Select My Madden from the Main Menu, select Madden Cards, then select Madden Codes and enter the following:
Team - Code
'93 Bills team - Y66K3O
'92 Cowboys team - I44A1O
'91 Lions team - I89F4I
'90 Eagles team - G95F2Q
'88 49ers team - F77R8H
'86 Giants team - K44F2Y
'85 Bears team - F92M8M
'84 Dolphins team - X23Z8H
'83 Raiders team - D23T8S
'82 Redskins team - F56D6V
'81 Chargers team - Y27N9A
'80 Raiders team - K71K4E
'78 Dolphins team - G97U5X
'77 Broncos team - O18T2A
'76 Raiders team - P96Q8M
'74 Steelers team - R12D9B
'58 Colts team - P74X8J
'66 Packers team - G49P7W
'68 Jets team - C24W2A
'70 Browns team - G12N1I
'72 Dolphins team - R79W6W |