Lame Duck - Opponent will throw lob passes - D57R5S
Da Bomb - Unlimited pass range - B61A8M
Da Boot - Unlimited field goal range - I76X3T
Super Dive - Diving distance increases by 75% for game - D59K3Y
Human Plow - Break tackle increases by 75% for game - L96J7P
3rd Down - Opponent will only get 3 downs to get a 1st - Z28X8K
5th Down - Get 5 downs to get a 1st - P66C4L
Tight Fit - Opponents uprights will be narrow - V34L6D
Extra Credit - Awards points for interceptions and sacks - M89S8G
Unforced Errors - Opponent will fumble ball when he jukes - L48G1E
First and Five - 1st down yards to go will be set to 5 - O72E9B
First and Fifteen - Requires that your opponent get 15 yards to get a 1st down - V65J8P
Mistake Free - Can't fumble or throw interceptions - X78P9Z
Fumbilitis - Opponents fumbles will increase by 75% for game - R14B8Z
Bingo! - Your defensive interceptions will increase by 75% for game - J33I8F
Mr - Mobility - Your QB can't get sacked - Y59R8R
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