Triforce Chart And Heart Piece At Outset Island :
You must have Power Bracelets, a Mirror Shield, and the Hookshot/Deku Leaf. If you have the Hookshot, go to where Grandma's house is located and travel to the right. Use your Hookshot on the tree in order to reach the area where the head-shaped rock is located. If you have a Deku Leaf, go on top of the bridge, change the wind direction to west, and glide down to the area. Lift the rock and enter the hole. Defeat all the enemies and enter into the next hole. Continue for about twenty minutes. You should find a chest with a Triforce Chart inside. Use your shield to reflect light on a large statue. It will crumble and reveal a hole. Enter it and defeat all the enemies, then enter the hole when the fire disappears. The levels get more difficult; bring fairies. At the last one, you will receive a Heart piece. You must complete all fifty levels in order to get the heart. |