Version 1.4
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This FAQ/Walkthrough is copyright of Alan Quirino (
You must agree these terms in order to read/put on a page this document:
1) You make no credit for this, this work is a result of many hours of gameplay and writting, so
please do not steal.
2) You keep this document exactly as it is, you must NOT change anything, font, number,
3) If you do wish to put this in your web page, you must contact me first saying so.
4) You may use some info of this document as long as I give you permision to do so, but only a
small paragraph.
5) If you think or know someone stole from this, please contact me, as I said, this is the
result, of someone's hard work and a lot of time, so please, don't steal.
6) If you feel I missed something in this or you have a suggestion, contact me, but I will not
accept hate-mail, I will just problably ban your e-mail adress if you do so.
7) I will respond most questions concerning this game, as long as IT IS _NOT_ detailed in here,
so please check first, if the question is detailed here, i will just problably erase the
mail, if didn't respond it was problably because the question was already detailed here, if
you insist I will ban you, and don't try making another account and keep asking!!!!
8) If you mail me about something of this guide, please put "Digimon World 3" or the like as
the subject...
Please read them, before you email me or whatever...
1. Why a Renamon FAQ?
2. Renamon
2.1. Attacks
2.2. D-Evolution
3. Kyubimon
4. Taomon
5. Sakuyamon
6. DRI Agent
7. Other D-Evolutions
7.1. To Champion
7.2. To Ultimate
7.3. To Megas
8. Thanks/Copyright
----------------------------------------1. Why a Renamon FAQ?-----------------------------------
As the subject says, "Why a Renamon FAQ?". In short, that's my favorite Digimon, there is no
FAQ written for her, and there are about 6 or 7 Walkthroughs done, so I won't write a
walkthrough, that's why I decided to write a Renamon FAQ.
----------------------------------------2. Renamon----------------------------------------------
----------------------------------------2.2. Attacks--------------------------------------------
Diamond Storm (Finishing Move)
-Text: Creates ice leaves and shoot.
-MP: 30
----------------------------------------2.3. D-Evolutions---------------------------------------
The List of her D-Evolutions and at what levels she learns them:
Kyubimon: Level 5
Taomon: Level 20
Sakuyamon: Level 40
These are her normal D-Evolutions, to see how to obtain ALL the other D-Evolutions go to
Section 7.
----------------------------------------3. Kyubimon---------------------------------------------
Stats Increase:
Strength: +10 Heat Tolerance: +30
Defense: +00 Water Tolerance: +30
Spirit: +40 Ice Tolerance: +45
Wisdom: +30 Wind Tolerance: +15
Speed: +20 Thunder Tolerance: +60
Charisma: +01 Machine Tolerance: +00
Dark Tolerance: +30
Attacks Learned:
Level 05: Thunder Bolt
Level 10: ------------
Level 15: Ice Blow
Level 20: Stingmon D-Evolution
Level 25: Thunder Gemini
Level 30: ------------
Level 35: LOAD: Thunder Bolt
Level 40: ------------
Level 45: LOAD: Ice Blow
Level 50: ------------
Level 55: Ice Shower
Level 60: Dragon Wheel (Finishing Move)
Level 65: ------------
Level 70: ------------
Level 75: LOAD: Thunder Gemini
Level 80: ------------
Level 85: ------------
Level 90: ------------
Level 95: ------------
Level 99: LOAD: Ice Shower
Thunder Bolt:
-Level Learned: 05
-Level Loaded: 35
-Type: Thunder
-MP: 20
-Text: Create a thunder ball and fire.
Ice Blow:
-Level Learned: 15
-Level Loaded: 45
-Type: Ice
-MP: 20
-Text: Shoots icycles with damage.
Thunder Gemini:
-Level Learned: 25
-Level Loaded: 75
-Type: Thunder
-MP: 30
-Text: Create two thunder balls and fire.
Ice Shower:
-Level Learned: 55
-Level Loaded: 99
-Type: Ice
-MP: 48
-Text: Shoot numerous icycles.
Fox Tail Inferno: (Finishing Move)
-Level Learned: 60
-Level Loaded: NONE
-Type: Fire
-MP: 60
-Text: Shoot fire balls from 9 tails.
----------------------------------------4. Taomon-----------------------------------------------
Stats Increase:
Strength: +20 Heat Tolerance: +40
Defense: +10 Water Tolerance: +40
Spirit: +50 Ice Tolerance: +60
Wisdom: +40 Wind Tolerance: +20
Speed: +30 Thunder Tolerance: +80
Charisma: +01 Machine Tolerance: +00
Dark Tolerance: +40
Attacks Learned:
Level 05: Thunder Gemini
Level 10: Ice Shower
Level 15: LOAD: Thunder Gemini
Level 20: ------------
Level 25: Electro Bolt
Level 30: ------------
Level 35: LOAD: Ice Shower
Level 40: ------------
Level 45: Snowstorm
Level 50: ------------
Level 55: Thunder Field
Level 60: ------------
Level 65: LOAD: Electro Bolt
Level 70: Bonhitsusen (Finishing Move)
Level 75: ------------
Level 80: LOAD: Snowstorm
Level 85: ------------
Level 90: LOAD: Thunder Field
Level 95: ------------
Level 99: ------------
Thunder Gemini:
-Level Learned: 05
-Level Loaded: 15
-Type: Thunder
-MP: 30
-Text: Create two thunder balls and fire.
Ice Shower:
-Level Learned: 10
-Level Loaded: 35
-Type: Ice
-MP: 48
-Text: Shoot numerous icycles.
Electro Bolt:
-Level Learned: 25
-Level Loaded: 65
-Type: Thunder
-MP: 48
-Text: Large thunder ball against enemy.
-Level Learned: 45
-Level Loaded: 80
-Type: Ice
-MP: 60
-Text: Snow spirits inflicts ice damage.
Thunder Field:
-Level Learned: 55
-Level Loaded: 90
-Type: Thunder
-MP: 100
-Text: Strengthen thunder, weaken metal.
Bonhitsusen (Finishing Move)
-Level Learned: 70
-Level Loaded: NONE
-Type: Physical
-MP: 80
-Text: Huge damage to ghouls.
----------------------------------------5. Sakuyamon--------------------------------------------
Stats Increase:
Strength: +30 Heat Tolerance: +50
Defense: +20 Water Tolerance: +50
Spirit: +60 Ice Tolerance: +75
Wisdom: +50 Wind Tolerance: +25
Speed: +40 Thunder Tolerance: +100
Charisma: +01 Machine Tolerance: +00
Dark Tolerance: +50
Attacks Learned:
Level 05: Electro Bolt
Level 10: ------------
Level 15: Snowstorm
Level 20: ------------
Level 25: LOAD: Electro Bolt
Level 30: ------------
Level 35: LOAD: Snowstorm
Level 40: Lightning Bolt
Level 45: ------------
Level 50: Giga Freeze
Level 55: ------------
Level 60: ------------
Level 65: Ice Field
Level 70: ------------
Level 75: ------------
Level 80: LOAD: Lightning Bolt
Level 85: KougouKaimandara (Finishing Move)
Level 90: LOAD: Giga Freeze
Level 95: ------------
Level 99: LOAD: Ice Field
Electro Bolt:
-Level Learned: 5
-Level Loaded: 25
-Type: Thunder
-MP: 48
-Text: Large thunder ball against enemy.
-Level Learned: 15
-Level Loaded: 35
-Type: Ice
-MP: 60
-Text: Snow spirit inflicts ice damage.
Lightning Bolt:
-Level Learned: 40
-Level Loaded: 80
-Type: Thunder
-MP: 72
-Text: Huge thunder ball against enemy.
Giga Freeze:
-Level Learned: 50
-Level Loaded: 90
-Type: Ice
-MP: 72
-Text: Engulf the enemy with huge ice.
Ice Field:
-Level Learned: 65
-Level Loaded: 99
-Type: Ice
-MP: 100
-Text: Strengthen ice, weaken wind.
-Level Learned: 85
-Level Loaded: NONE
-Type: Magic
-MP: 150
-Text: Magic attack against ghouls.
----------------------------------------6. DRI Agent------------------------------------------
The DRI Agent is on Central Park, just above Leomon's Gym.
-Your Digimon's combined levels must be between 45-60, if you are higher or lower the agent will
not ask you to get the DDNA.
-To get the DDNA you must beat Taomon.
-You can find Taomon in: North Badland W, West Sector
----------------------------------------7. Other D-Evolutions-----------------------------------
----------------------------------------7.1 To Champion-----------------------------------------
Angemon: -Have Sakuyamon at Skill Level 30.
-Have Wind Tolerance at 150+
Devimon: -Have Sakuyamon at Skille Level 10.
Dinohumon: -Have Grizzmon at Skill Level 20.
ExVeemon: -Have Taomon at Skill Level 20.
-Have Wind Tolerance at 120+
Greymon: -Have Grizzmon at Skill Level 30.
-Have Defense at 280+
Grizzmon: -Have Myotismon at Skill Level 20.
-Have Strength at 300+
Growlmon: -Have Stingmon at Skill Level 20.
-Have Defense at 80+
Hookmon: -Have Kyukimon at Skill Level 20.
Kabuterimon: -Have Stingmon at Skill Level 40.
Kyubimon: -Have Renamon at Level 5.
Stingmon: -Have Kyubimon at Skill Level 20.
-Have Strength at 80+
----------------------------------------7.2. To Ultimate----------------------------------------
Angewomon: -Have Kyubimon at Skill Level 30.
-Have Spirit at 160+
Armormon: -Have Hookmon at Skill Level 50.
Digitamamon: -Have Sakuyamon at Skill Level 20.
-Have Intelligence at 400+
GrapLeomon: -Have Grizzmon at Skill Level 50.
Kyukimon: -Have Dinohumon at Skill Level 50.
MagnaAngemon: -Have Angemon at Skill Level 50.
MetalGreymon: -Have Greymon at Skill Level 40.
MetalMamemon: -Have Taomon at Skill Level 30.
-Have Machine Tolerance at 100+
Myotismon: -Have Devimon at Skill Level 50.
Paildramon: -Have ExVeemon at Skill Level 5.
-Have Stingmon at Skill Level 5.
SkullGreymon: -Have Greymon at Skill Level 50.
-Have Dark Tolerance at 250+
Taomon: -Have Renamon at Level 20.
WarGrowlmon: -Have Growlmon at Skill Level 40.
-Have Renamon at Level 25.
----------------------------------------7.3. To Megas-------------------------------------------
Beelzemon: -Have MaloMyotismon at Skill Level 40.
-Have Gallantmon at Skill Level 40.
BlackWarGreymon: -Have SkullGreymon at Skill Level 99.
Cannondramon: -Have Armormon at Skill Level 99.
Diaboromon: -Have GranKuwagamon at Skill Level 99.
-Have BlackWarGreymon at Skill Level 99.
Gallantmon: -Have WarGrowlmon at Skill Level 99.
GranKuwagamon: -Have Imperialdramon at Skill Level 40.
-Have Kabuterimon at Skill Level 40.
GuardiAngemon: -Have Kyukimon at Skill Level 99.
Imperialdramon: -Have Paildramon at Skill Level 50.
Imperialdramon FM: -Have Imperialdramon at Skill Level 99.
Imperialdramon PM: -Have Imperialdramon FM at Skill Level 40.
-Have Omnimon at Skill Level 40.
MaloMyotismon: -Have Myotismon at Skill Level 99.
Marsmon: -Have GrapLeomon at Skill Level 99.
MegaGargomon: -Have MetalGarurumon at Skill Level 99.
MetalGarurumon: -Have MetalMamemon at Skill Level 40.
-Have Machine Tolerance at 120+
Omnimon: -Have WarGreymon at Skill Level 40.
-Have MetalGarurumon at Skill Level 40.
Phoenixmon: -Have Rosemon at Skill Level 99.
Rosemon: -Have Angewomon at Skill Level 40.
-Have Renamon at Level 15.
Sakuyamon: -Have Renamon at Level 40.
Seraphimon: -Have MagnaAngemon at Skill Level 99.
WarGreymon: -Have MetalGreymon at Skill Level 99.
----------------------------------------8. Thanks/Copyright-------------------------------------
-Alan Quirino
--Writing this...
-Armando Botello
--Correcting the real name of Kyubimon's finishing move.
This FAQ/Walkthrough is copyright of Alan Quirino (
You must agree these terms in order to read/put on a page this document:
1) You make no credit for this, this work is a result of many hours of gameplay and writting, so
please do not steal.
2) You keep this document exactly as it is, you must NOT change anything, font, number,
3) If you do wish to put this in your web page, you must contact me first saying so.
4) You may use some info of this document as long as I give you permision to do so, but only a
small paragraph.
5) If you think or know someone stole from this, please contact me, as I said, this is the
result, of someone's hard work and a lot of time, so please, don't steal.
6) If you feel I missed something in this or you have a suggestion, contact me, but I will not
accept hate-mail, I will just problably ban your e-mail adress if you do so.
7) I will respond most questions concerning this game, as long as IT IS _NOT_ detailed in here,
so please check first, if the question is detailed here, i will just problably erase the
mail, if didn't respond it was problably because the question was already detailed here, if
you insist I will ban you, and don't try making another account and keep asking!!!!
8) If you mail me about something of this guide, please put "Digimon World 3" or the like as
the subject...
Please read them, before you email me or whatever...
That's all...