Reach the part of the game where Niko and Roman have a safehouse in South Bohan. In the house on the left of the table near the television is a pile of books. The middle purple book in a stack of three is titled "Madness & Blasphemy: The Do's and Dont's". This is an reference to the movie 300 where in the "This is Sparta!" scene, the lines "This is blasphemy! This is madness!" are spoken.
Le Fin Absolue Du Monde
This film is referenced in the city and in the in-game internet. Go by Frankfort Ave. in Algonquin to find a poster of a movie called "The Flying Whore". That poster is a reference to Le Fin Absolue Du Monde, the fake deadly-film featured in the short movie Cigarette Burns by John Carpenter in the Masters Of Horror series on TV. To see a funny review of that movie, search for it at the online cultural magazine of Liberty City through the in-game internet.
Point Break
In Packie's "Three Leaf Clover" mission, while Michael is watching the hostages, one of the men on the floor turns to a man next to him and tells him that he is a member of a gun club and when the time is right they will fight back. When Michael is distracted, the man stands up, shoots Michael, then in turn is killed by Packie and his brother. This is a reference to the bank heist in the movie Point Break.
Reservoir Dogs
When shooting at cops, you will sometimes hear them yell "I'm going to be OK!", just like Mr. Orange in Reservoir Dogs.
Terminator 2: Judgment Day
The mission "I Need Your Clothes, Your Boots, And Your Motorcycle" is a reference to the line spoken by Arnold Schwarzenegger in Terminator 2: Judgment Day.
The Big Lebowski
While you are bowling, you can hear random conversations in the background. If you listen closely, you can occasionally hear someone order a White Russian, The Dude's favorite drink from the movie The Big Lebowski. The Dude was an avid bowler, and several scenes from the movie take place in a bowling alley.
The Revenger's Tragedy
The final mission, "A Revenger's Tragedy", is a reference to the play and movie based on the play titled The Revenger's Tragedy.
To Live And Die In L.A.
The mission "To Live And Die in Alderney" is a reference to the movie To Live And Die In L.A.
The numbers on blue armored prison transport truck are KSC-303, which is a reference to the main character of the Japanese film Versus, who is known as Prisoner KSC2-303.
Weekend At Bernie's
The mission "Weekend At Florian's" is a reference to the film Weekend At Bernie's.