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| *ASCII Art done by Swicky! Do you think I could made something that good?* |
+----------------+----------------+ +----------------+---------------+
| Game Name:Dragon Ball Z: Budokai| | 012345678901234567890123456789 |
| For the System:Playstation 2 | | ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZABCD |
| Name of FAQ: FAQ/Walkthrough | | ~!@#$%^&*()_+<>?:"{}`,./;'[]| |
| Type of FAQ: FAQ/Walkthrough | | 012345678901234567890123456789 |
| Latest Version: 0.17 | | ~!@#$%^&*()_+<>?:"{}`,./;'[]| |
| Email Address: TestaALT@aol.com | |^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ |
+---------------------------------+ +--------------------------------+
| This FAQ is dedicated to on of the best |
| television shows of all time; Dragon |
| Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Dragon Ball GT and |
| any other Dragon Ball they might of made|
| or are going to make. |
S p a c e T e s t i n g
--------- -------------
ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZABCDEFGHIJ | If the text to the left is lined up
ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZABCDEFGHIJ | correctly, then reading this document
ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZABCDEFGHIJ | will be easy. If it is not then you
ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZABCDEFGHIJ | need into courier new font with a 79
ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZABCDEFGHIJ | character width. The text then should
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ | line up correctly.
S m a l l N o t e s
--------- ---------
This document is best viewed at any pixels. It only has a 79 character width
and therefore can be seen on almost _any_ computer monitor. This is why CJayC
wanted the width to be 79 characters. Another note, if you want to put this
document in a processor so that you don't have to boot on the internet to get
it then I urge you to do so. Just follow the legal disclaimer. And, when you
put it on your computers hard drive, let it be a text processor such as
Notepad. Even though Notepad is normal, it will work. Put on wordwrap and
adjust the width of the window to the end of the line above. This will be 79
characters per line and therefore allow you to view this document at its best
form. Going on to more notes, I would like to state that if you are looking
for a certain thing press "Control" and "F" at the same time. This will bring
up find. From here, type in the thing that you want to find and press find.
It should bring you to where you would like to go. And that about wraps up
the Small Notes section.
Table of Contents
1.00 - What's New
2.00 - Introduction and Abstract
3.00 - Legal Disclaimer/Copyright Notice
4.00 - Basics
4.01 - Overview
4.02 - Controls
5.00 - Characters/Move Lists *NOT COMPLETE*
5.01 - Android #16
5.02 - Android #17
5.03 - Android #18
5.04 - Android #19
5.05 - Captain Ginyu
5.06 - Cell
5.07 - Dodoria
5.08 - Frieza
5.09 - Goku
5.10 - Great Saiyaman
5.11 - Hercule
5.12 - Kid Gohan
5.13 - Krillin
5.14 - Nappa
5.15 - Piccolo
5.16 - Raditz
5.17 - Recoome
5.18 - Teen Gohan
5.19 - Tien
5.20 - Trunks
5.21 - Vegeta
5.22 - Yamcha
5.23 - Zarbon
6.00 - Story Mode Walkthrough
6.01 - Story of Dragon Ball Z
6.02 - Saiyan Saga
6.03 - Goku verse Raditz
6.04 - Holding Raditz
6.05 - Goku verse Nappa
6.06 - Goku verse Vegeta
6.07 - Gohan verse Vegeta
6.08 - Spaceship
6.09 - Training: Deflecting Ki Blasts
6.10 - Training: Burst Mode?
6.11 - Training: Kill!
6.12 - Namek Sage, Ginyu Force
6.13 - Goku verse Recoome
6.14 - Goku verse Ginyu
6.15 - Ginyu verse Goku
6.16 - Namek Saga, Frieza
6.17 - Goku verse Frieza
6.18 - Super Saiyan Goku verse Frieza
6.19 - Android Saga
6.20 - Goku verse Android #19
6.21 - Piccolo verse Android #18
6.22 - Piccolo verse Imperfect Cell
6.23 - The Cell Games!
6.24 - Goku verse Perfect Cell
6.25 - Gohan verse Perfect Cell
6.26 - Gohan verse 7 Cell Juniors
6.27 - Gohan verse Perfect Cell
6.28 - More Story Mode; A mutually deadly foe
6.29 - Piccolo verse Raditz
6.30 - Holding Raditz
6.31 - More Story Mode; Saiyan Attack!
6.32 - Piccolo verse 6 saibermen
6.33 - Piccolo verse Nappa
6.34 - More Story Mode; Vegeta, Saiyan Prince
6.35 - Vegeta verse Goku
6.36 - Vegeta verse Krillin
6.37 - Vegeta verse Gohan
6.38 - More Story Mode; Vegeta's Attack
6.39 - Vegeta verse Zarbon
6.40 - Vegeta verse Recoome
6.41 - More Story Mode; The road to Super Saiyan
6.42 - Vegeta verse Frieza
6.43 - More Story Mode; Frieza? Or Vegeta?
6.44 - Vegeta verse Frieza
6.45 - More Story Mode; Raging Frieza
6.46 - Frieza verse Gohan
6.47 - Frieza verse Piccolo
6.48 - Frieza verse Vegeta
6.49 - More Story Mode; The True Ruler
6.50 - Frieza verse Goku
6.51 - More Story Mode; Super Saiyan Vegeta
6.52 - Vegeta verse Android #19
6.53 - Vegeta verse #18
6.54 - More Story Mode; Vegeta's Confidence
6.55 - Vegeta verse Cell
6.56 - More Story Mode; Perfect Form Cell Complete!
6.57 - Vegeta verse Cell
6.58 - More Story Mode; Aim for perfect form!
6.59 - Cell verse #16
6.60 - Cell verse Krillin
6.61 - More Story Mode; A Cold Blooded Assassin
6.62 - Cell verse Yamcha
7.00 - Duel Mode
8.00 - World Tournament
8.01 - Novice Mode
8.02 - Adept Mode
8.03 - Advanced
9.00 - Edit Skills
9.01 - Edit Skills Help
9.02 - The Dragon Balls
10.00 - Practice
11.00 - Options
12.00 - Legend of Hercule
12.01 - Match #1: Yamcha
12.02 - Match #2: Tien
12.03 - Match #3: Krillin
12.04 - Match #4: Android #16
12.05 - Match #5: Trunks
12.06 - Match #6: Vegeta
12.07 - Match #7: Piccolo
12.08 - Match #8: Five Cell Juniors
12.09 - Match #9: Super Saiyan Goku
12.10 - Match #10: Super Saiyan 2 Gohan
12.11 - Match #11: Cell
13.00 - Capsule List
13.01 - Android #16's Capsules
13.02 - Android #17's Capsules
13.03 - Android #18's Capsules
13.04 - Android #19's Capsules
13.05 - Captain Ginyu's Capsules
13.06 - Cell's Capsules
13.07 - Dodoria's Capsules
13.08 - Frieza's Capsules
13.09 - Goku's Capsules
13.10 - Great Saiyaman's Capsules
13.11 - Hercule's Capsules
13.12 - Kid Gohan's Capsules
13.13 - Krillin's Capsules
13.14 - Nappa's Capsules
13.15 - Piccolo's Capsules
13.16 - Raditz's Capsules
13.17 - Recoome's Capsules
13.18 - Teen Gohan's Capsules
13.19 - Tien's Capsules
13.20 - Trunks's Capsules
13.21 - Vegeta's Capsules
13.22 - Yamcha's Capsules
13.23 - Zarbon's Capsules
13.24 - Other Capsules
14.00 - Secrets/Extras
15.00 - Gameshark Codes
16.00 - Frequently Asked Questions
17.00 - Contact Me
18.00 - Acknowledgements
19.00 - Last Words
19.01 - About the Author
19.02 - Conclusion
| Press Control + F and type in the | Best Viewed at 1024 by 768 pixels. |
| number of the section to automati- +------------------------------------+
| cally go to it. This will allow | Document made in Win32pad with no |
| less scrolling and more information | margin settings. Best put in any |
| for you to know! | text processor. No Word processors.|
1.00 -> -> -> What's New
| L A T E S T V E R S I O N |
| Version Number: 0.16 |
| Date: 1/16/03 |
| Details: Did a number of things... The guide is now over 300KB... |
| P A S T V E R S I O N S |
| Version Number: 0.15 |
| Date: 1/15/03 |
| Details: Another day of school and work. Did some strategies for the more |
| story mode section. Going to do some more now... |
| Version Number: 0.14 |
| Date: 1/14/03 (Later that day) |
| Details: I am now working on the Story more Completion fights. There are |
| a lot of them. I already knew but I didn't want to put that in the FAQ. It |
| would make it asininingly incomplete. Well, I need to work on them... |
| Version Number: 0.13 |
| Date: 1/14/03 (Earlier that day) |
| Details: I did a little of everything; more F.A.Q.'s and more secrets. But |
| the big thing about this version is a did the Dragon Ball section. It took |
| about 10 minutes so... -_- |
| Version Number: 0.12 |
| Date: 1/12/03 |
| Details: Finally, it got posted. I was jumping up and down for like 10 min-|
| utes. Anyways, in this update I added some more secrets in the game, more |
| frequently asked questions, and more capsules. See the other capsules sec- |
| tion for more detail. I am going to do more in a bit. Hang in there! |
| Version Number: 0.11 |
| Date: 1/11/03 |
| Details: Did descriptions for the capsules and changed the format of the |
| capsule list. Having the '->' and the effect and such. It is coming along |
| great and I hope to get more done later. Did all capsules! This is new! I |
| just copy+pasted it to the moves so now the guide is 222KB in length. Going|
| to submit it because it is well over the first version criteria. |
Version Number: 0.10
Date: 1/10/03
Details: Did about 7 more character descriptions. Going to do more later.
Version Number: 0.09
Date: 01/09/03 (2:24 PM)
Details: Did the Hercule character strategies for every character. Then I did
more F.A.Q's. Then Chad AIMed me and I stopped working for a while.
Version Number: 0.08
Date: 01/05/03
Details: I did the practice and edit skills section. Then I got tired and
decided to go to sleep for the time being. I have to go to school on day 6
so my updates will be slower.
Version Number: 0.07
Date: 01/04/03
Details: Did the introduction. Did the Gameshark codes. And I did some more
_stuff_. Tired of these versions... Almost done...
Version Number: 0.06
Date: 01/03/03
Details: Got everything into place meaning I put it together. Then did a
couple FAQ sections like the contact me and credits. Went and talked to BTB
and got majory side tracked.
Version Number: 0.05
Date: 01/02/03
Details: Did some more of everything... Meaning fixed story mode and proofread
my own work. Then did the tournament section.
Version Number: 0.04
Date: 12/31/02
Details: Did a couple characters desciptions in the character section. Added
my not-accepted Piccolo FAQ to the character Piccolo.
Version Number: 0.03
Date: 12/30/02
Details: Did the entire walkthrough for story mode!!!
Version Number: 0.02
Date: 12/28/02
Details: Dropped the original format and got another. Did the FAQ up to Cell.
Version Number: 0.01
Date: 12/27/02
Details: Started the FAQ. Made the walkthrough up to Nappa.
Version Number: 0.099
Date: 12/26/02
Details: Made a Piccolo character guide that did not get accepted. This will
be put into my full walkthrough that I am going to make.
Version Number: 0.001
Date: 12/25/02
Details: Got the game for Christmas from my family. Decided to make a Walk-
through on it because no walkthrough had a complete story mode walkthrough.
Did not do any work because it was Christmas.
2.00 -> -> -> Introduction and Abstract
Welcome all to my ninth FAQ posted on GameFAQs.com. This one happens to be the
first one for the Sony Playstation 2 hence the fact that my one for All-Star
Baseball 2003 is for the Gamecube though it shouldn't be. I will try to make
this FAQ the best I can meaning having it be comprehesive and to the point.
The information will hopefully be acccurate and detailed. I will try to live
up to this even if I have already wrote it and am writing this last. ^_^
For the record, if you are reading this FAQ/Walkthrough you should know that
it is for one of the greatest television shows of all time, Most likely a
greatest hits game, and the best fighting game since Tekken ruled the earth.
This FAQ/Walkthrough is for Dragon Ball Z: Budokai. Though I do not know what
the term 'Budokai' means, I know that anything with Dragon Ball Z in it has to
be a great game. And this game does not fall far from it! This game is very
good. Even when it rips off almost every fighting game with there ideas, it
still shines in my heart as 'that fighting game'. It might not ever be as
great as Tekken but it comes close!
People enjoy this game as much as Dragon Ball Z Legends and Final Bout. It
is very good. It follows the story to the Cell games and is accurate. You
might find mistakes if you are like me and a Dragon Ball Z junkie but the
story is pretty accurate to be blunt. This is most likely my favorite Dragon
Ball Z game because it is fun and follows the story. It also boasts 60 unique
moves. The characters are details and the voice acting might not be what it
should be but it comes close. For people like me, the voice acting is irrata-
ting hence the fact that is it not the characters in the television show. None
the less, it is still solid for any person who doesn't tone in on the voice
like I do.
For those who do not know already, Dragon Ball Z is a very successfull tele-
vision show that has changed the life of many. My life revolved around Dragon
Ball Z when the episodes were new and I still watch the repeats over and over
when I have a chance. Dragon Ball Z, I believe started in 1987 and in Japan.
It turned out to be a very good success there and they decided to have it in
the United States. Well, when it came here it was happy day for all the people
who have been waiting and hearing about the best Television show of all time.
When it arrived, it lived up to its greatness.
Dragon Ball Z: Budokai, is far by the best Dragon Ball Z game ever made. It
might rip off other games as I stated earlier but it follows the story very
well, has the character moves, and has almost every character playable. I like
this game because of all of those facts. If someone is reading this right now
who does not have this game I urge them to go out and at least rent it. If you
have played any fighting games then it at least deserves a good rent. The game
did take two years to make, don't you know.
This is one of the longest introductions I have created in my time of writing
FAQs but I had so much to say about the game that I couldn't resist delving
a bit. If you have anything to change in this FAQ because it is unaccurate,
Or if you have something to add that I couldn't cover, please email me at
you fancy and I will put it in. You will also get completely credited. With
that said, onward!
-Andrew Testa (TestaALT[at]aol[dot]com)
3.00 -> -> -> Legal Disclaimer/Copyright Notice
| I N S H O R T |
|You know the drill. This document is copyrighted by me and cannot be |
|reproduced in anyway without the complete consultant of me. My name |
|is Andrew Testa and my mom is a attorney at law. |
| W E B S I T E S |
|The ONLY website this document can be hosted at is currently GameFAQs.com. |
|If you think this FAQ/Walkthrough is really good and you want to post it on |
|your site then email me. If I tell you you can then go for it. If I tell you|
|you can't then you can't. If you see this document anywhere on the Web |
|besides GameFAQs.com then please tell me. I will be very greatfull! |
| U S A G E |
|This FAQ/Walkthrough is for personnal usage ONLY. You must not use |
|this FAQ/Walkthrough for profitable purposes either. If you want to |
|use parts of this walkthrough, please, contact me before you do for my |
|approval. |
| O T H E R |
|You can't put this guide on your NON-PROFITABLE or NON-COMMERCIAL |
|website either. Also, don't alter or change this document in ANY way, |
|shape, or form. All I am trying to say is don't use this guide for |
|ANYTHING before you contact me. So, please don't plagiarize. Thank You |
|everyone for following these guidelines. |
| M A G A Z I N E S |
|I also exclude ANY magazine to use this guide and the same rules apply for |
|them. |
| C O P Y R I G H T N O T I C E |
| This file is Copyright (c) 2002 Andrew Testa. All rights reserved. |
| B E F O R E Y O U R E A D |
| I know that I might be a little harsh but I have seen people "rip off" |
| guides before and do not want it to happen to me. With that said I have |
| just one more little thing to say: |
| D O Y O U W A N T T O U S E T H I S L E G A L D I S C L A I M E R ? |
| ---------------------------------------------------------------------------|
|One might think that this legal disclaimer is enormus and want to use it for|
|there great guides. To do so, you must e-mail me beforehand. If you do not |
|then I am sorry to say that that is considered plagirism and you will be |
|punished. |
This sentence ends this small legal disclaimer.
4.00 -> -> -> Basics
This section will cover the basics of the game hence the name.
4.01 -> -> -> Overview
Health Gauge: The green bar in the upper corner right next to the fighters
picture. When you hit the opponent, that goes down. When it goes past 3 bars
the opponent has lost.
Ki Gauge: Located under the health gauge, this is yellow. This controls your
moves. So if you do a move that costs 1 ki it will go down 1 ki. When you have
no ki the move will not work. You can shoot ki blasts with circle. The ki
gauge will deplenish when you get hit and it will replenish when you hit the
Time: The thing bewteen the life gauges is the time. It will tell you how much
fighting time you have left if it is on.
Capsules: This will tell which capsules you and the opponent have.
For the game modes, look at the game modes section.
4.02 -> -> -> Controls
| G = X button |
| P = Square Button |
| K = Triangle Button |
| E = Circle Button |
| L1 = N/A |
| L2 = N/A |
| R1 = Punch + Kick |
| R2 = Punch + Guard |
| G = Guard |
| P = Punch |
| K = Kick |
| E = Ki Blast |
| R = Right |
| L = Left |
This allows you to block your opponents attacks. It is very usefull in just
about every battle. Use it when the opponent decides to go on a killing
streak to avoid damage. It is that simple.
This is self explanitory to many people. This allows you to punch your
opponents. When you punch them there health bar goes down. You can make
juggles to make this a pretty big attack.
This is exactly like Punch except you kick your opponent. The player you
control puts his foot up in the air and kicks. When you kick your opponent
your health bar goes down. You can add this up with juggles to make a pretty
big attack.
Ki Blast
In Dragon Ball Z, the players have ki blasts. These are energy blasts that
hurt there opponents. This is exactly in the game. The ki blast homes in on
the opponent so do not worry about aiming. It is a blast that hurts the
Move your character right.
Move your character left.
5.00 -> -> -> Characters/Move Lists
5.01 -> -> -> Android #16
Android #16 is a Android. He has red orange hair and wears a suit that is
green. It has the Red Ribbon Logo on the side. He is very strong and somewhat
fast. He dies during the cell games because he tries to self-destruct himself
with Cell. This does not work because Bulma took that part out when fixing
him. He dies but his death is not in vain as Gohan beat Cell and saves the
earth. Android #16 was meant to destroy Goku. He was the perfect machine for
doing so. In the end, Android #16 is a 'good guy' as so to speak. He is very
quiet and only talks when talking too.
Move List:
Skill Name -> Rocket Punch
Effect -> Can Launch Death-Move Rocket Punch (Only #16 can use)
Usage -> E Button after P P LP P
-------> E Button after RP P P
-------> E Button after RK P P LP
(1 ki gauge used)
Skill Name -> Hell Flash
Effect -> Can Launch Ultimate-Move Hell Flash (Only #16 can use)
Usage -> E Button after RP RP P
(1 ki gauge used)
Skill Name -> Devil Crush
Effect -> Can attack while chasing opponent (Only #16 can use)
Usage -> E Button after P P K
Skill Name -> Killing Neck Throw
Effect -> Can grab and throw opponent (only #16 can use)
Usage -> P + G When near a opponent
(Ki gauge does not decrease)
Skill Name -> Finishing SplashSkill
Effect -> Attack opponent with oppressive force (only #16 can use)
Usage -> E Button after RK K K K
(3 Ki gauge used)
5.02 -> -> -> Android #17
Android #17 is the male that has long black hair. He wears regular jeans and a
black shirt. He dies during the Cell absorb and lives in Cell's body. Cell
dies by Gohan's kamehameha blast later in the Android saga. All of the
Androids were created by Dr. Gero, of the Red Ribbon army. All of these An-
droids were meant to destroy the earth but we all know that Dr. Gero wanted to
destroy his arch nemesis, Goku. As of it, Gero slaves away and makes 20 An-
droids, 1 being himself. Only 4 of these are in the game as playable charac-
ters to my knowledge. And that concludes the dscription and history of Android
Move List:
Skill Name -> Power Blitz
Effect -> Can Launch Death-Move Power Blitz (Only #17 can use)
Usage -> E Button after P P P P
-------> E Button after RK P P P
(1 ki gauge used)
Skill Name -> Energy Field
Effect -> Can Launch Death-Move Energy Field (Only #17 can use)
Usage -> E Button after P RP P
-------> E Button after RP P P K
(1 ki gauge used)
Skill Name -> Power Strike
Effect -> Can attack while chasing opponent (Only #17 can use)
Usage -> E Button after RP P P P
(2 ki gauge used)
Skill Name -> Power Falling Star
Effect -> Can repeatedly fire Ki Blast Wave (Only #17 can use)
Usage -> E Button after RP P P P
(2 Ki gauges used)
Skill Name -> Buster Swing
Effect -> Can grab and throw opponent (Only #17 can use)
Usage -> P + G When near a opponent
(Ki gauge does not decrease)
5.03 -> -> -> Android #18
Android #18 is the male that has long blonde hair. He wears very black pants &
a blue shirt. He dies during the Cell absorb and lives in Cell's body. Cell
dies by Gohan's kamehameha blast later in the Android saga. Luckily, she gets
barfed out of Cell's body beforehand thus having her not die!!! All of the
Androids were created by Dr. Gero, of the Red Ribbon army. All of these An-
droids were meant to destroy the earth but we all know that Dr. Gero wanted to
destroy his arch nemesis, Goku. As of it, Gero slaves away and makes 20 An-
droids, 1 being himself. Only 4 of these are in the game as playable charac-
ters to my knowledge. And that concludes the dscription and history of Android
Move List:
Skill Name -> Power Blitz
Effect -> Can Launch Death-Move Power Blitz (Only #18 can use)
Usage -> E Button after P P P P
-------> E Button after RK P P P
(1 ki gauge used)
Skill Name -> Energy Field
Effect -> Can Launch Death-Move Energy Field (Only #18 can use)
Usage ->E Button after P RP P
-------> E Button after RP P P K
(1 ki gauge used)
Skill Name -> Power Strike
Effect -> Can attack while chasing opponent (Only #18 can use)
Usage -> E Button after RP P P P
(2 ki gauge used)
Skill Name -> Power Falling Star
Effect -> Can repeatedly fire Ki Blast Wave (Only #18 can use)
Usage -> E Button after RP P P P
(2 Ki gauges used)
Skill Name -> Buster Swing
Effect -> Can grab and throw opponent (only #18 can use)
Usage -> P + G When near a opponent
(Ki gauge does not decrease)
5.04 -> -> -> Android #19
Android #19 has a pretty short history. He is created by Dr. Gero and is one
of the weakest Androids. He gets killed by Vegeta's fatal blast. He is very
weak and doesn't have very good attacks. What made him defeat Goku was the
fact that Goku had a disease and that the Android had a suck energy ability in
which Goku had never seen before. The physical appearence on the android is he
wears shirt and pants that makes him look like a clown. He has a hat that is
pointy and has R R on it. This stands for red ribbon. He is one of 20 androids
made to destroy the world. And that concludes the description of this Android!
Move List:
Skill Name -> Photon Shot
Effect -> Can Launch Death-Move Photon Shot (Only #19 can use)
Usage -> E Button after P P P P
-------> E Button after P RP P
-------> E Button after RK P P P
(1 Ki gauge used)
Skill Name -> Life Drain
Effect -> Can Launch Ultimate-Move Life Drain (Only #19 can use)
Usage -> E Button after K K LK
(3 Ki gauge used)
Skill Name -> Power Break
Effect -> Can attack while chasing opponent (Only #19 can use)
Usage -> E Button after K K RK K
(1 Ki gauge used)
Skill Name -> Rolling Crush
Effect -> Can grab and throw opponent (only #19 can use)
Usage -> P + G When near a opponent
(Ki gauge does not decrease)
Skill Name -> Cybernetic Pain
Effect -> Attack opponent with oppressive force (only #19 can use)
Usage -> E Button after RP P P P
(3 Ki gauge used)
5.05 -> -> -> Captain Ginyu
One might ask why I laugh when I see the Ginyu Force. The reason why is be-
cause of the fact that they are weak and have very stupid moves. They also
pose like idiots. Anyways, the captain of this force named Captained Ginyu
is a purple, alien type person. He wears regular armor for a fighter and he
has the scouter on his left eye. He gets killed when fighting Goku. What hap-
pens is he knows he is weaker then Goku so he body switches. Then he dies of
Ginyu which is really Goku's Punch. Luckily, he body switches back so Goku
isn't stuck in his body.
Move List:
Skill Name -> Milky Cannon
Effect -> Can Launch Death-Move Milky Cannon (Only Ginyu can use)
Usage -> E Button after P P P P
-------> E Button after P RP P
-------> E Button after RK P P P
(1 Ki gauge used)
Skill Name -> Body Change
Effect -> Can Launch Ultimate-Move Body Change (only Ginyu can use)
Usage -> E Button after RP P P K
(3 Ki gauge used)
Skill Name -> Special Fighting Pose 1
Effect -> Attack Posing, Attack Power increased by 3 stages (only Ginyu can
Usage -> E Button after P P K K K
-------> E Button after K K LK
(Ki gauge does nto decrease)
Skill Name -> Special Fighting Pose 2
Effect -> Attack Posing, Attack Power increased by 3 stages (only Ginyu can
Usage -> E Button after P P K RK
-------> E Button after K K K K
(Ki gauge does nto decrease)
Skill Name -> Processed Power Crush
Effect -> Can attack while chasing opponent (only Ginyu can use)
Usage -> E Button after K K RK K
(1 Ki gauge used)
Skill Name -> Parmesan Shower
Effect -> Can repeatedly fire Ki Blast Wave (only Ginyu can use)
Usage -> E Button after RP P P P
(2 Ki gauge used)
Skill Name -> Ginyu Strike
Effect -> Can grab and throw opponent (only Ginyu can use)
Usage -> P + G When near a opponent
(Ki gauge does not decrease)
Skill Name -> Ginyu Special
Effect -> Can Attack Opponents with oppressive force (only Ginyu can use)
Usage -> E Button after RK K K
(3 Ki gauges used)
5.06 -> -> -> Cell
Cell is the ultimate creation of Dr. Gero. He was meant to destroy earth. He
has to absorb the androids to become the ultimate creation. He absorbs them
but still gets the **** beaten out of him by Gohan. He then barfs out #18 and
from that point is very weak. He tries to self-destruct but Goku sends him to
another planet. Unlucky for the Z-Fighters, he regenerates. Gohan and Cell
then do a classic Kamehameha duel and Gohan wins. He destroys all of Cell's
Cells so he will not come back. He looks like an Alien in all of his forms but
his best looking form is his last because he looks like he is on top of
things. That is all for Cell!
Move List:
Skill Name -> Second Form
Effect -> Can become Second Form (only Cell can use)
Usage -> P + K + G
With 3 or more Ki gauge (no ki used in transformation)
Skill Name -> Perfect Form
Effect ->Can become Second Form (only Cell can use)
Usage -> P + K + G
With 4 or more Ki gauge (requires second form)
Skill Name -> Perfect Form (Power-Weighted)
Effect -> Can become power-weighted Perfect Form (only Cell can use)
Usage -> P + K + G
With 5 or more Ki gauge (requires second form)
Skill Name -> Kamehameha
Effect -> Can Launch Death-Move Kamehameha (only Cell can use)
Usage -> E Button after P P P P
-------> E Button after RP RP P P
-------> E Button after RK P P LP
(1 ki gauge used)
Skill Name -> Spirit Bomb
Effect -> Can Launch Ultimate-Move Spirit Bomb (only Cell can use)
Usage -> E button after RP RP P P K after perfect form
(3 ki gauge used)
Skill Name -> Ultimate Attack
Effect -> Can Attack Opponents with oppressive force (only Cell can use)
Usage -> E button after P P K
Skill Name -> Negative Power Rain
Effect -> Can repeatedly fire Ki Blast Wave (only Cell can use)
Usage -> E button after K K K RK
(2 ki gauge used)
Skill Name -> Lasso
Effect -> Can grab and throw opponent (only Cell can use)
Usage -> P + G When near opponent
(Ki gauge does not decrease)
Skill Name -> Cybernetic Radar
Effect -> Can Attack Opponents with oppressive force (only Cell can use)
Usage -> E button after RK K K
(Uses 3 ki gauge)
5.07 -> -> -> Dodoria
Dodoria really is not a big character in this game. He is pink and gets man-
slaughtered by Vegeta in the Namek Saga. He is actually pretty strong for be-
ing considered a alien. I really do not know why he is a playable character as
he is not very big in this game at all. Some people like him and some people
don't. But that is besides the point. Dodoria is pink and pretty overweight.
He is one of Frieza's best lackey's or villians to be blunt. I never play as
him in this game because of the fact that he has a lot of surface area to be
hit. I would not choose him but I am sure he has his ups as well as his downs.
Move List:
Skill Name -> Dodoria Beam
Effect -> Can Launch Death-Move Dodoria Beam (only Dodoria can use)
Usage -> E Button after P P P P
-------> E Button after P RP P
-------> E Button after RK P P P
(1 ki gauge used)
Skill Name -> Dodoria Ultra Spike
Effect -> Can attack while chasing opponent (only Dodoria can use)
Usage -> E Button after K K RK K
(1 Ki gauge used)
Skill Name -> Dodoria Big Blaster
Effect -> Can repeatedly fire Ki Blast Wave (only Dodoria can use)
Usage -> E Button after RP P P P
(2 Ki gauge used)
Skill Name -> Dodoria Typhoon
Effect -> Can grab and throw opponent (only Dodoria can use)
Usage -> P + G When near a opponent
(Ki gauge does not decrease)
5.08 -> -> -> Frieza
Frieza is one of the best villians of all time in this game. He is a male.
That is a common mistake that most people have because he talks ur... lack of
a better word, "Girlish". Don't let that full you though, he is one of the
toughest villians in the game. When powered up, he matches Goku. Anyways,
Frieza dies at Goku's ki blast when Frieza tries to kill Goku. That is not
exactly right although a lot of people think think so. Frieza does not die
while he gets almost killed by Goku. Instead, when Frieza and his Dad come to
earth Trunks kills Frieza and his Dad by his swift blade. Now that Frieza's
history is over with lets go on to his physical appearence. Frieza has many
forms which he is different in all of them. The most that people know him in
is his final form which is the only playable form besides going percent. He
is white and purple in some places. His face is round as of his body but that
is because of strength. Frieza is a good character that if equipped right can
be the best character in the game!
Move List:
Skill Name -> Final Form
Effect -> Can become Final Form (only Frieza can use)
Usage ->P + K + G With 4 or more Ki in gauge
(No ki in transformation)
Skill Name -> 100% Final Form
Effect -> Can become 100% Final Form (only Frieza can use)
Usage ->P + K + G With 5 or more Ki in gauge
(No ki in transformation)
Skill Name -> Death Beam
Effect -> Can Launch Death-Move Death Beam (only Frieza can use)
Usage -> E Button after P P P P
-------> E Button after P RP P
-------> E Button after RK P P P
(1 Ki gauge used)
Skill Name -> Death Ball
Effect -> Can Launch Ultimate-Move Death Ball (only Frieza can use)
Usage -> E Button after RP P P K
(3 Ki gauge used)
Skill Name -> Frieza Nightmare
Effect -> Can attack while chasing opponent (only Frieza can use)
Usage -> E Button after K K RK K
(1 Ki gauge used)
Skill Name -> Killer Ball
Effect -> Can repeatedly fire Ki Blast Wave (only Frieza can use)
Usage -> E Button after RP P P P
(2 Ki gauge used)
Skill Name -> Meteor Crash
Effect -> Can grab and throw opponent (only Frieza can use)
Usage -> P + G When near a opponent
(Ki gauge does not decrease)
Skill Name -> Evil Dance
Effect -> Can Attack Opponents with oppressive force (only Frieza can use)
Usage -> E Button after RK K K
(3 Ki gauge used)
5.09 -> -> -> Goku
Move List:
Skill Name -> King Kai Fist X2
Effect -> Can transform into King Kai Fist X2 (only Goku can use)
Usage ->P + K + G With 2 or more Ki in gauge
(No ki in transformation)
Skill Name -> King Kai Fist X5
Effect -> Can transform into King Kai Fist X5 (only Goku can use)
Usage ->P + K + G With 3 or more Ki in gauge
(No ki in transformation)
Skill Name -> King Kai Fist X10
Effect -> Can transform into King Kai Fist X10 (only Goku can use)
Usage ->P + K + G With 4 or more Ki in gauge
(No ki in transformation)
Skill Name -> Super Saiyan
Effect -> Can transform into Super Saiyan (Only Goku can use)
Usage ->P + K + G With 5 or more Ki in gauge
(No ki in transformation)
Skill Name -> Kamehameha
Effect -> Can Launch Death-Move Kamehameha (only Goku can use)
Usage -> E Button after P P P P
-------> E Button after P RP P
-------> E Button after RK P P P
(1 Ki gauge used)
Skill Name -> Warp Kamehameha
Effect -> Can Launch Ultimate-Move Warp Kamehameha (only Goku can use)
Usage -> E Button after P P K K
(2 Ki gauge used)
Skill Name -> Spirit Bomb
Effect -> Can Launch Ultimate-Move Spirit Bomb (only Goku can use)
Usage -> E Button after RP P P K (When in King Kai Form)
(3 Ki gauge used)
Skill Name -> Zanku Fist
Effect -> Can attack while chasing opponent (only Goku can use)
Usage -> E Button after K K RK K
(1 Ki gauge used)
Skill Name -> Continuos Kamehameha
Effect -> Can repeatedly fire Ki Blast Wave (only Goku can use)
Usage -> E Button after RP P P P
(2 Ki gauge used)
Skill Name -> Dragonthrow
Effect -> Can grab and throw opponent (only Goku can use)
Usage -> P + G When near a opponent
(Ki gauge does not decrease)
Skill Name -> Super Dragon Fist
Effect -> Can Attack Opponents with oppressive force (only Goku can use)
Usage -> E Button after RK K K
(3 Ki gauge used)
5.10 -> -> -> Great Saiyaman
Move List:
Skill Name -> Justice Punch
Effect -> Can Launch Death-Move Justice Punch (only Great Saiyaman can use)
Usage -> E Button after P P P P
-------> E Button after RK P P P
(1 Ki gauge used)
Skill Name -> Justice Kick
Effect -> Can Launch Death-Move Justice Kick (only Great Saiyaman can use)
Usage -> E Button after P P K K
-------> E Button after K K RK RK
(1 Ki gauge used)
Skill Name -> Justice Finisher
Effect -> Can attack while chasing opponent (only Great Saiyaman can use)
Usage -> E Button after K K RK K
(2 Ki gauge used)
Skill Name -> Justice Flash
Effect -> Can repeatedly fire Ki Blast Wave (only Great Saiyaman can use)
Usage -> E Button after RP P P P
(2 Ki gauge used)
Skill Name -> Justice Dynamite
Effect -> Can grab and throw opponent (only Great Saiyaman can use)
Usage -> P + G When near a opponent
(Ki gauge does not decrease)
Skill Name -> Justice Carnival
Effect -> Can Attack Opponents with oppressive force (only Great Saiyaman can
Usage -> E Button after RK K K
(3 Ki gauge used)
5.11 -> -> -> Hercule
Move List:
Skill Name -> High Tension
Effect -> Can become High Tension (only Hercule can use)
Usage ->P + K + G With 4 or more Ki in gauge
(No ki in transformation)
Skill Name -> Dynamite Kick
Effect -> Can Launch Death-Move Dynamite Kick (only Hercule can use)
Usage -> E Button after P P P P
-------> E Button after RP P P P
-------> E Button after RP P P K
(1 Ki gauge used)
Skill Name -> Hercule Special
Effect -> Can Launch Ultimate-Move Hercule Special (only Hercule can use)
Usage -> E Button after RK P P P When in High Tension
(2 Ki gauge used)
Skill Name -> Present for you
Effect -> Can Launch Ultimate-Move Present for you (only Hercule can use)
Usage -> E Button after K K RK RK
(3 Ki gauge used)
Skill Name -> Hercule Critical Attack
Effect -> Can attack while chasing opponent (only Hercule can use)
Usage -> E Button after RP P P
(1 Ki gauge used)
Skill Name -> Hercule Miracle Bomb
Effect -> Can grab and throw opponent (only Hercule can use)
Usage -> P + G When near a opponent
(Ki gauge does not decrease)
Skill Name -> Hercule Ultra Dynamite
Effect -> Can Attack Opponents with oppressive force (only Hercule can use)
Usage -> E Button after RK K K
(3 Ki gauge used)
5.12 -> -> -> Kid Gohan
Move List:
Skill Name -> Unlock Potential
Effect -> Can unlock Hidden Potential (only Kid Gohan can use)
Usage ->P + K + G With 3 or more Ki in gauge
(No ki in transformation)
Skill Name -> Masenko
Effect -> Can Launch Death-Move Masenko (only Kid Gohan can use)
Usage -> E Button after K K RK K
-------> E Button after RP P RP P
(1 Ki gauge used)
Skill Name -> Kamehameha
Effect -> Can Launch Death-Move Kamehameha (only Kid Gohan can use)
Usage -> E Button after P P P P
-------> E Button after P P RP P
(1 Ki gauge used)
Skill Name -> Killquick
Effect -> Can attack while chasing opponent (only Kid Gohan can use)
Usage -> E Button after RP P K K
(1 Ki gauge used)
Skill Name -> Continuous Ki Blast Wave
Effect -> Can repeatedly fire Ki Blast Wave (only Kid Gohan can use)
Usage -> E Button after P P K K
(2 Ki gauge used)
Skill Name -> Hurricane Kick
Effect -> Can grab and throw opponent (only Kid Gohan can use)
Usage -> P + G When near a opponent
(Ki gauge does not decrease)
Favorite Custom:
unlock potential
continous ki blasts wave
continous ki blasts wave
1/3 sensu bean
mix blood power
5.13 -> -> -> Krillin
Krillin (Which is spelt that way; other guides have it wrong) is a huge part
of Dragon Ball Z. He was known in Dragon Ball as the little blad guy that has
the power. In Dragon Ball Z, he was know as a threat but not by much. Anyways,
his story is he grew up with his best friend Goku. They trained under master
Roshi's aid and became very strong. They compete in the martial arts tourna-
ment and Goku wins, obviously, because he is stronger. Anyways, the story goes
on until Krillin almost gets killed by Nappa. He then watches the furious
battles that Goku has and when Goku beats Vegeta, he [Krillin] almost kills
Vegeta but Goku says that he doesn't want anyone to sink to Vegeta's level.
Vegeta then utters that there are Dragon ball's on the planet Namek and Kril-
lin and the gang go there. Once they get there they find out about Frieza and
such and the struggle for the Dragon Ball's rages on. Finally, Goku comes and
absolutely annilhates the Ginyu force. Then, while facing Frieza Krillin dies.
But his death is not in vain as Goku destroys Frieza. later on in the series
everyone gets there life back and they happy again. Only to be disrupted by
Frieza's arrival on the planet earth. Before anyone can take a crack at Frieza
and his Dad Trunks comes and destroys them. Then they find out about the
Androids and Cell and Krillin gets a crush on Android #18. He even sacrifices
the earth to save #18. It doesn't really matter though, as Gohan beats the
snot out of Cell (or so it seems).
Move List:
Skill Name -> Unlock Potential
Effect -> Can unlock Hidden Potential (only Krillin can use)
Usage ->P + K + G With 3 or more Ki in gauge
(No ki in transformation)
Skill Name -> Kamehameha
Effect -> Can Launch Death-Move Kamehameha (only Krillin can use)
Usage -> E Button after P P P P
-------> E Button after P P LP P
-------> E Button after RP P RP P
(1 Ki gauge used)
Skill Name -> Destructo Disk
Effect -> Can Launch Ultimate-Move Destructo Disk (only Krillin can use)
Usage -> E Button after K K RK K When Potential unlocked
(2 Ki gauge used)
Skill Name -> Zanku Fist
Effect -> Can attack while chasing opponent (only Krillin can use)
Usage -> E Button after RP P K K
(1 Ki gauge used)
Skill Name -> Jackhammer
Effect -> Can grab and throw opponent (only Krillin can use)
Usage -> P + G When near a opponent
(Ki gauge does not decrease)
Skill Name -> Berserk Fist
Effect -> Can Attack Opponents with oppressive force (only Krillin can use)
Usage -> E Button after RP P P P
(3 Ki gauge used)
5.14 -> -> -> Nappa
Nappa has a pretty short lifespan in Dragon Ball Z. When fighting Goku, he
gets severly beaten up. We are talking beaten the **** out of. After Goku
takes care of him, he leaves a little life left so he can live. Then Vegeta
walks in and throws Nappa up in the air. Then he sends a hruling blast at him
that brings him to his death. Vegeta says that he has died a warriors death
but we all know the reason why he killed him was because he failed. Anyways,
Nappa has killed many of the Z-Fighters anyways. Now lets go onto the physical
appearence of Nappa. Nappa is bald. He is very musculer. Very musculer. This
brings me to why Goku and such arn't. They are way stronger then Nappa.
Anyways, Nappa wears a saiyans vest and has his tailed rapped around himself.
He also has saiyan pants. And that wraps up the biography for Nappa!
Move List:
Skill Name -> Break Cannon
Effect -> Can Launch Death-Move Break Cannon (only Nappa can use)
Usage -> E Button after P P P P
-------> E Button after RK K K LK
(1 Ki gauge used)
Skill Name -> Bomber DX
Effect -> Can Launch Death-Move Bomber DX (only Nappa can use)
Usage -> E Button after RP RP P RP
-------> E Button after RK P P LP
(1 Ki gauge used)
Skill Name -> Giant Attack
Effect -> Can attack while chasing opponent (only Nappa can use)
Usage -> E Button after K K K RK
(1 Ki gauge used)
Skill Name -> Megaton Throw
Effect -> Can grab and throw opponent (only Nappa can use)
Usage -> P + G When near a opponent
(Ki gauge does not decrease)
Skill Name -> Breakstorm
Effect -> Can Attack Opponents with oppressive force (only Nappa can use)
Usage -> E Button after P P K
(3 Ki gauge used)
5.15 -> -> -> Piccolo
*Piccolo is different in the Bios because I made a FAQ on him that did not get
accepted. That is just if you were wondering....*
Piccolo, who was created by Akira Toriyama, is one of the best characters in
this game. He combines raw power with speed and with intelligence. Some people
might know Piccolo as one that everyone talks about. It seems that people like
him because he is 'cool'. The definition of Piccolo being 'cool' is still un-
known to many. Piccolo is very powerful. He is as powerful as the blood-fight-
ing saiyajin (SA-YEN) race. If you do not know, they are very powerful.
The history of Piccolo is one that people would be amazed of. About 500 years
before DragonBall was in play and Goku was born, there was a Nameck that came
to earth to serve the purpose as the earths protector. This person was called
Kami-sama. Now, Kami-sama really wanted to be the earths protector but in or-
der to properly be god and protector of earth he had to rid himself of all the
darkness that brooded within him. This would be a hard task. What the Nameck
had to do was to diverse himself of all the bad that he had. This would form
another person. This person would turn out to be Piccolo but at the time they
called him Piccolo Daimo. This version of Piccolo was trapped inside a bottle
and would never get out because that would only serve the purpose of him rul-
ing the world. Everything was perfectly fine until one day Pilaf released him.
This only causes chaos.
Once Piccolo got out he wasted no time. He collected the seven dragon balls
which would grant him one wish. After collecting them he made the wish. He
decided that being young again would be a great wish. He wished that and then
killed the dragon god that gave him the wish. Then he was off. In complete
control. He killed anyone that he disliked. Until Tenshinhan and Goku cam a-
long and gave him a run for his money. They defeated him in a heroic battle
but before Piccolo was dead he hatched himself another egg in which would
make an exact duplicate of himself. They then battle at the 23rd martial arts
tournement. Goku wins by the skin of his teeth and lets Piccolo live.
Later in the story, Goku's brother, Raditz, comes out from a spaceship and
goes to Goku's house. He says for them to join forces and destroy this world.
Goku refuses and Raditz takes his son, Gohan. Goku needs to plan fast so he
decides to join forces with the other strongest person on earth, which is Pic-
colo. Together, they go and battle Raditz. Radtiz seems to have the upper hand
and hurts Goku. Out of rage, Gohan's power level increases drastically and
head buts Raditz. Raditz is hurting a lot and it leaves time for Goku to grap
Raditz while Piccolo does his famous attack called special beam cannon. When
Piccolo shoots it goes through Raditz and hits Goku, too. They are both dead
and it is a said sad sad site. At the time before Raditz's death, he says that
there are 2 other sayajin warriors that are coming and they are a lot stronger
then him.
Piccolo then trains Gohan and trys to unlock his full potential. They bond
and Gohan really likes Piccolo. When the new people come that Raditz is talk-
ing about, they destroy all the Z fighters except Piccolo and Gohan. One of
the fighters, whose name is Nappa, fires a blast at Gohan that would kill him.
Piccolo acts fast and jumps in front of Gohan and takes the hit. This kills
Piccolo after some encouraging last words to Gohan. Gohan cries and his power
level increases. He tries to take on Nappa but almost gets crushed. Before he
gets crushed Goku comes back to life and saves him. Then he weakens Nappa. Be-
fore he can save Nappa, his ally Vegeta, which came with him to earth, kills
him with one blast.
Then Goku and Vegeta fight. It is a raging battle that is very action-packed.
Goku has enough time for the spirit bomb and throws it at him. It almost kills
Vegeta but as a strategic plan he turns into a Monkey after making a moon. He
then gets his tail cut off by a swordsman and almost dies. Goku lets him go as
a act of he doesn't want to be like Vegeta.
Goku needs to heal and Gohan and friends go to Nameck to follow Vegeta because
there are Dragon Balls there which would allow them to free there friends. It
turns out, that Frieza, a very powerful person, is looking for the Dragon
balls in Nameck as well. I will try not to go into very much on nameck, basi-
cally everyone finds the Dragon Balls and steals them from each other. Gohan
gets them and wishes Piccolo back. Before that, however, Goku gets well and
kills the Ginyu force, which was Frieza's lackeys, as so to speak.
The battle against Goku and Frieza rages on but it turns out that Goku is the
victor. Later on in the series, they have to face Cell. Gohan beats him by
the skin of his teeth but Goku dies. That is the story of Dragon Ball Z. This
should tell you who piccolo is.
Move List:
SKILL NAME: Sync with Nail
KI USED: 4 or more in Ki gauge
COMMENTS: This is self-explanitory, if you have 4 or more Ki in your gauge and
press PKG simultaneously you will turn into the same Piccolo but with a fused
Nail making him stronger. This attack is the understudy of fuse with kami,
which you should use if you have that amount of ki. I, myself, never use this
because I always have more then 5 Ki in my gauge thus having me fuse with kami
instead of Nail.
A little history about Nail is that he is a Nameck from Nameck that fuses with
Piccolo so that they can hold Frieza off while Goku heals. He is a pretty
good warrior to be blunt. He gets his butt kicked but frieza when fighting
SKILL NAME: Fuse with Kami
KI USED: With 5 or more in Ki Gauge
COMMENTS: Another self explanitory move. If you have 5 or more ki in your
gauge and press PKG simultaneously you will turn into the same Piccolo but
with a fused Kami making him stronger. This skill is a lot better then Sync
with Nail because it makes Piccolo even stronger. Even if you need the Ki you
will see that this is better. It is a easy command to do, also. Because of the
fact that all you have to do is press three buttons simultaneously.
SKILL NAME: Light Grenade (With Kami)
KI USED: 1/2 Ki Used
COMMAND: P + P + LP + P + E
COMMENTS: I use this attack in the middle of the battle when I need the edge.
What is does is Piccolo's arms and hands turn into a light and he fires it at
the opponent. It is a cool move to do in the middle of the battle hence the
fact that it is effective. Try to do it.
SKILL NAME: Light Grenade (With Kami)
KI USED: 1/2 Ki Used
COMMAND: RK + P + P + LP + E
COMMENTS: I use this attack in the middle of the battle when I need the edge.
What is does is Piccolo's arms and hands turn into a light and he fires it at
the opponent. It is a cool move to do in the middle of the battle hence the
fact that it is effective. Try to do it. This is the exact same thing as the
other light grenade but it has different commands.
SKILL NAME: Destructive Wave
KI USED: 1 Ki used
COMMAND: P + P + P + P + E
COMMENTS: I absolutely love this attack! Piccolo throws some punches then
throws his Destructive Wave at the enemy. This wave is purple and in control!
It is a fairly easy command to do because of the fact that all you have to do
is press square four times then circle. It is a great move for beginners be-
cause of its easiness.
SKILL NAME: Destructive Wave
KI USED: 1 Ki used
COMMAND: RP + RP + P + P + RP + E