OF ^^^^^ OF
- ^ ^ -
THE ^^^ ^^^ THE
WIND ^^^^^ ^^^^^ WIND
WAKER ^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^ WAKER
AUTHOR: SonGouki (aka Dan Marion)
E-MAIL: songoukifaq@rogers.com
DATE: April 22, 2003
This document Copyright 2003 Dan Marion, all rights reserved
Introduction....... [INTROD]
Version History.... [VERHIS]
Thanks & Legal..... [TKSLGL]
Quick Reference.... [QCKREF]
Islands Clear...... [ISLCLR]
Heart Containers... [HRTCON]
Heart Pieces....... [HRTPCS]
Required Items..... [REQITM]
Optional Items..... [OPTITM]
Treasure Charts.... [TRSCHT]
Triforce Charts.... [TRICHT]
Sunken Treasures... [SNKTRS]
Other Charts....... [OTHCHT]
Secret Caves....... [SECCAV]
Wind Waker Songs... [WNDWKR]
Great Fairies...... [GRTFRY]
Big Octos.......... [BIGOCT]
Submarines......... [SUBMRN]
Platforms.......... [PLTFRM]
Blue ChuChus....... [BLUCHU]
Main Quest......... [MANQST]
Side Quests........ [SIDQST]
Mini-Games......... [MINGAM]
Tingle Quests...... [TNGQST]
Nintendo Gallery... [NINGAL]
Greetings all! Nintendo really outdid themselves this time, as this game is
truly an amazing game. The story is awesome. The visuals are breathtaking. The
music is beautiful. The quests are intelligent.
However, with everything that there is to see, do, and collect you may find
yourself being overwhelmed with the enormous tasks ahead of you (and
remembering those that you have already done). Which brings us to the purpose
of this FAQ. In this document you will find complete check lists of everything
that can be done in this game. This way you can track what you have done, and
what you still need to do.
I've tried to keep the lists as condensed as possible, to make it easier to
manage (if you print this off, for example). However, due to this, some of the
details are rather brief or abbreviated. My reasoning behind this is that this
document is to be used only as a checklist, the details are only provided as a
quick reminder of what an item pertains to. If you require more details, then I
recommend that you go to www.gamefaqs.com and look at the full-fledged FAQs
found there.
Also, I've kept all of babbling at the top of the document so that you can
remove it easily if you print this off (to reduce the number sheets of paper
wasted). You may (or may not) want to keep the Quick Reference section though,
as this is where the legends of abbreviations used in this document are, as
well as the coordinates map that I reference throughout the checklists.
Other than that, I hope you find this document useful and that you enjoy the
game as much as I did. Now stop wasting time here and go play the game!
- SonGouki
Please, only e-mail me if it will meet one of the following topics:
- Request for checklist that is not present in this document, and is relevant.
- Any errors, layout comments/suggestions, or missing information.
- Thanks (I'm not asking, but I won't trash these immediately either).
DO NOT e-mail with questions about the game, that's not the purpose of this
document. There are several in-depth guides at www.gamefaqs.com that should
answer any questions you have, and if they don't, then I suggest that you
e-mail one of those authors. I will NOT respond to any of these e-mails and
will immediately delete them. Thank you.
Also, I'm not really interested in quibbling over small things either. Stuff
like, "But that's not the right location for the Heart Piece, you get that in
the mail". These checklists are supposed to be used as general references to
help you track what you have and what you still need, not as an in-depth game
guide. For example, I know that the Tingle Tuner is technically required
due to the fact that you have to free Tingle in order to get the Triforce
Charts deciphered, however, you never have to use it so in my mind that makes
it an optional item. To reiterate, you should not use this guide as a
walk-through. Thanks again.
Version 1.03 2003-04-22
- Platform 25 treasure correction [TheRealGodNarix].
- Made changes to Medli and Makar Pictograph opportunities [Tyler Lawson].
- Confirmed the number of Joy Pendants required for the Hero's Charm (40).
- Added new Blue ChuChu locations (from last update) to Islands Clear section.
- Minor grammar and spelling fixes.
Version 1.02 2003-04-18
- Added some Blue ChuChu locations.
- Minor grammar and spelling fixes.
Version 1.01 2003-04-16
- Added Beedle's Membership side quest.
- Added island names beside chart in quick reference section.
- Confirmed info on Mighty Darknut's picto.
- Not sure about Kogoli's picto now, might have to be before Tetra's awakening?
- Minor grammar and spelling fixes.
Version 1.00 2003-04-15
- First version of this document, and hopefully complete.
Thanks to the following:
- Nintendo for making this game and continuing to crank out amazing games.
- Shigeru Miyamoto for being him.
- My family for tolerating my addiction to this game (and prying the controller
from my hands at 3:30 AM and telling me to go to bed).
- GameFAQS, still the best site for gaming!
- BradyGames for their excellent, if not extremely erroneous, guide.
- Prima for their pastel and hard to read, but good none-the-less, guide.
- Coca-Cola, my eternal best friend (at least until my teeth fall out).
This guide is the Copyright (c) 2003 of Dan Marion, All rights reserved.
It (this guide) is currently only permitted to be posted at www.gamefaqs.com,
anyone else wishing to post this document (in whole or parts of) must first
receive my advance written permission. However, because I know it happens
anyway, if you "borrow" this document (or parts of it) on your site, at least
give me credit. Thanks.
Coincidentally, if anyone notices this guide posted anywhere but the site
mentioned above, please let me know so that I can take the appropriate actions.
All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their
respective trademark and copyright holders.
Map Coordinates
.--.--.--.--.--.--.--. A1 Forsaken Fortress E1 Crescent Moon Island
1 | | | | | | | | A2 Four-Eye Reef E2 Pawprint Isle
:--+--+--+--+--+--+--: A3 Western Fairy Island E3 Eastern Fairy Island
2 | | | | | | | | A4 Three-Eye Reef E4 Tower of the Gods
:--+--+--+--+--+--+--: A5 Needle Rock Isle E5 Private Oasis
3 | | | | | | | | A6 Diamond Steppe Island E6 Ice Ring Isle
:--+--+--+--+--+--+--: A7 Horseshoe Island E7 Angular Isles
4 | | | | | | | |
:--+--+--+--+--+--+--: B1 Star Island F1 Seven-Star Isles
5 | | | | | | | | B2 Mother & Child Isles F2 Dragon Roost Island
:--+--+--+--+--+--+--: B3 Rock Spire Island F3 Fire Mountain
6 | | | | | | | | B4 Greatfish Isle F4 Eastern Triangle Isle.
:--+--+--+--+--+--+--: B5 Islet of Steel F5 Bomb Island
7 | | | | | | | | B6 Five-Eye Reef F6 Forest Haven
'--'--'--'--'--'--'--' B7 Outset Island F7 Boating Course
C1 Northern Fairy Island G1 Overlook Island
C2 Spectacle Island G2 Flight Control Platfrm
C3 Tingle Island G3 Star Belt Archipelago
C4 Cyclops Reef G4 Thorned Fairy Island
C5 Stone Watcher Island G5 Bird's Peak Rock
C6 Shark Island G6 Cliff Plateau Isles
C7 Headstone Island G7 Five-Star Isles
D1 Gale Isle
D2 Windfall Island
D3 Northern Triangle Island
D4 Six-Eye Reef
D5 Southern Triangle Island
D6 Southern Fairy Island
D7 Two-Eye Reef
Features Legend
HC = Heart Container
HP = Heart Piece
RI = Requried Item
OI = Optional Item
TR = Treasure Chart
TF = Triforce Chart
ST = Sunken Treasure
OC = Other Chart
SC = Secret Cave
WW = Wind Waker Song
GF = Great Fairy
BO = Big Octo
SM = Submarine
PF = Platform
BC = Blue ChuChu
SQ = Side Quest
MG = Mini-game
TQ = Tingle Quest
DT = Deku Tree
TM = Travelling Merchant
GS = Ghost Ship
FM = Full Moon Light Rings
Nintendo Gallery Details Legend
~ = Note about taking picture
+ = Additional figure(s) acquired
! = Limited pictograph opportunities
* = Legendary Pictograph, purchased from Lenzo (can be first playthrough!)
? X Name Features
--- -- ------------------------ -----------------------------------------------
[ ] A1 Forsaken Fortress HC,HP,RIx2,ST,TQ
[ ] A2 Four-Eye Reef TR,ST,OC
[ ] A3 Western Fairy Island ST,GF,PF,BC
[ ] A4 Three-Eye Reef HP,TR,ST
[ ] A5 Needle Rock Isle HP,TF,ST,SC,BC,DT
[ ] A6 Diamond Steppe Island HP,ST,OC,SC,BO,BC,GS
[ ] A7 Horseshoe Island TRx2,ST,SC,PFx2,BC,MG
[ ] B1 Star Island HP,ST,SC,PF,BC,DT
[ ] B2 Mother & Child Isles RI,ST,GF,BC,DT,TM
[ ] B3 Rock Spire Island HPx3,OI,TRx2,ST,SC,PFx3,BC
[ ] B4 Greatfish Isle HPx2,ST,SQ,DT,TM,FM
[ ] B5 Islet of Steel TF,ST,SC,PF
[ ] B6 Five-Eye Reef TR,ST,PF
[ ] B7 Outset Island HPx3,RIx5,TF,ST,SC,GF,SQx5,MG,TQx2
[ ] C1 Northern Fairy Island TR,ST,GF,SM,BC
[ ] C2 Spectacle Island HP,TR,ST,BC,MG,GS
[ ] C3 Tingle Island HP,ST,BO,BC
[ ] C4 Cyclops Reef TR,ST,OC,PF
[ ] C5 Stone Watcher Island HP,TF,ST,SC,PF,BC
[ ] C6 Shark Island ST,SC,BC,DT
[ ] C7 Headstone Island HC,HP,RIx2,TRx3,ST,WW,SM
[ ] D1 Gale Isle HC,RIx2,TRx2,ST,WW
[ ] D2 Windfall Island HPx8,RIx3,OIx6,TRx9,ST,OC,WW,SQx15,MGx3,TQx2
[ ] D3 Northern Triangle Island ST,OC,FM
[ ] D4 Six-Eye Reef HP,TR,ST,SM,PF
[ ] D5 Southern Triangle Island ST
[ ] D6 Southern Fairy Island HP,TR,ST,GF,PFx3,BC
[ ] D7 Two-Eye Reef TR,ST,GF,BO,PF
[ ] E1 Crescent Moon Island HP,TRx2,ST,SM,BCx2,GS
[ ] E2 Pawprint Isle HPx2,ST,SCx2,PF,BC
[ ] E3 Eastern Fairy Island ST,GF,PF,BC,DT
[ ] E4 Tower of the Gods HC,RIx2,TRx2,ST,WW,TQ
[ ] E5 Private Oasis TR,TF,ST,SC,BO,MG,DT
[ ] E6 Ice Ring Isle RI,TR,ST,SC
[ ] E7 Angular Isles HPx2,ST,SC,BC
[ ] F1 Seven-Star Isles HP,TR,ST,BO,PFx3,FM
[ ] F2 Dragon Roost Island HC,HPx3,RIx5,TRx2,ST,SC,WW,SQ,MG
[ ] F3 Fire Mountain RI,ST,SC,BO,PF
[ ] F4 Eastern Triangle Island TR,ST
[ ] F5 Bomb Island HPx2,OI,ST,SC,SM,PF,TM,GS
[ ] F6 Forest Haven HC,HPx2,RIx3,TRx3,ST,SQ
[ ] F7 Boating Course ST,OCx2,SC,BC,MG
[ ] G1 Overlook Island TF,ST,OC,SC,BC
[ ] G2 Flight Control Platform HP,ST,OC,OC,SM,MG
[ ] G3 Star Belt Archipelago ST,PF,GS,FM
[ ] G4 Thorned Fairy Island HP,ST,GF,PFx2,BC
[ ] G5 Bird's Peak Rock TF,ST,SC,BC
[ ] G6 Cliff Plateau Isles TR,ST,SC,PF,BC,DT
[ ] G7 Five-Star Isles HPx2,ST,SM,PF,GS,FM
[ ] ~~ various RIx2,TF,OCx2,WW,SQx2,MG,TQ
? No X Location Details
--- -- -- -------------------- --------------------
[ ] 01 F2 Dragon Roost Island Dragon Roost Cavern
[ ] 02 F6 Forest Haven Forbidden Woods
[ ] 03 E4 Tower of the Gods Tower of the Gods
[ ] 04 A1 Forsaken Fortress 2nd visit
[ ] 05 C7 Headstone Island Earth Temple
[ ] 06 D1 Gale Isle Wind Temple
[ ] HEART PIECES (x44)
? No X Location Task
--- -- -- ----------------------- ---------------------------------------------
[ ] 01 A1 Forsaken Fortress Locked in a jail cell, use button to open
[ ] 02 A4 Three-Eye Reef Use Treasure Chart 38
[ ] 03 A5 Needle Rock Isle Use Seagull to hit switch to put out flames
[ ] 04 A6 Diamond Steppe Island Use Treasure Chart 23
[ ] 05 B1 Star Island Clear the Secret Cave
[ ] 06 B3 Rock Spire Island 950 Rupees at Beedle's Special Shop Ship
[ ] 07 B3 Rock Spire Island Use Treasure Chart 2
[ ] 08 B3 Rock Spire Island Defeat Cannon Boats and get from light ring
[ ] 09 B4 Greatfish Isle Use Deku Leaf from spiral island to ledge
[ ] 10 B4 Greatfish Isle Give Travelling Merchant a Shop Guru Statue
[ ] 11 B7 Outset Island Hit Orca 500 times
[ ] 12 B7 Outset Island Carry large pig to black dirt and use bait
[ ] 13 B7 Outset Island Clear the Secret Cave (all 50 floors)
[ ] 14 C2 Spectacle Island Win the Cannon Shoot mini-game (1st)
[ ] 15 C3 Tingle Island Defeat the Big Octo (12 eyes)
[ ] 16 C5 Stone Watcher Island Destroy the Cannons on the Platform
[ ] 17 C7 Headstone Island Use Seagull to fetch from top of mountain
[ ] 18 D2 Windfall Island Win the hide-and-seek game with the kids
[ ] 19 D2 Windfall Island Win the Zee Fleet mini-game (1st)
[ ] 20 D2 Windfall Island Get the two people to start dating
[ ] 21 D2 Windfall Island Win the Auction (3rd)
[ ] 22 D2 Windfall Island Decorate the town and talk to man on bench
[ ] 23 D2 Windfall Island Light the lighthouse and talk to operator
[ ] 24 D2 Windfall Island Light the lighthouse, chest on small island
[ ] 25 D2 Windfall Island Give Moe's letter to Maggie
[ ] 26 D4 Six-Eye Reef Clear the Submarine
[ ] 27 D6 Southern Fairy Island Use Treasure Chart 4
[ ] 28 E1 Crescent Moon Island Use Treasure Chart 11
[ ] 39 E2 Pawprint Isle Use Treasure Chart 30
[ ] 30 E2 Pawprint Isle At the back of the Turtle Dome Secret Cave
[ ] 31 E7 Angular Isles Use Treasure Chart 15
[ ] 32 E7 Angular Isles On the top of the block-puzzle mountain
[ ] 33 F1 Seven-Star Isles Defeat the Big Octo (12 eyes)
[ ] 34 F2 Dragon Roost Island Letter after defeating Kalle Demos
[ ] 35 F2 Dragon Roost Island Letter after delivering part-timer's letter
[ ] 36 F2 Dragon Roost Island Letter after give 20 Golden Feathers to guard
[ ] 37 F5 Bomb Island Clear the Secret Cave
[ ] 38 F5 Bomb Island Use Treasure Chart 20
[ ] 39 F6 Forest Haven Complete the Wilted Deku Tree side quest
[ ] 40 F6 Forest Haven Use Treasure Chart 31
[ ] 41 G2 Flight Control Platform Win the Bird-Man Contest mini-game
[ ] 42 G4 Thorned Fairy Island Use Treasure Chart 5
[ ] 43 G7 Five-Star Isles Clear the Submarine
[ ] 44 G7 Five-Star Isles Use Treasure Chart 33
? No Name X Location Details
--- -- ---------------------- -- --------------------- ------------------------
[ ] 01 Telescope B7 Outset Island Aryll
[ ] 02 Hero's Sword B7 Outset Island Orca
[ ] 03 Hero's Shield B7 Outset Island Granny
[ ] 04 Spoils Bag B7 Tetra's Pirate Ship Niko's rope challenge
[ ] 05 Pirate's Charm A1 Forsaken Fortress Tetra
[ ] 06 Sail D2 Windfall Island Zunari (80 Rupees)
[ ] 07 Wind Waker F2 Dragon Roost Island The King of Red Lions
[ ] 08 Delivery Bag F2 Dragon Roost Island Quill
[ ] 09 Bottle 1 F2 Dragon Roost Island Medli
[ ] 10 Grappling Hook F2 Dragon Roost Island Dragon Roost Cavern
[ ] 11 Din's Pearl F2 Dragon Roost Island Komali
[ ] 12 Deku Leaf F6 Forest Haven Great Deku Tree
[ ] 13 Boomerang F6 Forest Haven Forbidden Woods
[ ] 14 Farore's Pearl F6 Forest Haven Great Deku Tree
[ ] 15 Bombs D2 Tetra's Pirate Ship Niko's rope challenge
[ ] 16 Nayru's Pearl B7 Outset Island Jabun
[ ] 17 Hero's Bow E4 Tower of the Gods Tower of the Gods
[ ] 18 Master Sword E4 Tower of the Gods Hyrule Castle
[ ] 19 Skull Hammer A1 Forsaken Fortress Phantom Ganon
[ ] 20 Fire & Ice Arrows B2 Mother & Child Isles Fairy Queen
[ ] 21 Power Bracelets F3 Fire Mountain Secret Cave
[ ] 22 Mirror Shield C7 Headstone Island Earth Temple
[ ] 23 Master Sword Restore 1 C7 Headstone Island Earth Temple
[ ] 24 Iron Boots E6 Ice Ring Isle Secret Cave
[ ] 25 Hookshot D1 Gale Isle Wind Temple
[ ] 26 Master Sword Restore 2 D1 Gale Isle Wind Temple
[ ] 27 Bait Bag ~~ various Beedle Shop Ship
[ ] 28 Cabana Deed D2 Windfall Island Mrs.Marie(20JoyPendants)
[ ] 29 Triforce of Courage ~~ various Triforce Chart x8
? No Name X Location Details
--- -- ---------------------- -- --------------------- ------------------------
[ ] 01 Tingle Tuner D2 Windfall Island Tingle
[ ] 02 Picto Box D2 Windfall Island Tingle's cell maze
[ ] 03 Bottle 2 F5 Bomb Island Submarine
[ ] 04 Deluxe Picto Box D2 Windfall Island Lenzo
[ ] 05 Hero's Charm D2 Windfall Island Mrs.Marie(40JoyPendants)
[ ] 06 Bottle 3 B3 Rock Spire Island Beedle Special Shop(500)
[ ] 07 Magic Armor D2 Windfall Island Zunari (Exotic Flower)
[ ] 08 Bottle 4 D2 Windfall Island Mila
? No X Location Details
--- -- -- ------------------------ --------------------------------------------
[ ] 01 F6 Forest Haven In Forbidden Woods
[ ] 02 D2 Windfall Island Give Maggie's Father 20 Skull Necklaces
[ ] 03 F6 Forest Haven Small island outside Forest Haven, Deku Leaf
[ ] 04 B3 Rock Spire Island Beedle Special Shop (900 Rupees)
[ ] 05 D1 Gale Isle In Wind Temple
[ ] 06 E4 Tower of the Gods In Tower of the Gods
[ ] 07 D2 Windfall Island Win the Zee Fleet mini-game (2nd)
[ ] 08 A7 Horseshoe Island Clear the Secret Cave
[ ] 09 E1 Crescent Moon Island Clear the Submarine
[ ] 10 E1 Crescent Moon Island Sitting on the island
[ ] 11 F2 Dragon Roost Island In Dragon Roost Cavern
[ ] 12 C7 Headstone Island In Earth Temple
[ ] 13 D7 Two-Eye Reef Clear all artillery from the reef
[ ] 14 C7 Headstone Island Clear the Submarine
[ ] 15 F6 Forest Haven In Forbidden Woods
[ ] 16 F1 Seven-Star Isles Clear the Platforms
[ ] 17 C2 Spectacle Island Win the Cannon Shoot mini-game (2nd)
[ ] 18 D2 Windfall Island Win the Auction (2nd)
[ ] 19 A2 Four-Eye Reef Clear all artillery from the reef
[ ] 20 C7 Headstone Island In Earth Temple
[ ] 21 C4 Cyclops Reef Clear all artillery from the reef
[ ] 22 C1 Northern Fairy Island Clear the Submarine
[ ] 23 D2 Windfall Island Win the Zee Fleet mini-game (3rd)
[ ] 24 D2 Windfall Island Show Lenzo & friend picto to gossip ladies
[ ] 25 G6 Cliff Plateau Isles Use Secret Cave to reach it on high cliff
[ ] 26 D4 Six-Eye Reef Clear all artillery from the reef
[ ] 27 E5 Private Oasis On top of the cliff
[ ] 28 A7 Horseshoe Island Finish the "Golf" game with the Boko Nuts
[ ] 29 D2 Windfall Island Secret room in Lenzo's house
[ ] 30 E4 Tower of the Gods In Tower of the Gods
[ ] 31 D2 Windfall Island Show full moon picto to man on steps
[ ] 32 A4 Three-Eye Reef Clear all artillery from the reef
[ ] 33 D2 Windfall Island Show picto of old beauty queen to herself
[ ] 34 F4 Eastern Triangle Island Given by Salvage Corp.
[ ] 35 D1 Gale Isle In Wind Temple
[ ] 36 E6 Ice Ring Isle Use Fire Arrows on iced chest
[ ] 37 B3 Rock Spire Island Clear the Secret Cave
[ ] 38 D2 Windfall Island Win the Auction (1st)
[ ] 39 F2 Dragon Roost Island In Dragon Roost Cavern
[ ] 40 D6 Southern Fairy Island Clear the Platforms
[ ] 41 B6 Five-Eye Reef Clear all artillery from the reef
? No X Location Details
--- -- -- ------------------------ --------------------------------------------
[ ] 01 B5 Islet of Steel Inside the "Secret Cave"
[ ] 02 E5 Private Oasis Clear the Secret Cave (fireplace)
[ ] 03 G5 Bird's Peak Rock Use Seagull to hit 5 switches;in Secret Cave
[ ] 04 ~~ G7,G3,B4,E1,A6,F5,C2 Clear the Ghost Ship
[ ] 05 A5 Needle Rock Isle Defeat Golden Cannon Boat; light ring
[ ] 06 B7 Outset Island Clear the Secret Cave (level 30)
[ ] 07 C5 Stone Watcher Island Clear the Secret Cave
[ ] 08 G1 Overlook Island Clear the Secret Cave
? No X Location Treasure Chart
--- -- -- ------------------------ -------------------- ------------------
[ ] 01 A1 Forsaken Fortress 200 Rupees Treasure Chart 25
[ ] 02 A2 Four-Eye Reef Great Fairy Chart Treasure Chart 41
[ ] 03 A3 Western Fairy Island 200 Rupees Treasure Chart 8
[ ] 04 A4 Three-Eye Reef Heart Piece Treasure Chart 38
[ ] 05 A5 Needle Rock Isle 200 Rupees Treasure Chart 28
[ ] 06 A6 Diamond Steppe Island Heart Piece Treasure Chart 23
[ ] 07 A7 Horseshoe Island 200 Rupees Treasure Chart 9
[ ] 08 B1 Star Island 200 Rupees Treasure Chart 7
[ ] 09 B2 Mother & Child Isles 200 Rupees Treasure Chart 29
[ ] 10 B3 Rock Spire Island Heart Piece Treasure Chart 2
[ ] 11 B4 Greatfish Isle Triforce Shard Triforce Chart 1
[ ] 12 B5 Islet of Steel 200 Rupees Treasure Chart 35
[ ] 13 B6 Five-Eye Reef 200 Rupees Treasure Chart 12
[ ] 14 B7 Outset Island Triforce Shard Triforce Chart 4
[ ] 15 C1 Northern Fairy Island 200 Rupees Treasure Chart 24
[ ] 16 C2 Spectacle Island 200 Rupees Treasure Chart 22
[ ] 17 C3 Tingle Island 200 Rupees Treasure Chart 10
[ ] 18 C4 Cyclops Reef Light Ring Chart Treasure Chart 21
[ ] 19 C5 Stone Watcher Island Triforce Shard Triforce Chart 3
[ ] 20 C6 Shark Island 200 Rupees Treasure Chart 16
[ ] 21 C7 Headstone Island 200 Rupees Treasure Chart 40
[ ] 22 D1 Gale Isle Triforce Shard Triforce Chart 2
[ ] 23 D2 Windfall Island 1 Rupee Treasure Chart 18
[ ] 24 D3 Northern Triangle Island Octo Chart Treasure Chart 26
[ ] 25 D4 Six-Eye Reef 200 Rupees Treasure Chart 6
[ ] 26 D5 Southern Triangle Island Triforce Shard Triforce Chart 6
[ ] 27 D6 Southern Fairy Island Heart Piece Treasure Chart 4
[ ] 28 D7 Two-Eye Reef Triforce Shard Triforce Chart 8
[ ] 29 E1 Crescent Moon Island Heart Piece Treasure Chart 11
[ ] 30 E2 Pawprint Isle Heart Piece Treasure Chart 30
[ ] 31 E3 Eastern Fairy Island 200 Rupees Treasure Chart 3
[ ] 32 E4 Tower of the Gods 200 Rupees Treasure Chart 14
[ ] 33 E5 Private Oasis 200 Rupees Treasure Chart 1
[ ] 34 E6 Ice Ring Isle 200 Rupees Treasure Chart 17
[ ] 35 E7 Angular Isles Heart Piece Treasure Chart 15
[ ] 36 F1 Seven-Star Isles Triforce Shard Triforce Chart 7
[ ] 37 F2 Dragon Roost Island 200 Rupees Treasure Chart 39
[ ] 38 F3 Fire Mountain 200 Rupees Treasure Chart 37
[ ] 39 F4 Eastern Triangle Island 200 Rupees Treasure Chart 34
[ ] 40 F5 Bomb Island Heart Piece Treasure Chart 20
[ ] 41 F6 Forest Haven Heart Piece Treasure Chart 31
[ ] 42 F7 Boating Course Sea Hearts Chart Treasure Chart 32
[ ] 43 G1 Overlook Island Secret Cave Chart Treasure Chart 13
[ ] 44 G2 Flight Control Platform Island Hearts Chart Treasure Chart 19
[ ] 45 G3 Star Belt Archipelago 200 Rupees Treasure Chart 27
[ ] 46 G4 Thorned Fairy Island Heart Piece Treasure Chart 5
[ ] 47 G5 Bird's Peak Rock 200 Rupees Treasure Chart 36
[ ] 48 G6 Cliff Plateau Isles Triforce Shard Triforce Chart 5
[ ] 49 G7 Five-Star Isles Heart Piece Treasure Chart 33
[ ] OTHER CHARTS (x12)
? No Name X Location Details
--- -- ------------------- -- ------------------------ ------------------------
[ ] 01 Ghost Ship Chart A6 Diamond Steppe Island Clear the Secret Cave
[ ] 02 Tingle's Chart D2 Windfall Island Free Tingle from jail
[ ] 03 IN-credible Chart ~~ various Letter, after Zelda
[ ] 04 Octo Chart D3 Northern Triangle Island Use Treasure Chart 26
[ ] 05 Great Fairy Chart A2 Four-Eye Reef Use Treasure Chart 41
[ ] 06 Island Hearts Chart G2 Flight Control Platform Use Treasure Chart 19
[ ] 07 Sea Hearts Chart F7 Boating Course Use Treasure Chart 32
[ ] 08 Secret Cave Chart G1 Overlook Island Use Treasure Chart 13
[ ] 09 Light Ring Chart C4 Cyclops Reef Use Treasure Chart 21
[ ] 10 Platform Chart G2 Flight Control Platform Clear the Submarine
[ ] 11 Beedle's Chart ~~ various Letter, after Bombs
[ ] 12 Submarine Chart F7 Boating Course Clear the Secret Cave
[ ] SECRET CAVES (x21)
? No X Location Treasure(s)
--- -- -- ---------------------- ------------------------------
[ ] 01 A5 Needle Rock Isle 100 Rupees
[ ] 02 A6 Diamond Steppe Island Joy Pendant, Ghost Ship Chart
[ ] 03 A7 Horseshoe Island Treasure Chart 8
[ ] 04 B1 Star Island Heart Piece
[ ] 05 B3 Rock Spire Island Treasure Chart 37
[ ] 06 B5 Islet of Steel Triforce Chart 1
[ ] 07 B7 Outset Island Triforce Chart 6, Heart Piece
[ ] 08 C5 Stone Watcher Island Triforce Chart 7
[ ] 09 C6 Shark Island 200 Rupees
[ ] 10 E2 Pawprint Isle Heart Piece, Joy Pendant, 50 Rupees
[ ] 11 E2 Pawprint Isle 200 Rupees
[ ] 12 E5 Private Oasis Triforce Chart 2
[ ] 13 E6 Ice Ring Isle Iron Boots, 100 Rupees
[ ] 14 E7 Angular Isles 200 Rupees
[ ] 15 F2 Dragon Roost Island 50 Rupees
[ ] 16 F3 Fire Mountain Power Bracelets
[ ] 17 F5 Bomb Island Heart Piece
[ ] 18 F7 Boating Course Submarine Chart
[ ] 19 G1 Overlook Island Triforce Chart 8
[ ] 20 G5 Bird's Peak Rock Triforce Chart 3
[ ] 21 G6 Cliff Plateau Isles Joy Pendant
? No Song X Location Details
--- -- ------------------ -- -------------------------------------- -----------
[ ] 01 Wind's Requiem F2 Dragon Roost Island Wind Shrine
[ ] 02 Song of Passing D2 Windfall Island Tott
[ ] 03 Command Melody E4 Tower of the Gods monument
[ ] 04 Ballad of Gales ~~ Great Sea (B2/D2/F2/C3/B4/E4/D6/F6/B7) Cyclos
[ ] 05 Earth's God Lyric C7 Headstone Island monument
[ ] 06 Wind's God Aria D1 Gale Isle monument
? No Upgrade X Location Required
--- -- ------------------ -- ---------------------- ------------------
[ ] 01 Wallet C1 Northern Fairy Island nothing
[ ] 02 Wallet B7 Outset Island Deku Leaf & Bombs
[ ] 03 Magic Meter D7 Big Octo Boomerang
[ ] 04 Bomb D6 Southern Fairy Island Bombs
[ ] 05 Bomb E3 Eastern Fairy Island Bombs
[ ] 06 Fire & Ice Arrows B2 Mother & Child Isles Ballad of Gales
[ ] 07 Arrow A3 Western Fairy Island Skull Hammer
[ ] 08 Arrow G4 Thorned Fairy Island Skull Hammer
[ ] BIG OCTOS (x6)
? No X Location Eyes Treasure
--- -- -- ---------------------- ---- ------------
[ ] 01 A6 Diamond Steppe Island 8 100 Rupees
[ ] 02 C3 Tingle Island 12 Heart Piece
[ ] 03 D7 Two-Eye Reef 4 Great Fairy
[ ] 04 E5 Private Oasis 8 100 Rupees
[ ] 05 F1 Seven-Star Isles 12 Heart Piece
[ ] 06 F3 Fire Mountain 8 100 Rupees
? No X Location Treasure
--- -- -- ------------------------ ------------------
[ ] 01 C1 Northern Fairy Island Treasure Chart 22
[ ] 02 C7 Headstone Island Treasure Chart 14
[ ] 03 D4 Six-Eye Reef Heart Piece
[ ] 04 E1 Crescent Moon Island Treasure Chart 9
[ ] 05 F5 Bomb Island Bottle 2
[ ] 06 G2 Flight Control Platform Platform Chart
[ ] 07 G7 Five-Star Isles Heart Piece
[ ] PLATFORMS (x28)
? No X Location Treasure(s)
--- -- -- ---------------------- --------------------------
[ ] 01 A3 Western Fairy Island Skull Necklace
[ ] 02 A7 Horseshoe Island Golden Feather
[ ] 03 A7 Horseshoe Island Skull Necklace
[ ] 04 B1 Star Island Golden Feather
[ ] 05 B3 Rock Spire Island 20 Rupees (middle)
[ ] 06 B3 Rock Spire Island 100 Rupees (lower)
[ ] 07 B3 Rock Spire Island Golden Feather (upper)
[ ] 08 B5 Islet of Steel Skull Necklace
[ ] 09 B6 Five-Eye Reef Golden Feather
[ ] 10 C4 Cyclops Reef Golden Feather
[ ] 11 C5 Stone Watcher Island Heart Piece, 20 Rupees
[ ] 12 D4 Six-Eye Reef Skull Necklace
[ ] 13 D6 Southern Fairy Island Skull Necklace
[ ] 14 D6 Southern Fairy Island Treasure Chart 40
[ ] 15 D6 Southern Fairy Island -
[ ] 16 D7 Two-Eye Reef 50 Rupees
[ ] 17 E2 Pawprint Isle 20 Rupees
[ ] 18 E3 Eastern Fairy Island Boko Baba Seed
[ ] 19 F1 Seven-Star Isles 20 Rupees
[ ] 20 F1 Seven-Star Isles Golden Feather
[ ] 21 F1 Seven-Star Isles Treasure Chart 16
[ ] 22 F3 Fire Mountain 10 Rupees, Golden Feather
[ ] 23 F5 Bomb Island 20 Rupees
[ ] 24 G3 Star Belt Archipelago 20 Rupees
[ ] 25 G4 Thorned Fairy Island Golden Feather (upper)
[ ] 26 G4 Thorned Fairy Island Boko Baba Seed (lower)
[ ] 27 G6 Cliff Plateau Isles Boko Baba Seed
[ ] 28 G7 Five-Star Isles Golden Feather
[ ] BLUE CHUCHUS (x23)
? No X Location Details
--- -- -- ---------------------- ----------------------------------------------
[ ] 01 A3 Western Fairy Island
[ ] 02 A5 Needle Rock Isle
[ ] 03 A6 Diamond Steppe Island Use Hookshot to get to the 2nd highest ledge
[ ] 04 A7 Horseshoe Island
[ ] 05 B1 Star Island Lift or destroy the large rock at south-east
[ ] 06 B2 Mother & Child Isles On Child Island
[ ] 07 B3 Rock Spire Island Around Secret Cave entrance on the last ledge
[ ] 08 C1 Northern Fairy Island
[ ] 09 C2 Spectacle Island Under bridge
[ ] 10 C3 Tingle Island
[ ] 11 C5 Stone Watcher Island Near stone face
[ ] 12 C6 Shark Island On the upper ledge, use mini-cyclone to reach
[ ] 13 D6 Southern Fairy Island
[ ] 14 E1 Crescent Moon Island
[ ] 15 E1 Crescent Moon Island
[ ] 16 E2 Pawprint Isle Backflip onto the larger stone head
[ ] 17 E3 Eastern Fairy Island
[ ] 18 E7 Angular Isles At the top of the block puzzle
[ ] 19 F7 Boating Course Go to small island and climb onto rock
[ ] 20 G1 Overlook Island Use Hookshot to get up to second ledge
[ ] 21 G4 Thorned Fairy Island
[ ] 22 G5 Bird's Peak Rock On the upper ledge, use Hookshot
[ ] 23 G6 Cliff Plateau Isles On the higher island, go through Secret Cave
[ ] MAIN QUEST (x46)
? No Task
--- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[ ] 01 Go see Granny: get the Hero's Clothes
[ ] 02 Go get Aryll: get the Telescope
[ ] 03 Find a sword: get the Hero's Sword
[ ] 04 Rescue the girl from the Forest of Fairies
[ ] 05 Find a shield to board Tetra's Pirate Ship: get the Hero's Shield
[ ] 06 Complete Niko's swabbie training, part one: get the Spoils Bag
[ ] 07 Attempt to rescue Aryll from the Forsaken Fortress
[ ] 08 Find a boat sail (and free Tingle) on Windfall Island: get the Sail
[ ] 09 Go to Dragon Roost Island: get the Wind Waker
[ ] 10 Get and deliver the Father's Letter to Komali: get the Delivery Bag
[ ] 11 Meet Medli outside Dragon Roost Cavern: get the Bottle
[ ] 12 Rescue Medli from Dragon Roost Cavern - defeat Gohma: Din's Pearl
[ ] 13 Learn the Wind Waker song: Wind's Requiem
[ ] 14 Go to Forest Haven
[ ] 15 Help the Deku Tree: get the Deku Leaf
[ ] 16 Rescue Makar from Forbidden Woods - defeat Kalle Demos: Farore's Pearl
[ ] 17 Go to Greatfish Isle
[ ] 18 Go to Windfall Island
[ ] 19 Find out what the Pirates are up to: get the Pirate's Password
[ ] 20 Complete Niko's swabbie training, part two: get the Bombs
[ ] 21 Go to Outset Island
[ ] 22 Catch up on events in your village: get the Rupee Bag upgrade
[ ] 23 Go see Jabun: Nayru's Pearl
[ ] 24 Set each of the Pearls onto one of the 3 Triangle islands
[ ] 25 Complete the Hero Trials in the Tower of the Gods - defeat Gohdan
[ ] 26 Go to Hyrule Castle: get the Master Sword
[ ] 27 Go to the Forsaken Fortress
[ ] 28 Rescue the kidnapped girls - defeat the Helmaroc King: confront Ganon!
[ ] 29 Find the source of the voice from the pendant in Hyrule Castle
[ ] 30 Learn the Wind Waker song: Ballad of Gales
[ ] 31 Warp to the Mother & Child Isles: get the Fire & Ice Arrows
[ ] 32 Go to Fire Mountain: get the Power Braclets
[ ] 33 Go to Headstone Island
[ ] 34 Learn the Wind Waker song: Earth God's Lyric
[ ] 35 Awaken Medli to her destiny
[ ] 36 Complete the Earth Temple - defeat Jalhalla: Master Sword part restored
[ ] 37 Go to Ice Ring Isle: get the Iron Boots
[ ] 38 Go to Gale Isle
[ ] 39 Learn the Wind Waker song: Wind God's Aria
[ ] 40 Awaken Makar to his destiny
[ ] 41 Complete the Wind Temple - defeat Molgera: Master Sword fully restored
[ ] 42 Tour the Great Sea
[ ] 43 Find the 8 Triforce Charts and get them deciphered by Tingle
[ ] 44 Get the 8 Triforce Shards and reassemble the Triforce of Courage
[ ] 45 Go to Hyrule Castle and check on Princess Zelda
[ ] 46 Rescue Princess Zelda from Ganon's Tower - defeat Ganon
[ ] SIDE QUESTS (x26)
? No Name X Reward{s}
--- -- ----------------------- -- ---------------------------------------------
[ ] 01 Merchant's Shop Guru B4 Heart Piece
[ ] 02 Pet Pigs for Rose B7 20 Rupees / pig (max 3)
[ ] 03 Proof of Knight-hood B7 Hurricane Spin sword tech.
[ ] 04 Granny's Illness B7 Elixir Soup
[ ] 05 Big Pet Pig Dirt Dig B7 Heart Piece
[ ] 06 Savage Labyrinth B7 Triforce Chart 6 (lv30); Heart Piece (lv50)
[ ] 07 Find Stolen Picto Box D2 Picto Box and opens Lenzo's Assitant quest
[ ] 08 Lenzo's Assistant D2 Deluxe Picto Box
[ ] 09 Hide & Seek D2 Heart Piece & 50 Rupees
[ ] 10 Mrs.Marie's Joy D2 1=20 Rupees; 20=Cabana Deed; 40=Hero's Charm
[ ] 11 Beauty Queen Picto D2 Treasure Chart 33
[ ] 12 Full Moon Picto D2 Treasure Chart 31
[ ] 13 Lenzo "Affair" Picto D2 Treasure Chart 24
[ ] 14 Match-making Pictos D2 Heart Piece
[ ] 15 Start Zunari's Business D2 Magic Armor
[ ] 16 Joyous Volunteer Assoc. D2 Heart Piece
[ ] 17 Light the Lighthouse D2 Heart Piece x2
[ ] 18 Reform Mila D2 Bottle
[ ] 19 Maggie's Love Letters D2 Heart Piece
[ ] 20 Old Man Skull Necklaces D2 Treasure Chart 2
[ ] 21 Doc Bandan's Potions D2 5=Red Potion, 5=Green Potion, 15=Blue Potion
[ ] 22 Golden Feather Girlfr. F2 Heart Piece
[ ] 23 Hollo's Potion F6 Blue Potion
[ ] 24 Wilted Deku Trees ~~ Heart Piece
[ ] 25 Clear the #-Eye Reefs ~~ Treasure Charts 21, 13, 32, 19, 41, 26
[ ] 26 Beedle's Membership ~~ 30pts=Complimentary ID; 60pts=Fill-Up Coupon
[ ] MINI-GAMES (x11)
? No Name X Reward{s}
--- -- ----------------------- -- ---------------------------------------------
[ ] 01 Horseshoe Deku Golf A7 Tresure Chart 8
[ ] 02 Orca's Challenge B7 Heart Piece & 50, 100, 200 Rupees
[ ] 03 Cannon Shoot C2 Heart Piece; Treasure Chart 17; 100 Rupees
[ ] 04 Zee Fleet D2 Heart Piece; Treasure Charts 7, 23; 100 & 50R
[ ] 05 Pig Catching D2 50 Rupees
[ ] 06 Auction D2 Treasure Charts 38, 18; Heart Piece; Joy Pdnt
[ ] 07 Picture Slide Puzzles E5 Rupees!
[ ] 08 Mail Sorting F2 Rupees & Heart Piece
[ ] 09 Boat Course F7 150 Rupees max / race
[ ] 10 Bird-Man Contest G2 Heart Piece
[ ] 11 Merman Chiropractics ~~ 10 Rupees / hit; 200 Rupees for all 10
? No Name X Reward{s}
--- -- ----------------------- -- ---------------------------------------------
[ ] 01 Tingle Statues ~~ 50 each + 500 for all 5
[ ] 02 Revenge on Jail D2 5 Rupees
[ ] 03 Find Knuckle B7 Knuckle's Tuner; picto opportunity (C3)
[ ] 04 Legend of the Fairy E4 All 5 for full story (told by Tingle)
[ ] 05 Striped Canopy Rebate D2 Rebate on Balloon (20) and Kooloo-limpah (30)
[ ] 06 Black Cauldron Rebate A1 Rebate on Tings (Red=10, Green=20, Blue=40)
[ ] 07 Tingle Statue Passwords B7 100 Rupees (indefinite; use Song of Passing)
[ ] Forest Haven (x14)
? No Name Details
--- -- ------------------- ----------------------------------------------------
[ ] 01 Makar ~ Can return to Wind Temple boss room to take
[ ] 02 Fado * Legendary Pictograph
[ ] 03 Deku Tree
[ ] 04 Hollo
[ ] 05 Elma ~ A5 Needle Rock Isle
[ ] 06 Olivio ~ E3 Eastern Fairy Island
[ ] 07 Drona ~ E5 Private Oasis
[ ] 08 Rown ~ B2 Mother & Child Isles
[ ] 09 Irch ~ C6 Shark Island
[ ] 10 Linder ~ B4 Greatfish Isle
[ ] 11 Aldo ~ G6 Cliff Plateau Isles
[ ] 12 Oakin ~ B1 Star Island
[ ] 13 Carlov
[ ] 14 Manny
[ ] Dragon Roost Island (x18)
? No Name Details
--- -- ------------------- ----------------------------------------------------
[ ] 01 Medli ~ Can return to Earth Temple boss room to take
[ ] 02 Laruto * Legendary Pictograph
[ ] 03 Valoo ~ Side of head from ledge leading to broken stairs
[ ] 04 Rito Chieftan + Also gives Quill
[ ] 05 Quill
[ ] 06 Kogoli ! Must take before "waking" Medli (before P.Zelda?)
[ ] 07 Komali
[ ] 08 Pashli
[ ] 09 Skett & Akoot
[ ] 10 Koboli
[ ] 11 Hoskit
[ ] 12 Zephos & Cyclos ! Must take Cylcos' picto before Ballad of Gales
[ ] 13 Ilari
[ ] 14 Namali
[ ] 15 Basht & Bisht
[ ] 16 Baito
[ ] 17 Obli
[ ] 18 Willi
[ ] Dungeon (x19)
? No Name Details
--- -- ------------------- ----------------------------------------------------
[ ] 01 ChuChu
[ ] 02 Boko Baba
[ ] 03 Kargaroc
[ ] 04 Gyorg
[ ] 05 Seahat
[ ] 06 Octorok
[ ] 07 Rat
[ ] 08 Keese & Fire Keese
[ ] 09 Miniblin
[ ] 10 Bokoblin
[ ] 11 Peahat
[ ] 12 Magtail
[ ] 13 Morth
[ ] 14 Red & Blue Bubble
[ ] 15 Floor Master
[ ] 16 Armos
[ ] 17 Armos Knight
[ ] 18 Poe
[ ] 19 Redead
[ ] Forsaken Fortress (x18)
? No Name Details
--- -- ------------------- ----------------------------------------------------
[ ] 01 Big Octo ! Must take before destroying them all
[ ] 02 Mothula
[ ] 03 Moblin
[ ] 04 Darknut
[ ] 05 Darknut (shield)
[ ] 06 Mighty Darknut ! Must take during sub-boss battle (2 chances)
[ ] 07 Wizzrobe
[ ] 08 Wizzrobe (high-lvl) ! Must take during sub-boss battle (1 chance)
[ ] 09 Stalfos
[ ] 10 Phantom Ganon ! Must take before destroying with light
[ ] 11 Gohma ! Must take during boss battle (2 chances)
[ ] 12 Kalle Demos ! Must take during boss battle (2 chances)
[ ] 13 Gohdan ~ Can return and take picto of him in the wall
[ ] 14 Helmaroc King ! Must take during boss battle (1 chance)
[ ] 15 Jalhalla ! Must take during boss battle (2 chances)
[ ] 16 Molgera ! Must take during boss battle (2 chances)
[ ] 17 Puppet Ganon ! Must take during boss battle (1 chance)
[ ] 18 Ganondorf * Legendary Pictograph
[ ] Outset Island (x14)
? No Name Details
--- -- ------------------- ----------------------------------------------------
[ ] 01 Granny + Also gives Aryll
[ ] 02 Aryll
[ ] 03 Jabun * Legendary Pictograph
[ ] 04 Orca
[ ] 05 Sturgeon
[ ] 06 Sue-Belle
[ ] 07 Mesa
[ ] 08 Abe
[ ] 09 Rose
[ ] 10 Joel
[ ] 11 Zill
[ ] 12 Crab
[ ] 13 Seagull
[ ] 14 Wild Pig
[ ] Windfall Island (x27)
? No Name Details
--- -- ------------------- ----------------------------------------------------
[ ] 01 Lenzo
[ ] 02 Zunari
[ ] 03 Tott
[ ] 04 Killer Bees
[ ] 05 Mrs.Marie
[ ] 06 Sam
[ ] 07 Anton
[ ] 08 Linda
[ ] 09 Kamo
[ ] 10 Minenco
[ ] 11 Garrickson
[ ] 12 Pompie & Vera
[ ] 13 Potova & Joanna
[ ] 14 Kreeb
[ ] 15 Missy
[ ] 16 Dampa the Sailor
[ ] 17 Gummy the Sailor
[ ] 18 Kane the Sailor
[ ] 19 Candy the Sailor
[ ] 20 Gillian
[ ] 21 Gossack
[ ] 22 Doc Bandam
[ ] 23 Cannon
[ ] 24 Maggie
[ ] 25 Maggies' Father
[ ] 26 Mila
[ ] 27 Mila's Father
[ ] Great Sea (x24)
? No Name Details
--- -- ------------------- ----------------------------------------------------
[ ] 01 Fairy
[ ] 02 Great Fairy * Legendary Pictograph
[ ] 03 Queen of Fairies * Legendary Pictograph
[ ] 04 Old Man Ho Ho
[ ] 05 Salvage Corp.
[ ] 06 Salvatore
[ ] 07 Loot the Sailor
[ ] 08 Travelling Merchant
[ ] 09 Beedle
[ ] 10 Ankle
[ ] 11 David, Jr.
[ ] 12 Tingle
[ ] 13 Knuckle ! Must take before completing Nintendo Gallery
[ ] 14 Mako
[ ] 15 Niko
[ ] 16 Zuko
[ ] 17 Nudge
[ ] 18 Senza
[ ] 19 Gonzo
[ ] 20 Tetra ! Must take before Master Sword (+Also gives #14-19)
[ ] 21 Merman
[ ] 22 King of Hyrule * Legendary Pictograph (+ Also gives Princess Zelda)
[ ] 23 Princess Zelda
[ ] 24 King of Red Lions ~ Given after completing Gallery (ex Knuckle)
Copyright 2003 Dan Marion