An easy way to increase your Sneak skill is to find someone who is sleeping. Find a wall that they are near, then run against the wall while sneaking. As long as no one can see you, your skill will increase until the person wakes. If this happens, wait until night and allow them go back to sleep.
When you have the option to join the Thieves Guild by meeting Armand Christope at the Imperial Water Front garden around 11 p.m., accept his task. He will offer you the option to buy lockpicks, but do not buy any. Go into Sneak mode and get behind him. Not only will you get the lockpicks from him, you can also repeatedly pickpocket him to build up your Sneak skill. He will just tell you to go ahead, and that he does not need it anyway.
After the assassination of Emperor Uriel Septim (during the opening mission), leave the Emperor's body with one of his guards, Baurus. Walk down the newly revealed "secret" passage, then turn around. You should still be able to see Emperor Septim's body and part of Baurus. Walk to the nearest corner (to your left), go into Sneak mode, then walk forward to quickly increase your Sneak level.
Join the Dark Brotherhood. When you recieve your first quest to kill Rufio, enter his room and go into Sneak mode. Rufio sleeps for 20 hours a day. Walk around in his room to gain very easy Sneak levels.
Successfully complete the Fighting Arena in the Imperial City and become Grand Champion. Once you collect all your money from the Bloodworks person, go outside. There will be a kid that runs up to you and says that he is your biggest fan and ask if he can follow you around. Select "Yes you may follow me around" and he will go wherever you go. Go to any place that is away from guards and people. Go into Sneak mode and select "Pickpocket" on the kid. You will be brought into his inventory. Exit out of his inventory and do not steal anything. Repeat this by selecting pick pocket and exiting. You will gain Sneak experience very quickly. He does not care if you pickpocket him because he is your "biggest fan".
While in jail, go into Sneak mode. Move around for awhile to increase your sneak level. |