PoKeMoN Gold/Silver FAQ Release Version 3.2
Last Updated: May 20th, 2003 (Version 3.2)-----------------------------------------------------------------
01. About Me
02. History of Updating! (Updated Every Update)
03. Changes from B/G/R/Y (Last Updated 10/18/00)
04. Before You Start The Game (Started 12/22/00)
05. Intro (Last Updated 12/22/00)
06. Choose Your Starting PoKeMoN (Last Updated 01/01/01)
07. FAQ (Last Updated 01/15/01)
08. All 100 New Pokemon List (Last Updated 10/21/00)
09. Pokedex (Last Updated 12/26/00)
10. Battle Chart (Last updated 12/28/00)
11. Item List (Last updated 12/28/00)
12. Rumors (Last updated 12/28/00)
13. TM & HM List (Last updated 01/02/01)
14. Credits and Legal Stuff/Copyright
01. About Me
Name: YoyoYoshi (Bobby Yu)
A/S/L: 15/M/ San Francisco Bay Area (South Bay), California,
United States of America
Email Address: swiftdestiny2006@yahoo.com
AIM: Not disclosed because I get too much IMs.
Web Site: http://n64paradise.8k.com (Nintendo Paradise International, NPI)
Major Contributions on GameFaqs: Pokemon Ruby/Sapphire Complete
FAQ, Golden Sun: The Lost Age In-Depth Psynergy FAQ,
Golden Sun: The Lost Age English translations for ikillkenny's
Complete FAQ, Golden Sun Complete In-depth Location FAQ.
Games Currently Involved in: StarCraft: The Brood War Expansion,
Advance Wars, Golden Sun: The Lost Age, Golden Sun
FAQs Written for: Pokemon Gold/Silver/Crystal, Golden Sun,
Golden Sun: The Lost Age, Advance Wars
Mini-FAQs Written for: Mario Kart 64, Mario Tennis 64, Mario Golf 64,
Pokemon Blue/Green/Red/Yellow
GBA Games Played: Pinobee, Mario Kart: Super Circuit (once world
champion of it, but I've lost the lead now), Super Dodge Ball Advance,
Super Mario Advance, Advance Wars, Fire Emblem VI: The Sealed Sword,
Pokemon Ruby/Sapphire, Golden Sun, Golden Sun: The Lost Age (more as
I remember what I'm missing)
PC Games Played: Empire Earth, Age of Empires II, Age of Empires II:
The Conquerors Expansion, StarCraft, StarCraft: The Brood War
Expansion, Diablo II, and others
Fanfics Written (in order of when I wrote them in reverse): Yoshi
Pokemon Adventure Stories, Mario Millenium Series, Powers of Pokemon,
The Eye of the Enemy, The Rising Sun, Sergei Molotov's Story, The
Dawn of a New Age, The Destiny of Fire, (Coming up: Golden Sun 3:
The Rising Sun...don't ask how I managed to get the name twice for
two very different fanfics)
Currently involved in communities: Advance Wars Network (AWN),
Also in: KingsOfChaos name - YoyoYoshi
02. History of Updating
Version 3.2 (05/20/2003): Well, reformatted to 79CPL, and info updated.
Little to reformat though as it was like all 79CPL!:P Next version and
Contact Information sections taken out as they had barely anything.
Version 3.1 (12/22/2002): My primary reason for putting my G/S FAQ
offline back then was the messed-up text. Now that I know the reason, I
have reformatted the text completelyand all things are updated! Yoyo Yoshi
instead of Lugia007, new contact info! Very nice polish-up, very readable
now. I like!:)
Version 3.0 (01/20/2001): Updated the rest of the FAQ, from Misty to
Ash, consisting of gym leaders 12-16! I've finished the FAQ, so the
last five updates I will just update mistakes.
Version 2.9 (01/15/2001): Gym leader boxes updated with better summaries on
how to beat each gym leaders and the boxes have decreased in size.
Version 2.8 (01/10/2001): Small updates to the FAQ! Also, I
have completed the Item List, the Battle Chart, and the Pokedex entry
for Bulbasaur! Also updated some EXP charts.
Version 2.7 (01/09/2001): Updated the FAQ all the way to facing Misty.
Version 2.6 (01/05/2001): Small upgrade to the original FAQ. Added
a little from the Power Plant back to Cerulean City. Level/EXP charts
also updated for The Johto Gym Leaders, (Falkner, Bugsy, Whitney, Morty,
Chuck, Jasmine, Pryce, Clair) the Elite Four, Lt.Surge, and Sabrina! It
means I've updated the Level/EXP charts for every single gym leader! YAY!
Version 2.5 (01/04/2001): Small upgrade to the original FAQ! Added
how to beat Sabrina, and reached all the way to the Power Plant!
Version 2.4 (01/03/2001): Small upgrade to the original FAQ! It's
improved again! Added information on the route to the Elite Four and
how to face the Elite Four. Also added Lt.Surge!
Version 2.3 (01/02/2001): This time, it's an upgrade to the FAQ.
I updated the TM List. Also updated a lot to the FAQ! After all, I
added information to the FAQ all the way to Vermillion City (so
I added information on how to beat Chuck, Jasmine, Pryce, and Clair!) Yep,
this update wasn't easy. In fact, it took me a whole 3 hours!
Version 2.2 (01/01/2001): A small update to the FAQ (and starting
PoKeMoN)! Improved it.
Version 2.1 (12/28/2000): Just added a Battle chart today. Item List
and Rumors section also started! FAQ also updated, with the help of my
old Japanese version of Gold & Silver FAQ. I used that to help
me with the FAQ! Put info on how to enter the Kanto world! Big update
Version 2.0 (12/27/2000): Edited the FAQ section for Ecruteak City
Version 1.9 (12/26/2000): My FAQ now has prices for items in the
FAQ itself for each of the cities. Also, I have a short PoKeDeX added
and a little of the FAQ edited. FAQ added with items and where PoKeMoN
are. I've also added a few new routes too!
Version 1.8 (12/25/2000): I decided to update the FAQ to supply more
information. Christmas is a time to get Gold & Silver, that's why I'd
thought I'd update.
Version 1.7 (12/22/2000): "Before You Start The Game" and "Intro"
section updated! I also added Gym leader info for Morty, Chuck,
and Jasmine (4th, 5th, and 6th gym leaders) for the newcomers of GS!
Version 1.6 (12/08/2000): Added the section "Learn About Me First!"
on the FAQ! Also added the "Before You Start The Game" Section.
Version 1.5 (12/03/2000): I took out some useless sections and updated the
FAQ a bit! Sorry for the delay of updating, I just haven't had time and
didn't want to. Well I'm back, and more of the FAQ is up!:) Well, check
out my other FAQs too, I'm not that lazy!
Version 1.4 (10/21/2000): All 100 New PoKeMoN List updated and Main FAQ
updated for the Elite Four & Ash.
Version 1.3 (10/20/2000): The Credits section has been updated to make
it look better. Mistakes also fixed on the Main FAQ.
Version 1.2 (10/19/2000): Mistakes here and there have been fixed, thanks to
Kelvin Chung. A lot of mistakes were fixed!
Version 1.1 (10/18/2000): Mistakes here and there have been fixed.
Version 1.0 (10/17/2000): I would like to announce that this is the
official release version of the FAQ! The main FAQ, the 1st ending, the
PoKeDeX and the 250 Pokemon List has been upgraded/updated! In the main
FAQ, it's been updated all the way to Goldenrod City.
Version 0.9 (10/15/2000): [175KB] A very small update.
Version 0.8 (10/10/2000): [174KB] I added and edited the FAQ all
the way up to after getting through Ilex Forest. Soon, the real release
version, 1.0, will be up!
Version 0.7 (10/06/2000): [170KB] I added the credits and legal stuff
and copyright section. I also added the 1st Ending section, the 2nd
Ending Section, the Routes 1-29 and the S.S. Anne, and the Breeding
Section! Updated the PoKeDeX! This is the seventh prelease version! I
also updated the Main FAQ all the way till you reach Azalea Town.
Also started the section "Changes from B/G/R/Y"!
Version 0.6 (10/05/2000): [161KB] Sixth prelease version. The
FAQ is up all the way to Violet City. That's
all I updated this time.
Version 0.5 (09/30/2000): [157KB] Fifth prelease version. The first
150 PoKeMoN plus its new evolutions are up in the PoKeDeX section!
[took 40 minutes]
Version 0.4 (09/29/2000): [0.3KB] Fourth prelease version. The main
FAQ has been updated from when you reach Cherrygrove City till
when you face your rival for the first time. [took 1 hour]
Version 0.3 (09/26/2000): [0.2B] Third prelease version. The main
FAQ has finally been started in English version! Soon, I will
also fix up the FAQ to be more text-formed. [took 20 minutes]
Version 0.2 (09/23/2000): [0.1B] Second prelease version. The 100 New
PoKeMoN List and the All 250 PoKeMoN List is finally up! It was hard
work to find each and every new PoKeMoN's English name, but I got it!
Hope you like to know that! I also added the intro to it! [took 50
minutes] Fixed up the Casino section too!
Version 0.1 (09/18/2000): [0.05B] First prelease version. The sections
"Choose Your Starting PoKeMoN" and "The Casino" is up! [took 10
Total Time Used So Far on the FAQ: 26+ Hours
03. Changes from Red, Green, Blue, and Yellow
All the original cities have been changed. Besides, they added 9 more cities!
They are west
of the original cities. Also, there are 8 more gyms for you to fiddle with,
which means you
can get 16 badges! And there are two new types of PoKeMoN, Steel and Dark!
Also, of course,
you have 100 more PoKeMoN, with the legendary dogs replacing the legendary
birds and Ho-oh &
Lugia replacing Mewtwo! Celebi is the Mew of G/S! Also, there are 3 all-new
PoKeMoN! I hope you get the game and follow this FAQ!
04. Before You Start The Game
Welcome to PoKeMoN Gold & Silver and the Johto League! This section will
introduce you to
the game.
The Controls of Gold & Silver:
A Button- Selects a command
B Button- Cancels command
Start- Brings up the menu.
Select- Arrange items, moves, use an item
- Pressing start will bring up a menu, which will show you these choices:
| Pokedex: Pokemon dictionary (you get this later on in the game)|
| Pokemon: Check out your Pokemon's stats and skills. |
| Pack: This is where all of your items are stored. |
| Pokegear: Map Card, A cell phone, Radio Card |
| Status: Status of your character and badges collected |
| Save: Choosing this will save your PoKeMoN Gold or Silver Game |
| Options: Choosing this will lead you to choose options in game
| Exit: Choosing this will lead you back into your GBC game. |
Battle Menu: It is the same as the earlier PoKeMoN games.
|Attack |Item|
|Pokemon|Run |
ALL-NEW things in PoKeMoN Gold & Silver:
One of the new features of Gold/Silver is the time feature. The game is
kept track by
real-life time! In other words, when it is 6 PM in real life, it's 6 PM in
the game!
The times are as followed:
| Morning | Day | Night |
|04:00AM - 09:59AM|10:00AM - 5:59PM |06:00PM - 03:59AM |
The game also keeps track of the what day it is, Sunday through
Saturday, and like the time feature some things will happen on certain
Male & Female:
Another new feature is that Pokemon now come in Male and Female
versions, just like the Nidorans. This feature allows you to breed two
Pokemon and usually come out with a stronger Pokemon. Also note that not
all Pokemon have a gender. Some just are too rare to have a gender, like Ho-
oh and Lugia.
PoKeMoN Center:
You will also notice that the PoKeMoN Center has been entirely
redesigned. The healing is on the first floor while the trades and battles
are on the second
floor. The first lady handles the trading, the second one handles the battle,
and the last
lady handles the Time Capsule The Time Capsule allows you to trade the
Pokemon from the
Red/Blue/Yellow/Green versions to the Gold/Silver versions. There are some
- You cannot trade any of the new Pokemon
- You cannot trade any of the old Pokemon that has a new move
- You cannot trade any of the old Pokemon with an item
If you don't follow the restrictions, be prepared...it could erase
your Gold & Silver game data...
Tall Grass:
What? Who needs tall grass? Actually, it's true, there are tall grass!
Now let's begin! Start with the next section.
05. Intro
| T h e W o r l d o f J o h t o |
|Newbark Town|
Pokemon found in New Bark Town:
# 152 Chikorita- Gold, Silver (Only one)
# 155 Cyndaquil- Gold, Silver (Only one)
# 158 Totodile- Gold, Silver (Only one)
Items found in New Bark Town:
When you first start, you will be in Newbark Town. Choose new
game and start. Professor Oak will ask you the time. First answer what
hour it is and what minute it is, so you are setting the internal time.
There is a defualt time, which is 10:00 AM, but you may set the time for
whatever you'd like it to be. Then, Professor Oak would welcome you to the
world of PoKeMoN
like the older versions of PoKeMoN and introduces you to Professor Elm. Then
he asks you
what your name is. Choose something as your name and your Gold & Silver
adventure finally
You are in your room, exit the room, and you will meet your mom,
she will ask you what time of the day it is. Please, tell her the truth
of what day it is, and then she asks you if you have PoKeGear. She would
tell you that PoKeGear is used to call people on a phone and also see
the day and time of the day. She reminds you to call her when you leave.
|The Items in Your Room |
| Beds | Posters | Game Consoles | Carpets |
| Feathery Bed | Town Map | NES | Blue Carpet |
| Pink Bed | Clefairy Poster | Super NES | Green Carpet |
| Polka Dot Bed | Jigglypuff Poster | Nintendo 64 | Red Carpet |
| Pikachu Bed | Pikachu Poster | Virtual Boy | Yellow Carpet |
| Plants | Ornaments |
| Magna Plant | Gold Trophy Silver Trophy Surfing Pika Doll|
| Tropic Plant | Bulbasaur Doll Charmander Doll Squirtle Doll |
| Jumbo Plant | Weedle Doll Oddish Doll Shellder Doll |
| | Diglett Doll Geodude Doll Grimer Doll |
| | Gengar Doll Voltorb Doll Staryu Doll |
| | Magikarp Doll Poliwag Doll Jigglypuff Doll |
| | Pikachu Doll Clefairy Doll Machop Doll |
| | Unown Doll Tentacool Doll Giant Lapras Doll|
| | Giant Onix Doll Giant Snorlax Doll |
Leave your house, heading left, to Professor Elm's lab to first
talk to him. He talks about you trying to help him in the quest for rare
PoKemon.. Now which new Gold & Silver PoKeMoN should you keep for your
first PoKeMoN? Look in the next section of hints!
06. Choose Your Starting PoKeMoN:
Who should you choose? Well...I have chosen all three before, so
you might want to follow my advice.
Chikorita- The grass type PoKeMoN, weak against the first gym. Usually chosen
by expert trainers.
Totodile- The water type PoKemon, and used to get a head start on people that
started with Chikorita.
Cyndaqail- The fire type PoKemon, the best bet, and is strong against the
first two gyms. I suggest you choose him.
Any of these starting PoKeMoN are good, but Cyndaquil starts on top!
07. FAQ
Then...one of Professor Elm's aides will come along when you try
to get out of the lab after you've gotten your own PoKeMoN, and he will
give you a free potion.
Now leave the lab!
|Newbark Town|
After choosing your PoKemon carefully, you must
walk west, and leave your hometown.
|Route 29|
Pokemon found on Route 29:
| Morning | Day | Night |
# 016 Pidgey | G, S | G, S | --- |
# 019 Rattata | G, S | G, S | G, S |
# 161 Sentrent | G, S | G, S | --- |
# 163 Hoot Hoot | --- | --- | G, S |
Items found on Route 29:
Pink Bow
|The Starting PoKeMoN and Their Attacks When They Start |
|Chikorita's Attacks|Cyndaquil's Attacks|Totodile's Attacks|
| Tackle | Tackle | Scratch |
| Growl | Leer | Leer |
Here you will fight all different varieties of PoKemon, depending
what time of day
it is, or what day it is, or what version you are playing. You will need your
PoKeMoN to Level 7 by when you pass Route 30! It's a MUST! Or, you will have
trouble facing
your rival, who will appear later in the game! Remember, you can equip items
on PoKeMoN, so
might as well equip a berry! The 4th trainer, a boy, is next to a flower, go
to the flower,
and you should get a berry!
Keep going west till you arrive in Cherrygrove City.
|Cherrygrove City|
Items found in Cherrygrove City:
Map Card
Mystic Water
See that man at the entrance to the city? Talk to him and he will show
you around! Then
go into the PoKeMoN Center, and heal your starting PoKeMoN. Don't bother
trying to get PoKe
Balls because they aren't being sold just yet. Head west then north up Route
|Route 30|
Pokemon found on Route 30:
| Morning | Day | Night |
# 010 Caterpie | G | G | --- |
# 011 Metapod | G | G | --- |
# 013 Weedle | S | S | --- |
# 014 Kakuna | S | S | --- |
# 016 Pidgey | G, S | G, S | --- |
# 019 Rattata | --- | --- | G, S |
# 163 Hoot Hoot | --- | --- | G, S |
# 165 Ledyba | S | --- | --- |
# 167 Spinarak | --- | --- | G |
Items found on Route 30:
Berry x2
EXP Share
PSNCure Berry
First, be sure to be training your starting PoKeMoN, be sure to train it
to Level 6 (minimum!) by now, or you will have trouble later in the game (I'm
not telling
you what will happen just yet, it would spoil the game!)! You should see a
house and a
flower next to it. Get the flower (which has a berry) and go inside the
house. The man there
will give you a berry! He would tell you to enjoy it! A guy is behind the
house, and would
say that he also trains his PoKeMoN. Forget about him, and go to the two boys
battling on
the path.
|Professor Oak's Place|
Items found at Professor Oak's Place:
Now head north till you reach a house. Get the flower with the berry. Go
into the house,
and you'll meet a person with Professor Oak. He will give you an egg to give
Professor Elm, and then lets you talk to Professor Oak. Professor Oak tells
you about the
PoKeDeX and gives you it. Then the guy with Professor Oak will heal your
PoKeMoN for you.
Get out of the house, and quickly go back to Newbark Town. Head back south on
Route 30 and
heal at the PoKeMoN Center in Cherrygrove City.
|Cherrygrove City|
Remember to train your PoKeMoN up to Level 9 or 10 by now! Also heal your
PoKeMoN here!
Now exit Cherrygrove City, but first, someone approaches. It's your rival,
but he is named
??? for now. He would come along and wants you to get out of his way, and
then he will
battle you. Your starting PoKeMoN should be at least level 7 by now.
|Trainer: Rival |
|Pokemon: Chikorita or Cyndaquil or Totodile Lv.5|
|Prize- $300 |
| |
|Beat him with your starting PoKeMoN. If you had |
|trained, you would easily beat him since you'd |
|have the level advantage. |
By then, you should have your starting PoKeMoN by Level 10 by
now! Now head back to Newbark Town.
|Newbark Town|
Go back to Professor Elm's laboratory and talk with the police officer
in his lab. He
will ask you who stole it, so you can finally name your rival, who had stolen
Elm's PoKeMoN! Name him whatever you want. Then you will give Elm his egg,
and he would
examine the egg. Now, try to leave the lab, and one of Professor Elm's aides
will give you
five PoKe Balls to start on your journey! Leave the lab now and go west back
onto Route 29.
|Route 29|
Head west to Cherrygrove City. Remember to catch a Hoot Hoot and a
Rattata now! It's important for your journey! Why? Rattata can learn super
fang and
Hoot Hoot can be equipped fly! Rattata's super fang will
serve as an invaluable move against other PoKeMoN later in the game.
By now, your lineup should be:
Lv.10 Chikorita, Cyndaquil, or Totodile
Lv.04 Hoot Hoot
Lv.05 Rattata
|Cherrygrove City|
Now head back north onto Route 30!
| Cherrygrove | Poke Ball | 200 |
| City | Potion | 300 |
| | Antidote | 100 |
| | Parlyz Heal | 200 |
| | Awakening | 250 |
|Routes 30 & 31|
Pokemon found on Route 30:
| Morning | Day | Night |
# 010 Caterpie | G | G | --- |
# 011 Metapod | G | G | --- |
# 013 Weedle | S | S | --- |
# 014 Kakuna | S | S | --- |
# 016 Pidgey | G, S | G, S | --- |
# 019 Rattata | --- | --- | G, S |
# 163 Hoothoot | --- | --- | G, S |
# 165 Ledyba | S | --- | --- |
# 167 Spinarak | --- | --- | G |
Items found on Route 30:
Berry x2
EXP Share
PSNCure Berry
Pokemon found on Route 31:
| Morning | Day | Night |
# 010 Caterpie | G | G | --- |
# 011 Metapod | G | G | --- |
# 013 Weedle | S | S | --- |
# 014 Kakuna | S | S | --- |
# 016 Pidgey | G, S | G, S | --- |
# 019 Rattata | --- | --- | G, S |
# 069 Bellsprout | G, S | G, S | G, S |
# 163 Hoothoot | --- | --- | G, S |
# 165 Ledyba | S | --- | --- |
# 167 Spinnark | --- | --- | G |
Items found on Route 31:
Bitter Berry
Poke Ball
TM 50
This time don't go to Professor Oak's place. Instead, go to where the two
boys were battling.
This time, both boys will challenge you to a battle, since they've already
battled each
other. Beat them both up and make sure you train your Rattata in every single
battle so
that you have it at a higher level. Beat all the others, and you should reach
the first gym city, Violet City! The Dark Cave is also accessible before
you reach Violet City.
|Dark Cave|
Pokemon found in the Dark Cave:
| Morning | Day | Night |
# 041 Zubat | G, S | G, S | G, S |
# 074 Geodude | G, S | G, S | G, S |
# 206 Dunsparce | G, S | G, S | G, S |
Item found in the Dark Cave:
There's no use going into the Dark Cave unless you want a free
Potion...so head west to Violet City!
|Violet City|
Pokemon found in Violet City:
# 95 Onix- Gold, Silver (Trade)
Items found in Violet City:
PRZCure Berry
Rare Candy
TM 31
There is a GYM there in Violet City that uses Flying type PoKemon. Don't go
there just yet,
head over north to a tower.
|Sprout Tower|
Pokemon found in Sprout Tower:
| Morning | Day | Night |
# 019 Rattata | G, S | G, S | G, S |
# 092 Gastly | --- | --- | G, S |
Items found in Sprout Tower:
Escape Rope
Parlyz Heal
X Defend
This tower is called Sprout Tower, and it's obviously named that because all
the people
inside mostly use Bellsprouts. Defeat the trainers as you make your way up to
the top.
Your rival is there and he is seen leaving, after beating the main guy of the
tower. Beat
the main guy of the tower as well to receive your reward, the Flash HM
(HM05). Now come back
out and come back to Violet City.
|Violet City|
The gym is very easy to beat. Your main PoKeMoN team should now be:
Lv. 12 Rattata
Lv. 12 Starting PoKeMoN (Chikorita, Cyndquil, or Totodile)
Lv. 03 Hoot Hoot (put it in the PoKeMoN center until you get HM02 fly)
If you had used over 1 hour and 5 minutes to reach these levels and the gym,
you've been
wasting time. So DO NOT WASTE TIME! Anyway, it's time to beat the easy 1st
leader Falkner.
| Gym leader: Falkner | Falkner |
| For: Zephyr Badge, $900, & TM31 (Mud Slap) |---------|---|---|
| |Pokemon |LVL|EXP|
| Pidgey- If you picked Cyndaquil, use him, but|---------|---|---|
| if you chose Chikorita, use Rattata. |Pidgey | 7| 82|
| If you picked Totodile, use Totodile. |Pidgeotto| 9|216|
| |---------|---|---|
| Pidgeotto- Harder than Pidgey, but still a |
| piece of cake. This time, use Rattata! He's |
| good with his quick attacks against Pidgeotto! |
| Violet | Poke Ball | 200 |
| City | Potion | 300 |
| | Escape Rope | 550 |
| | Antidote | 100 |
| | Parlyz Heal | 200 |
| | Awakening | 250 |
| | X Defend | 550 |
| | X Attack | 500 |
| | X Speed | 350 |
| | Flower Mail | 50 |
There, that was easy, you achieved your first badge, and by now,
you should at least have your starting PoKemon evolved. After exiting
the gym, you receive a phone call from Professor Elm. He tells you to
pick up something important at the PoKemon Center. When you get to the
PoKemon center, you will see one of Prof. Oak and Elm's aids. He will
give you a PoKemon egg. The egg will hatch at about 1,000 steps. For
beating the 1st gym leader, you will earn a badge. Leave the
Violet City Gym and go to the PoKemon Center. Talk to a guy by the
counter and he'll give you Togepi, but still in its egg form. There is one
way to not
keep Togepi on your team while it's in egg form. Just put it in one of the
PoKeMoN boxes
(while it's an egg form) and keep it there.
|Ruins of Alph|
Pokemon found in the Ruins of Alph:
| Morning | Day | Night |
# 201 Unown | G, S | G, S | G, S |
Pokemon found outside of the Ruins of Alph:
| Morning | Day | Night |
# 177 Natu | G, S | G, S | G, S |
# 235 Smeargle | G, S | G, S | G, S |
Item found in the Ruins of Alph:
Unown Pokedex
Now go north of the town. Go east, then south, you will see many
cave entrances. In one of the caves, you have to solve a puzzle.
Completing the puzzle will show you a Kabuto. You are dropped to the
next floor, and you will find yourself in another cave you could enter
before. However, this time, the people are gone, and a PoKemon with many
forms will appear. Its name is Unown. He will make an excellent addition as a
steel PoKemon
on your team, but I suggest you keep your lineup, though. He has 26 forms, 26
for the
alphabet, but is still the same PoKemon regardless and is still PoKeMoN #201.
You must catch
3 different Unowns to get the Unown add-on to your PoKedex.
After exiting the cave, go south, and then east. You will come up to
another route
changing house. After exiting the house, go south, there, you will fight many
trainers. A guy there will ask you for $500. Pay him, and go in Lapra's Cave.
There are some
PoKeMoN trainers here for you to fight. There are Zubats, Geodudes, Onix, and
Your lineup should now be:
Lv. 09 Rattata
Lv. 15 Starting PoKeMoN
|Route 32|
Pokemon found in Route 32:
| Morning | Day | Night |
# 019 Rattata | G, S | G, S | G |
# 023 Ekans | S | S | S |
# 041 Zubat | G, S | --- | G, S |
# 069 Bellsprout | G, S | G, S | G, S |
# 179 Mareep | G, S | G, S | G, S |
# 187 Hoppip | G, S | G, S | --- |
# 194 Wooper | G, S | --- | G, S |
Items found in Route 32:
Great Ball
Miracle Seed
Poison Barb
Old Rod
TM 05
|Union Cave|
After you finish with Route 32 head to Union Cave. There isn't much
to do in Union Cave, only a few items, a couple of trainers, and one new
Pokemon for Gold players, or two if you didn't trade for the Onix.
Note, that when you have obtained Strength and Surf you should return
back to
Union Cave and explore the lower levels. If you do you will find a Lapras,
who only
appears on Friday, plus the entrance to more of the Ruins of Alph.
|Route 33|
Pokemon found in Route 33:
| Morning | Day | Night |
# 019 Rattata | G, S | G, S | G, S |
# 021 Spearow | G, S | G, S | --- |
# 023 Ekans | S | S | S |
# 041 Zubat | G, S | --- | G, S |
# 187 Hoppip | G, S | G, S | --- |
Items found in Route 33:
PSNCure Berry
After exiting the Union Cave, go west, and you will end up in the
second town. There
are a few trainers here, defeat them all with your starting Pokemon and
Rattata alternating.
Then you will reach Azalea Town!
By now, your lineup should be:
Lv. 17 Rattata
Lv. 17 Bayleef, Quilava, or Croconaw
Lv. 06 Bellsprout or Wooper (you need both if you started with Cyndaquil, if
you started with
Totodile, get Bellsprout, and if you started with Chikorita, get Wooper)
Lv. 03 Hoot Hoot
|Azalea Town|
Items found in Azalea Town:
Lure Ball
TM 49
Wht Apricorn
You should notice that one Team Rocket member is guarding a well-like
structure. Ignore this for now, but remember where it is. Go to the
northernmost house in the
town and talk to a man. He should be inside with his daughter. The man will
soon run out of
the house if you talk to him. Go back to the well-like structure and you'll
see that the
Team Rocket member is gone. Go down the well-like structure and beat the
Rockets down there.
Soon, you'll find a bunch of Slowpokes, which were stolen by Team Rocket.
Team Rocket is
soon defeated and you return them to the town.
After doing so, head over to the Azalea Town Gym, where you should encounter
a bunch of
Trainers with Bug type PoKemon. Make your way up to the bug gym leader of
Azalea Town.
Your lineup should now be:
Lv.16 Rattata
Lv.18 Starting PoKeMoN (2nd form)
If you had used over 2 hours to reach this condition, you've been wasting
time. So DO NOT
WASTE TIME! Anyway, now's the time to enter the gym and face Bugsy.
| Gym Leader: Bugsy | Bugsy |
| For: Hive Badge, $1,600, & TM49 |-------|---|---|
| Metapod Lv.14 (Exp.???) - Beat it easily with |-------|---|---|
| Rattata's quick attacks. |Metapod| 14|???
| |-------|---|---|
| Kakuna Lv.14 (Exp.???) - Beat it easily with |Kakuna | 14|???|
| Rattata's quick attacks. |-------|---|---|
| |Scyther| 16|???|
| Scyther Lv.16 (Exp.???) - Use Quilava if you |-------|---|---|
| have it. If you don't, use Rattata on it. |
| Azalea | Charcoal | 9800 |
| Town | Poke Ball | 200 |
| | Potion | 300 |
| | Super Potion | 700 |
| | Escape Rope | 550 |
| | Repel | 350 |
| | Antidote | 100 |
| | Parlyz Heal | 200 |
| | Flower Mail | 50 |
Leave the GYM and heal your PoKemon at the PoKemon Center, because when
you head west to exit the town, you'll encounter your rival. There is an
old man, whose name is Kurt. He makes PoKeballs from Apricorns, so you
may want to go to him, he's in a house in the city.
|Trainer: Rival |
|Pokemon: Gastly Lv.12 |
| Zubat Lv.14 |
| Bayleef or Quilava or Croconaw Lv.16|
|Prize- $960 |
| |
|He may seem a bit hard for some of you. If he|
|is, then I suggest you build up a few levels |
|and then fight him. He shouldn't be too hard |
|if your Rattata & Starting PoKeMoN's level is|
|high, though! |
Defeat your rival and head the way you were going, west. You'll enter Ilex
|Ilex Forest & Route 34|
Pokemon found in Ilex Forest:
| Morning | Day | Night |
# 10 Caterpie | G | G | --- |
# 11 Metapod | G | G | --- |
# 13 Weedle | S | S | --- |
# 41 Zubat | G, S | G, S | G, S |
# 43 Oddish | --- | --- | G, S |
# 46 Paras | G, S | G, S | G, S |
Items found in Ilex Forest:
HM 01
TM 02
TM 12
Pokemon found in Route 34:
| Morning | Day | Night |
# 19 Rattata | G, S | G, S | G, S |
# 63 Abra | G, S | G, S | G, S |
# 96 Drowzee | G, S | G, S | G, S |
# 132 Ditto | G, S | G, S | G, S |
Items found in Route 34:
Soft Sand
After you leave the previous city you'll enter a forest. You'll see a man
standing near a
cut-able bush. Talk to him and he'll tell you that his boss's Farfetch'd got
away. Head to
the east a little until you see a bird. It's a Farfetch'd. Talk to it and
it'll run away.
Keep on following it until it leads you to the man and his boss. The boss
will give you the
Cut HM when you talk to him and thanks you. Equip Cut on Bellsprout. Now Cut
that cut-able
bush to get passed the only one Blocking your path. A new feature in
Gold/Silver is that you
can just go up to the bush, press A, and it will get cut down if you have a
PoKemon with Cut
in your lineup. The same goes for Boulders, and that Tree that will come up
later. Inside
the Ilex Forest Maze is a guy who will give you TM02, Headbutt. Headbutt lets
you shake the
little trees that are everywhere in the game, sometimes revealing sleeping
After cutting the bush that is right before the shrine dedicated to the
protector (a.k.a. Celebi), you'll wind through the Forest path until you come
to a
connecting gate. Inside is a girl who will give you TM12, Sweet Scent. It
will attract
PoKemon to you outside of battle. Once you exit this place, you'll come to
Route 34. Amongst
the trainers is a Daycare/Breeding Center.
By now, your main team should now be:
Lv.21 Rattata/Raticate
Lv.21 Bayleef, Quilava, or Croconaw
Lv.06 Bellsprout and/or Wooper (for cut & surf)
Lv.03 Hoot Hoot (only for fly)
|Daycare & Breeding Center|
Just below Goldenrod City is a house with an old man and woman inside. Talk
to the man and
he will take one of your PoKemon to level up and talk to the woman and she
will do the same.
It will cost 100 bucks to take them out, and 100 bucks per level up.
|Breeding Instructions|
To breed PoKemon you must give the old man a Male PoKemon and give the
old woman a Female PoKemon (or vice-versa) that have the same little
icon or sprite. Or they must be compatible at breeding. Then exit the
building and go walk around for a little while. Come back when you see
the man standing outside with your two PoKemon. Talk to him and answer
yes, he will give you an Egg. If you put in PoKemon of different #'s,
for example Pidgey and Hoot Hoot, the resulting egg will be the same
species as the female PoKemon and with an Attack that the Male had. Just
think of the strange combinations...
|Goldenrod City|
Pokemon found in Goldenrod City:
# 66 Machop- G, S (Trade)
# 133 Eevee- G, S (Get from Bill)
Pokemon/Items in Goldenrod's Game Corner: (Coins)
Abra 200 TM 25 5500
Ekans/Sandshrew 700 TM 14 5500
Dratini 2100 TM 38 5500
Items found in Goldenrod City:
Coin Case
Radio Card
TM 21
TM 27
TM 45
Squirtwater (after you beat Whitney)
Goldenrod City is pretty big. The local PoKeMart is like the
Celadon Department Store. There's plenty to do, but let's get down to
business. It's the
Gym Leader's badge you want, isn't it?
All the trainers use Normal PoKemon in the Goldenrod City Gym.
Right before Whitney there is a trainer who likes to use Jigglypuff, 3
to be exact. So you might want to stop at the PoKeCenter to wake up any
PoKemon before taking on Whitney. Whitney can be challenging.
Whitney...the 3rd gym leader!
| Gym Leader: Whitney | Whitney |
| For: Plain Badge, $2,000, & TM45 (Attract) |--------|---|---|
| |PoKeMoN |LVL|EXP|
| Clefairy- Looks can be decieving, and you'd |--------|---|---|
| better pray that Clefairy doesn't use |Clefairy| 18|261|
| Metronome on you. Use Raticate on it, since |--------|---|---|
| it is a fast and powerful PoKeMoN, so just |Miltank | 21|856|
| use hyper fang with it. |--------|---|---|
| |
| Miltank- Miltank has a strange attack that makes your |
| PoKemon get woozy. Your PoKemon can not attack the Miltank |
| for a few turns, but while waiting to attack, Miltank will |
| attack you with a powerful pound-like attack. Once again, |
| have Raticate ready, or if you didn't follow my good |
| directions, have a strong rock-type PoKemon at around at |
| least level 15.
| Goldenrod | Potion | 300 |
| City | Super Potion | 700 |
| 2F | Antidote | 100 |
| | Parlyz Heal | 200 |
| | Awakening | 250 |
| | Burn Heal | 250 |
| | Ice Heal | 250 |
| | | |
| | Poke Ball | 200 |
| | Great Ball | 600 |
| | Escape Rope | 550 |
| | Repel | 350 |
| | Revive | 1500 |
| | Full Heal | 600 |
| | Poke Doll | 1000 |
| | Flower Mail | 50 |
| | | |
| 3F | X Speed | 350 |
| | X Special | 350 |
| | X Defend | 550 |
| | X Attack | 500 |
| | Dire Hit | 650 |
| | Guard Spec | 700 |
| | X Accuracy | 950 |
| | | |
| 4F | Protein | 9800 |
| | Iron | 9800 |
| | Carbos | 9800 |
| | Calcium | 9800 |
| | HP UP | 9800 |
| | | |
| 5F | TM 41 | 3000 |
| | TM 48 | 3000 |
| | TM 33 | 3000 |
| | TM 02 | 2000 |
| | TM 08 | 1000 |
| | | |
| 6F | Fresh Water | 200 |
| | Soda Pop | 300 |
| | Lemonade | 350 |
| | | |
| Herbal | Energypowder | 500 |
| Shop | Energy Root | 800 |
| | Heal Powder | 450 |
| | Revival Herb | 2800 |
| | | |
| Bargains | Nugget | 4500 |
| Shop | Pearl | 4000 |
| | Big Pearl | 8400 |
| | Stardust | 4000 |
| | Star Piece | 8400 |
Whitney won't give you the Plain Badge at first because she will
be upset. (In the Japanese version, she says you cheated and you
shouldn't get the badge. Here's the dialogue I put into my Japanese version
Gold & Silver *G/S FAQ*:
Akane (In the English version...Whitney) doesn't give you the
Regular (Plain) Badge at first, because she thinks you had cheated and
you should not get the badge. Try to get out of the gym...but when you
try to go out, a trainer will talk to you and tell you to talk to her
after she lost and she should give it to you. If she didn't give it to
you when you've talked to her, try exiting the gym and going back in.
Then talk to her. She should give you the badge now.)
Talk to the trainer below her then talk to Whitney again. She'll
give you the Plain Badge after being upset. It will let your PoKemon use
Strength outside of
battle and it boosts your PoKemon's Speed. She'll also give you TM45, Attract.
Don't leave Goldenrod City yet! Be sure to get your free bike,
Squirtwater, and your
|Route 35 & National Park|
Pokemon found in Route 35:
| Morning | Day | Night |
# 016 Pidgey | G, S | G, S | --- |
# 029 Nidoran (F) | G, S | G, S | G, S |
# 032 Nidoran (M) | G, S | G, S | G, S |
# 063 Abra | G, S | G, S | G, S |
# 096 Drowzee | G, S | G, S | G, S |
# 132 Ditto | G, S | G, S | G, S |
# 163 Hoothoot | --- | --- | G, S |
# 193 Yanma | G, S | G, S | G, S |
Items found in Route 35:
Mystery Berry
TM 04
Pokemon found in National Park:
| Morning | Day | Night |
# 010 Caterpie | G | G | --- |
# 011 Metapod | G | G | --- |
# 012 Butterfree | --- | --- | --- |
# 013 Weedle | S | S | --- |
# 014 Kakuna | S | S | --- |
# 015 Beedrill | --- | --- | --- |
# 016 Pidgey | G, S | G, S | --- |
# 046 Paras | --- | --- | --- |
# 048 Venonat | --- | --- | --- |
# 123 Scyther | --- | --- | --- |
# 127 Pinsir | --- | --- | --- |
# 163 Hoot Hoot | --- | --- | G, S |
# 191 Sunkern | --- | G, S | --- |
Note- The above list shows what Pokemon can be found at National Park
during the Bug Catching Contest. If there is a G or S in the list it means it
can be found
in the Park. If there are all hyphens in the list
it means they are found only during the contest. Also note that with the
exception of Pidgey, Hoot Hoot, and Sunkern all of the above Pokemon appear
during the
contest and in both versions.
Items found in National Park:
Berry (Consolation Prize)
Everstone (2nd Prize)
Gold Berry (3rd Prize)
Parlyz Heal
Quick Claw
Sun Stone (1st Prize)
TM 28
The short Route 35 is home to a few trainers to fight along with. This is a
great place to
train up your Rattata (or Raticate) and your
starting PoKeMoN. If you head into the checking station in Route 35 you will
find National
Park. There are some rare Pokemon here that makes the detour worthwhile,
Scyther and Pinsir
to be exact and depending on your version the Caterpie family or Weedle
family. However these
Pokemon are only found during the Bug Catching Contest, and the contest only
happens on
Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays. When you enter the contest on one of
those days, you will
either have to decide which Pokemon you want to use in the contest or the
game will decide
for you. During the contest you are allowed to keep only one Pokemon (the
first one on your
team). In order to win the contest you will have to catch a rare Pokemon. The
best one to
catch would be Scyther, which is worth the most points in the contest.
Once you get out of National Park...it's Route 36 & 37...and
then...Morty, the
Ecruteak City Gym leader.
|Route 36 & 37|
Pokemon found in Route 36 & 37:
| Morning | Day | Night |
# 016 Pidgey | G, S | G, S | --- |
# 017 Pidgeotto ** | --- | G, S | --- |
# 029 Nidoran (F) * | G, S | G, S | G, S |
# 032 Nidoran (M) * | G, S | G, S | G, S |
# 037 Vulpix | S | S | S |
# 058 Growlithe | G | G | G |
# 163 Hoothoot | --- | --- | G, S |
# 165 Ledyba ** | S | --- | --- |
# 167 Spinarak ** | --- | --- | G |
# 234 Stantler | G, S | G, S | G, S |
*- Nidoran (M) and (F) appear only on Route 36
**- Pidgeotto, Ledyba, and Spinarak appear only on Route 37
Items found in Route 36 & 37:
Blk Apricorn
Blu Apricorn
Hard Stone
Ice Berry
Red Apricorn
TM 08
Route 36 & 37 are home to even more trainers. Face them all, and get a few's
phone numbers if
you'd like. You will also find that strange tree
still blocking your path. If you have the Squirtbottle from the lady in
Goldenrod (she's in the house next to the gym), just examine the tree and the
game will ask
if you want to use the Squirtbottle. When you do the tree will attack and you
will find that
it is the Pokemon Sudowoodo. This is the only one in the game so be sure to
catch it.
Sudowoodo will soon be a great addition to your team, so start training it!
Raticate &
your starting PoKeMoN should now be both over Lv.23, and you shouldn't have
reached the
time of 3:30 yet, unless you've wasted time.
Once you have captured Sudowoodo, go find this fat guy to
the east. He will give you TM 08 for getting Sudowoodo out of the way.
Also note that on Thursday, Arthur of Thursday will appear. He will give
you the Hard Stone item just for talking to him. Now head up to Route 37.
Here you will find
a couple of trainers, three apricorn trees which Kurt can make into Poke
balls, and finally
you will also find Sunny of Sunday here as well, who will give you the Magnet
item. Head
north and you'll reach the sunny city of Ecruteak City and the gym leader
|Ecruteak City|
Heal your PoKeMoN after you talk to Bill, and quickly bike back to Goldenrod
|Goldenrod City|
Head to the southwest portion of the city and enter Bill's house. He will
give you an Eevee.
Now bike back to Ecruteak City. (Note: Eevee is very useful later in the
|Ecruteak City|
Items found in Ecruteak City:
HM 03
TM 30
| Ecruteak | Poke Ball | 200 |
| City | Great Ball | 600 |
| | Potion | 300 |
| | Super Potion | 700 |
| | Antidote | 100 |
| | Parlyz Heal | 200 |
| | Awakening | 250 |
| | Burn Heal | 250 |
| | Ice Heal | 250 |
| | Revive | 1500 |
You've reached Ecruteak City with an Eevee this time! Congratulations!
Actually, this isn't
a prize booth, as much as you want it to be one.
With your new Eevee with you, go and beat all the Eevee evolutions!
Walk around Ecruteak City and get the hidden items. If you visit the
house next to the
gym a man inside will give you the Itemfinder. Then visit the house above the
PoKeMoN Center
you will find the Ecruteak Dancers, each of which have one form of Eevee's
evolution. If you
defeat them all the man in the crowd will give you HM 03, Surf. They are very
easy to beat if you had followed my directions and trained Raticate,
Sudowoodo, and your starting PoKeMoN to at least Lv.24.
|Burned Tower|
Now enter the Burned Tower. You will then meet your rival and battle. It
shouldn't be
too hard if you'd followed my directions.
|Trainer: Rival |
|For: $1,320 |
| |
|Pokemon: Haunter Lv.20 |
| Magnemite Lv.18 |
| Zubat Lv.20 |
| Bayleef or Quilava or Croconaw Lv.22|
After you beat your rival in a battle, explore the Tower. You should
know that you
won't find much if you haven't taught TM 08, Rock Smash, to a Pokemon. If you
fall through
the hole in the center and walk towards the statues, they will come to life
and escape. You
have now unleashed the legendary Pokemon of Gold/Silver. These Pokemon are
around Johto, and have no set location. They will walk around Johto. To catch
them, make
sure you're in an area with PoKeMoN under Level 40. Now, exit the Burned
|Ecruteak City|
Heal your PoKeMoN just before entering the Ecruteak City Gym.
Your lineup should now be:
Lv.21 Eevee
Lv.21 Sudowoodo
Lv.22 Rattata/Raticate
Lv.27 Bayleef/Quilava/Croconaw
If you took over 4:15 to reach Morty, you've been wasting time. So do not
waste time!
Wasting time is not good, it means you're wasting your precious playing time.
Anyway, time to
enter the gym!
| Gym Leader: Morty | Morty |
| For: Fog Badge, $2,300, & TM30 (Shadow Ball) |-------|---|----
| |PoKeMoN|LVL|
| Gastly- Use Sudowoodo's rock slides! |-------|---|----|
| |Gastly | 21|????|
| Haunters - Use your starting Pokemon! |-------|---|----|
| |Haunter| 23|????|
| Gengar- Use Sudowoodo's rock slides, but this |-------|---|----|
| battle will take a while since Gengar's curse |Gengar | 25|????|
| attack will be a problem. |-------|---|----|
| |Haunter| 23|????|
Your lineup should now be (train hard if you don't have this lineup!):
Lv.26 Raticate
Lv.26 Bayleef, Quilava, or Croconaw
Lv.06 Bellsprout and/or Wooper (for cut & surf)
Lv.03 Hoot Hoot (only for fly)
Now head east on Route 42!
|Route 42 & Mahogany Town|
Pokemon found in Route 42:
| Morning | Day | Night |
# 021 Spearow | G, S | G, S | --- |
# 041 Zubat | --- | --- | G, S |
# 056 Mankey | G | G | G |
# 179 Mareep | G, S | G, S | G, S |
# 180 Flaaffy | G, S | G, S | G, S |
Items found in Route 42:
Grn Apricorn
Pnk Apricorn
Super Potion
Ultra Ball
Ylw Apricorn
Items found in Mahogany Town:
TM 16
Go east to Route 42, pass Mahogany Town, and go north to reach Route 43!
|Route 43 & The Lake of Rage|
Pokemon found in Route 43:
| Morning | Day | Night |
# 017 Pidgeotto | G, S | G, S | --- |
# 048 Venonat | G, S | --- | G, S |
# 164 Noctowl | --- | --- | G, S |
# 179 Mareep | G, S | G, S | G, S |
# 180 Flaaffy | G, S | G, S | G, S |
# 230 Girafarig | G, S | G, S | G, S |
Items found in Route 43:
Bitter Berry
Max Ether
Items found in the Lake of Rage:
Max Ether
Red Scale
TM 10
TM 43
Then head east through a building. As you go through Route 43 you will
see a building
blocking the right side of the road. DO NOT GO THROUGH IT. You will find Team
Rocket inside
and they will take $1,000 from you, just to let you pass. You should go the
long way to the
Lake of Rage. As you near the end of Route 43 you will find two routes to the
Lake of Rage.
The left path will bring you two some items (be sure to have a Pokemon with
Cut), and you
will also find Wesley of Wednesday. He will give you the Blackbelt item,
which powers up
Fighting attacks.
The right path will lead to the Lake of Rage. If you talk to the people
around, they
will tell you that something strange has been going on. If you surf into the
Lake of Rage you
will find a Gyarados, but this is no ordinary Gyarados, this is a Red
Gyarados. There is
nothing special about the Red Gyarados, besides it being Red. However color
variations of
any Pokemon are very rare, so you should do everything you can to catch this
After you capture the Red Gyarados you will receive the Red
Scale. If you bring that item to Mr. Pokemon he will give you the EXP.
Share item. Head back south to Mahogany Town.
|Route 42 & Mahogany Town|
Head back west to Ecruteak City after you heal your PoKeMoN.
|Ecruteak City|
Head west onto Routes 38 & 39 now with your new Red Gyarados!
|Route 38 & 39|
Pokemon found in Route 38 & 39:
| Morning | Day | Night |
# 019 Rattata | G | G | G |
# 020 Raticate | G, S | G, S | G, S |
# 052 Meowth | S | S | S |
# 081 Magnemite | G, S | G, S | G, S |
# 082 Farfetch'd | G, S | G, S | --- |
# 128 Tauros | G, S | G, S | G, S |
# 209 Snubbull | G, S | G, S | G, S |
# 241 Miltank | G, S | G, S | G, S |
Note: Snubbull does not appear in Route 39
Items found in Route 38:
Items found in Route 39:
Mint Berry
TM 13
Routes 38 & 39 are home to more trainers, just beat them all by training
your four developing PoKeMoN. Route 39 is the home of...
|Moo Moo Farm|
| Moo Moo | MooMoo Milk | 500 |
| Farm | | |
They sell Moo Moo Milk for $500, a little expensive, but cheaper than a Super
Potion and more
effective. However if you want to buy some milk you will have to cure their
Miltank. You will
have to give them a couple of berries before their Miltank gets better. If
you do cure
Miltank, you will receive TM 13!
|Olivine City|
Pokemon found in Olivine City:
# 100 Voltorb- G, S (Trade)
Items found in Olivine City:
Good Rod
HM 04
TM 23
Items found in Olivine City Lighthouse:
Great Ball
Rare Candy
Super Potion
TM 34
As soon as you enter Olivine City and, when you are about to pass by
the gym your rival will appear. He will not challenge you to a match
(because he knows he's going to lose ^_^), but will tell you that Jasmine the
Gym Leader is
currently at the lighthouse tending to a sick Pokemon. Stock up and get those
items first.
After you get Strength (HM04) for free, go up the Olivine City Lighthouse.
Beat all the
trainers and then climb to the 4th floor and fall through the hole that is
near the trainer.
When you reach the top you will find that Jasmine needs medicine, which is
found in
Cianwood. Go back down and head south for Cianwood.
|Route 40 & 41|
Pokemon found in Route 40 & 41:
| Morning | Day | Night |
# 072 Tentacool | G, S | G, S | G, S |
# 073 Tentacruel | G, S | G, S | G, S |
# 098 Krabby | G, S | G, S | G, S |
# 213 Shuckle | G, S | G, S | G, S |
# 226 Mantine | G | G | G |
Routes 40 & 41 are pretty useless, but you'll have to fight the trainers
there, which should raise your Raticate quite a bit. Also, once you obtain
HM06, Whirlpool
and the Silver Wing you will want to return. For now, just battle the
trainers hanging
around the island. Then head west again to Cianwood City.