This trick requires that your character has a major skill of Sneak and either Destruction or Alteration. If your skills are Sneak and Destruction, gain access to Arcane University. Go to the area to make spells. Make a Drain Health spell that is set to "Self" and only uses 1 Magicka. Then, go upstairs. Go into Sneak mode and just run into the wall without stopping. Activate the magic spell repeatedly to gain levels quickly. Note: When you activate the magic spell it will seem as if it is hurting you, but it is not. If your skills are Sneak and Alteration, go into a room with a container (for example, cupboard, drawers, etc.). Run into the container in Sneak mode and use a "open very easy lock" repeatedly on the container.
Use the following trick for easy experience in Leyawiin (Blade, Blunt, Destruction, Hand-To-Hand, Marksman, and Sneak). Go to Leyawiin and find Rosentia Gallenus' House. She has four Scamps. You can kill them and more will respawn. Sneak attack with a blade, mace, or hand-to-hand. Then, use a bow and cast fire. Note: If you use your bow, the arrows are hard to get back. If you finish the quest you cannot do this anymore.
Go to Cloud Ruler Temple northwest of Bruma. Walk up the big stairs and you will see two Blades sparing. Stand close to them for a minute and your Blade and Block skills will increase by 2. Note: This can only be done once. |