Warning: ob_start(): output handler 'ob_gzhandler' conflicts with 'zlib output compression' in /home/cheatd5/public_html/display/singlecheat.php on line 31 WWE SmackDown! Vs. RAW 2007 - Glitch: Enter The Crowd(really!!!) (PlayStation 2)
Just get whoever you are fighting on the comentaters desk and make them break it(using a finisher or something)and they should slide on the floor past the barrier and there you can walk through the crowd. Enjoy!!!
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2. Lilv (Not a Member) [] - 2007-08-07 / 11:25 CET
to get in da growd u go into the growd hotspoot n swing ya opponent to the wall thing where the growd r n u grab a chair n place it diretly at ya opnent then pree grapple button n ya both in da growd