the full game. save your game on the island, reload it in the free editor, change you money to the max (25000) and save in the editor, reload in exile III, buy more potions, and continue this process as much as needed. This can take a LONG while even with a one PC party, but, its a good way to get skill points quickly without buying the full game.