Basically, you need to input the TEST MODE code(Left, Down, Left, Right, Down, Right, Left, Left, Right, Right when the flashing cursor is highlighting DONE!) before any of this can take place. You MUST turn on the following options-Player one takes no damage, one hit kill Player one AND two, One button fatalites, computer does fatalities, Oooh, Nasty!, maximum time on the clock, credits set to thirty, and the six-button controller configuration must be in effect. Now play through the first contender until the last committing fatality after fatality in every stage, try your best to fight Smoke(he can be hard to reach, so remember, The Portal Stage, Down and Start when Dan "Toasty" Forbes appears((this just makes the cheat easier to do, don't know why))), fight Jade(win the first round using only Low Kick against the contender below the "?" space), beat Kintaro in under 10 seconds TOTAL, and fight Shao Khan using only projectiles(Sub-Zero's Iceball, Scorpion's spear, etc., etc.). He'll die the first round rather fast unless he just keeps doing that stupid shoulder charge over and over again, in which you can't die, but it just keeps you from killing him fast enough for this to work. In the second round, just tap him with a jumping kick(doesn't always work) or a projectile(Sub-Zero's works the best, I think because it freezes him and still kills him at the same time with one hit kills on). Shao Khan should then freeze up in that granite-like state right before he would explode normally. What will happen is kind of up to time at this point, because Shao Khan will either sit there and shake like he's going to explode until the timer runs out, in which you get a GAME OVER screen for all your work, or he will simply unfreeze and you will not be able to damage him AT ALL. You'll both just fight back and forth until the timer runs out, in which you'll get your character's ending screen text or the game will freeze up in Stage 4(The Armory) during a demo with Raiden and Liu Kang fighting until the exact ti! me Raide n does the Superman and Liu Kang does his flying kick simultaneously(this is VERY rare). Trust me, I let it sit there once for two or three hours, it'll still be there when you come back. You must press RESET or power off the system to go back to defaults.
NOTE: The first time this happened to me, it was just a fluke, because I had just found out about the TEST MODE cheat and just happened to have ALL of these specific options on at once. It didn't happen again until a week later, and I noticed a pattern. To make it work, you may have to try this over and over. It's nothing special, but it's pretty funny to watch. |