Complete each achievement to get the allotted gamerscore. If you have an Xbox 360 gamertag, you can log in using this same gamertag and the achievements will count the same as if you were playing the 360 version.
Achievement | How to unlock |
A Bridge Not Too Far (20 points) | Secure all 3 bridges in Mission 7: Unfair Surprise.
Appetite for Destruction (25 points) | Destroy 77 units using the Stalker's SAMs.
Calling all Units (15 points) | Recruit one of every unit type in any game mode.
Clean Sweep (10 points) | Destroy all hiding Sai insurgents in the Tutorial.
Decked Out (35 points) | Win 10 ranked matches fully equipped.
Demolisher (25 points) | Destroy 55 Control Nodes with the Demo Bomb ability.
Demoraliser (20 points) | Destroy 11 enemy units in the first 5 minutes of a ranked match.
Epic Campaign (30 points) | Complete Story Mode on Easy or Normal.
Epic Saga (50 points) | Complete Story Mode on Hard.
Eradicator (30 points) | Beat the AI on all Skirmish maps.
Evacuation (20 points) | Rescue Vantage in Mission 6: Innocent Victim.
False Sense of Security (25 points) | Attack 24 cloaked Spectres while using the Infiltrator's Thermal Vision.
Feeding the Habit (15 points) | Play 16 ranked matches.
First Assault (20 points) | Complete Mission 1: Domestic Disturbance.
First Down and Ten (20 points) | Win a ranked match in under 10 minutes.
Fur Coat (20 points) | Defeat Sable in Mission 9: Shock Verdict.
Gone Shopping (20 points) | Lose a multiplayer match while the deployment queue is open.
H.Y.D.R.A. (20 points) | Defeat the Hydra in Mission 4: Multiple Counts.
Hammer Time (20 points) | Take out the Arc-Hammers in Mission 5: Self Defense.
In Pursuit (25 points) | Secure the AA Turrets in Mission 11: Hot Pursuit.
In Transit (20 points) | Secure the Control Node powering the turrets in Mission 2: Assault Charge.
Maximum Firepower (20 points) | Upgrade a Control Node to have level 3 turrets (multiplayer or skirmish).
Pest Control (20 points) | Kill 80 Broodlings.
Playing Both Sides (15 points) | Win 8 ranked matches with each faction.
Power Up (20 points) | Secure all 3 power junctions in Mission 8: Reasonable Doubt.
Puppet Master (20 points) | Destroy an enemy unit with one you have Mind-Controlled.
Qualify for Duty (15 points) | Complete the Tutorial.
Reverse Polarity (25 points) | Recalibrate the airfield station in Mission 12: Natural Justice.
Rite of Passage (25 points) | Rescue Eona in Mission 10: Prison Break.
Scrap Metal (20 points) | Destroy 27 Stalkers.
Slice and Dice (15 points) | Use the Spectre's Rapid Slice ability to kill an enemy commander (multiplayer or skirmish).
Spray and Pray (15 points) | Use the Matriarch’s Acid Rain ability.
Telepathic (20 points) | Establish a portal in Mission 3: Double Jeopardy.
The Other Path (25 points) | Complete Act 2 of Story Mode.
The Other Side (25 points) | Complete Act 1 of Story Mode.
Totaled Eclipse (25 points) | Destroy 9 Eclipses.
Ulterior Motives (10 points) | Use the playbook to switch weapons.
Unleashed (15 points) | Use the Rage Smash ability.
Veteran's Affair (40 points) | Win 99 ranked matches.
Winning Streak (25 points) | Win 6 consecutive ranked matches.