Beat The Impossible Chall. With A FEW Weapons :
There are 60 rounds in the impossible challenge and if you want to beat the impossible challenge with just a few weapons do this: First make sure you have the Kilonoides,the Megaturrets,Zapper or Clanks Shocker,and last but definetly not least the tesla shield{The transformed verision of the first shield.} Here's how it works: When your enmey's are coming towards you, the Megaturrets will be the first weapon to start firing. The limit for the Megaturrets to be out at once is five. When your out of megaturrets, the kilonoids will start shooting.The kilonoids plasma lasers won't be strong enough to push the enemy back unless the kilonoids throw a bomb. If the enemy get's to close to you the tesla shield and the Clank Shocker will shock them, but the Clank Shocker can hit at a longer range than the tesla shield. When it's time for a cage battle your kilonoids and tesla shield will vanish when you jump on the thing that get's you into the cage, this also happens when you exit the cage. At the 60th round you will face Megapede.The best weapon to use against it is the Meteor Gun or the RYNOII. If my way doesn't work for you, then do it another way, but these are the weapons I used to beat the impossible challenge. Just use these weapons and kick @$$. |