1.) Chozo Ruins, Transport Access North
2.) Use the West Furnace Access:: Chozo Ruins, Furnace
3.) High on ledge. Use Plaza Access from Vault:: Chozo Ruins, Main Plaza
4.) Use spinners to activate Morph Ball slot. Bomb slot to fill room with water. Located direclty across floating platforms down angled tunnel:: Phendrana Drifts, Ruined Courtyard
5.) Hidden in same stasis containment as Metroids. Use missile to blast glass open:: Phendrana Drifts, Research Lab Aether
6.) Use Thermal Visor to send power to cooling machine. Located behind purple passage (North):: Magmoor Caverns, Magmoor Workstation
7.) Activate Ice Beam Morph Ball slot behind Chozo elder. Path leads underground:: Chozo Ruins, Hall of Elders
8.) Use bombs to propel yourself high in vertical shaft (3.3MB Quicktime):: Tallon Overworld, Hydro Access Tunnel
9.) Super Bomb bendezium vent, roll through tunnel, scan to activate fans:: Phazon Mines, Ventilation Shaft
10.) Use half-pipe to reach Morph Ball slots, send power to elevator, and follow Spider Ball track (5.0 MB Quicktime).:: Chozo Ruins, Training Chamber
11.) Defeat Omega Pirate, exit second level:: Phazon Mines, Processing Center Access
12.) Blast wall of ice with Plasma Beam to melt:: Phendrana Drifts, Transport Access |