Here is how to get the couples mask. On day one, go to the mayor's resident and speak to madame arona (in the right door when you enter). She will give you Kafei's mask. Then go to the stock pot inn, and wait until the postman delivers the letter to Anju. When he leaves, talk to Anju with Kafei's mask on. She will ask you to talk to her about it at 11:30pm. It will close on you at 8:30pm, so go to the deku flower and fly to the roof and then there will be a door up there that is unlocked! Go in, and at 11:30 speak to her in the kitchen. She will ask you to deliver a letter to a mailbox. Put it in a mail box and wait until day 2.
On day 2, go to the laundry pool and wait until the postman comes to deliver the letter to Kafei. Go in that place he came out of, and go up the stairs. Wait until Kafei comes up the stairs and talk to him. He'll tell you about how he got small and he'll give you something to deliver to Anju. Go and give it to her right away.
On day 3, go to the laundry pool and enter the door at 1:00pm-10:00 pm. Talk to the guy there and he'll give you the Keaton mask. Then go to Ikana Canyon and go where Sakon's hideout is behind the rocks and you'll see Kafei. Wait until 7:00pm for Sakon to come and open it (don't let him see you!)Go in Sakon's hideout and go in the door. Kafei will step on a switch and the Sun's mask will go on a trailer thing. You will play as Kafei. With Kafei, solve the puzzles. With Link, kill all the enemies. If you do this quick enough, you will be successful. He will get the sun's mask. When he runs away, quickly go to the stock pot inn. Go into the employees only room and you will see Anju sitting on her bed. Wait until Kafei comes and they will give you the couples mask. |