When you start the game, before you load your game, go to Wonder Mail and type in the passwords. (F) is the Female sign, and (M) is the male sign.
Password Effect
F?4N +WT? ?+6N FR?J F?66 85?W Makes Roselia appear as a wild Pokemon in Blue Rescue Team
4??N 22...? ?Q6J H3?(M) 8470 JN?W Makes Mantine appear as a wild Pokemon in Blue Rescue Team
5?2YQW0??T0QJC?(M)FH16WR?W Gives you the Friend Area Sky Blue Plains.
X?7P(F)?+??XP6RJ?QFJC5?W?? Makes Feebas a wild Pokemon in Blue Rescue Team.
??7S 0NF? 4!M1 -2?(...) +MN0 J??Q Weavile Fig Mission
??M4 CJY? 44?P CF?8 7J6R (...)M?1 Unlocks "Remains Island"
??MH CJ(...)? 44?P CF?8 7J6R (...)M?1 Unlocks "Marvelous Sea"
??M1 CJY? 44?P HF?8 7J6R (...)M?1 Unlocks "Fantasy Strait"
??MS CJ(...)? 44?P MF?8 7J6R (...)M?1 Unlocks "Oddity Cave"
??7N 21X? ?Q64 0??Y 8460 ...R?W White Gummi (Tiny Woods B3F Rank D)
F?434?t?429H90?7H56R8K?(f) Porygon appears in the wild
0?05 760? 4WP4 KX?6 -?05 53?- Gives you the Friend Area Mt. Moonview
3?2N 82Y? 4Q83 41?(F) ...65R ...!?W Gives you the Friend Area Boulder Cave.
6?2+(F)40??QN3PC?Q8JO6SY?F Unlocks Mt. Moonview Friend Area
F?J? 690? 4Q6C C!?? 8?66 8Q?(f) Mission to unlock Lapras
461F 0JT? 0+7X (...)Q?H RNN0 J(f)?Q Unlocks Mime Jr. Figurine
O?O9P(M)Y??+73+H?F+?2O4M?W Gives you a job for Thunderwave Cave that unlocks Sky Blue Plains.
???? (...)?X? 4?6? 76?(...) F4?R ???? Client: Dewgong Objective: Find Gloom. Place: Tiny Woods 3F Difficulty: E Reward: Poke
??KF Q?Y? -76? (...)H?! F??R !??? Client: Nincada Objective: Find Lunatone. Place: Mt. Steel 2F Difficulty: E Reward: Heal Seed
??R? K?F? 4?6? 61?(...) F??6 ???? Client: Parasect Objective: Help me. Place: Tiny Woods 2F Difficulty: E Reward: Poke
??KP W?S? 4?6? ?2?W 0?7T 6??? Client: Pinsir Objective: Find a Blast Seed . Place: Near Thunderwave Cave 2F Difficulty: E Reward: Hail Orb
??CF 0?0? 2?N? ?Q?Y F47R K??? Client: Illumise Objective: Find Abra. Place: Mt. Steel 7F Difficulty: E Reward: Wide Slash + ?
??9P P?(...)? 866? RN?M 0?7T 7??? Client: Misdreavus Objective: Find a Blast Seed . Place: Near Thunderwave Cave 2F Difficulty: E Reward: Bulk Up
4?9C 33+? ?M7- !P?X S466 C1?W Silver Gummi(Silent Chasm B5F Rank D)
4?C... -1F? 43NJ MF?... 8J?T -W?W Weather Band + ?(Near Uproar Forest B7F Rank C)
??7Y (f)1+? ?-PQ HC?M S6?0 +Q?W Pecha Scarf(Frosty Forest 8F Rank B)
4?MJ 4PT? 0?7Q HF?9 0470 ?5?K TM Roar(Mt. Thunder 5F Rank C)
F?CN 310? 4QR- PS?0 H67R M0?W TM Torment + ?(Lapis Cave B10F Rank C) |