1.) Behind Brinstone wall:: Chozo Ruins, Ruined Gallery
2.) Behind Brinstone wall:: Chozo Ruins, Watery Hall Access
3.) Bomb through Sandstone to reveal Morph Ball path:: Chozo Ruins, Burn Dome
4.) Solve the puzzle of the cage by using the double bomb jump:: Chozo Ruins, Vault
5.) Solve Morph Ball puzzle in wall (4.8MB Quicktime):: Chozo Ruins, Ruined Nursery
6.) Use Morph Ball tunnel that loops in half-circle:: Chozo Ruins, Ruined Gallery
7.) Access from Triclops Pit, roll under grating:: Magmoor Caverns, Storage Cavern
8.) Bomb crates to reveal path. Located high up on elevated grating:: Magmoor Caverns, Fiery Shores
9.) Located under stone walkway; dust and steam pour out from beneath:: Tallon Overworld, Transport Tunnel B
10.) Behind ship in small tunnel filled with Tangle Weed:: Tallon Overworld, Landing Site
11.) Jump on piping, roll in Morph Ball form to access (3.4 MB Quicktime):: Phendrana Drifts, Research Lab Aether
12.) Use half-pipe. Located under bridge on small shelf:: Chozo Ruins, Main Plaza
13.) Use clean water from fountain to blast upward and connect to Spider Ball track:: Chozo Ruins, Ruined Fountain
14.) Blast weakened metal grating with missiles.:: Chozo Ruins, Dynamo
15.) Use Spider Ball track to access inlet above:: Chozo Ruins, Dynamo
With the classic NES Metroid game unlocked, enter the following passwords by pressing Z at the main menu with your GBA linked to your GameCube.
Start game with all power-ups suitless Samus: JUSTIN BAILEY ______ ______
Start game with suitless Samus: 000000 000020 000000 000020
Start game with infinite health, ammo, and upgrades: NARPAS SWORD0 0000__ ______
Hard Mode: 999999 999999 KKKKKK KKKKKK |