There is an area once you get inside of the Warriors hideout where you can work out. You will be able to do chin ups, sit ups, push ups, and a heavy bag. At the end of each chapter you will be able to workout to increase your stamina. However, you will not be able to start working out until after Chapter 3. There are ten ranks for each exercise. They are as follows, with "R" being rank, and "/" being within seconds:
Chin Ups: R1=5, R2=5/11 sec., R3=10/21 sec., R4=10/19 sec., R5=10/17 sec., R6=15/32 sec., R7=15/29 sec., R8=15/26 sec., R9=20/40 sec., R10=20/35 sec.
Sit Ups: R1=5, R2=5/11 sec., R3=10/21 sec., R4=10/19 sec., R5=10/17 sec., R6=15/32 sec., R7=15/29 sec., R8=15/26 sec., R9=20/40 sec., R10=20/35 sec.
Push Ups: R1=5, R2=5/11 sec., R3=10/19 sec., R4=10/17 sec., R5=10/15 sec., R6=15/28 sec., R7=15/24 sec., R8=15/20 sec., R9=20/30 sec., R10=20/25 sec.
Heavy Bag: R1=10/25 sec., R2=10/23 sec., R3=10/21 sec., R4=10/19 sec., R5=10/17 sec., R6=15/33 sec., R7=15/31 sec., R8=15/29 sec., R9=15/27 sec., R10=15/25 sec. |