Enable the "Cheat mode" code. Go to the Alley Of The Sphinxes level. When there, instead of going straight into the level, turn around and head for the mountains. After a while you will begin to lose health very fast. Give yourself full health when you are in danger of dying. In a short while, you will get to the top of the mountain and stop losing health. You may want to get full health because you will lose about 30 when you fall to the other side. You will now be in more desert. Keep running for about twenty minutes and you will walk off the desert and enter an area that looks like all sky. While here, when your gun moves it looks strange. When you slice your knife around, the whole screen will get covered by an image of it. The best part about this area is that you can fly. Hold Jump to do so. You can travel anywhere in the level. To land, hold Crouch. |