Doom Solution by AMC (
Version 2.5 Written on 11/3/02
This is the full solution to both the Original and Ultimate Doom(TM).
The secrets aren't listed and neither are the monsters. This is just
a step-by-step walkthrough to help you finish each level. I decided
to do this after reading George Foot's great Doom 2 solution. If you wish
to put this walkthrough on your website, please contact me first.
Version Changes
Version 1 3/3/02= Original version, only contained the original doom
Version 2 8/3/02= Added solution for episode 4 and weapons and
fighting advice sections.
Version 2.5 11/3/02= Fixed some typos and added the beginning
of the rating system.
This FAQ can be found at:
Weapon Advice
1. Fist
Your marines fist is the weakest weapon in the game and should only be
used in conjunction with a berserk pack, when you have no-ammo or when
ammo conservation is important. The fist works best against weak enemies
such as former humans and enemies that have to get close to attack
(excluding Lost souls as they are too fast).
Best Vs: Former humans, Demons, Specters
Weak Vs: All other monsters
2. Chainsaw
The chainsaw is a decent close range weapon but like the fist, it's only
useful in low ammo situations. When using on demons, try to back up
while doing it or you may get bitten.
Best Vs: Former human, Former Human Sergeants, Demons, Specters,
Cacodemons, Lost souls
Bad Vs: The rest.
3. Pistol
The pistol is a rather weak weapon but due to its range, it's more useful
then the fist. Still, you should use it only when your last resort is the fist.
Once you have the chaingun this weapon becomes totally useless.
Best Vs: Human enemies
Weak Vs: Everything else
4. Shotgun
The shotgun is the best all around weapon as it is rather powerful, and
ammo for it is plentiful. The one problem is that it has a slow reload
rate so it's not good verses whole hoards of demons that are attacking
from every direction.
Best Vs: Human enemies, imps, lost souls
Worst Vs: Cyberdemons, Spider Mastermind
5. Chaingun
The chaingun basically is a rapid firing machine gun that uses the same
ammo as the pistol. However, the chaingun is MUCH better than the
pistol and is useful for killing large amounts of enemies, although it takes
a while to kill the enemies.
Best Vs: Human enemies, imps, cacodemons
Worst Vs: Cyberdemon, Spider Mastermind
6. Rocket launcher
The rocket launcher is the second most powerful weapon in the game.
But you must be careful with it as the splash damage it causes as it can
easily kill your marine. However this splash damage does lots of damage
to the enemies so it evens out.
Best Vs: All enemies
Worst Vs: None
7. Plasma Rifle
The plasma rifle is a rapid firing weapon that does more damage then
the chaingun. Be warned that some enemies seem to be able to resist
the damage from this gun, and at times the projectiles can clog up the
Best Vs: All enemies except Cyberdemons and Spider Masterminds.
Worst Vs: Cyberdemons & Spider Masterminds
8. BFG9000
The best weapon in both this game and probably any game I’ve ever played!
Although it takes a while to charge and takes a lot of ammo, the damage
dealt is massive. Best used against tough enemies.
Best Vs: All enemies
Worst Vs: Nothing, BWHAHAHAHA!
Fighting advice
Learn to strafe. I cannot stress this enough. Strafing is the most useful
ability in not only Doom but many other first person shooter games.
Know when to fight and when to run, if you have 2 bullets and are being
attacked by a Baron of Hell, you should try to escape and gather some
ammo. Then you can return to finish him off (heh, heh, heh)
Try to sneak around and avoid fights. Monsters usually hear you when you
fire off shots, so only shoot if necessary and keep as far away from monsters
as possible. Avoiding conflicts is probably the only way to survive on
Nightmare mode.
Former Humans: Use either the pistol or a close range weapon to take them
out. No need to waste ammo.
Former Human Sergeants: The sergeants are VERY annoying as they do a
fair bit of damage with their shots. Try to take them out quickly with a
shotgun, or a pistol if that's all you have.
Imps: Are the most common enemy in Doom, so get used to them. You
can tell if there are any imps by listening to what I call the clicking sound.
Anyway, the shotgun is the best weapon to kill them with. Usually you will
have a shotgun by the time you first meet them, so fill 'em with lead and
keep moving.
Demons: Pig like creatures that do a reasonable amount of damage, have
a fair amount of health but must get close to attack. Best weapons to use
are the chainsaw and probably the shotgun (if they are in small groups).
The demons usually travel in small groups of 3 to 6, so weaken them
with the shotgun then finish them off with the chainsaw, or even your
bare fists.
Specters: Exactly like the demons except they are invisible. Be
especially careful in dark areas, where the Doom designers seem to
like putting them.
Lost souls: Flaming skulls that try to ram you. They usually travel alone
or in large groups of 10 or more (on Ultra-Violence). Try to take them
out quickly with either the shotgun or chaingun.
Cacodemon: Huge flying 'balls' that shoot lightning balls, they are fairly
common and can be easily killed by a chaingun, plasma rifle or chainsaw,
although it does take a while.
Barons of hell: Big goat-like demons, they deal lots of damage and can take
lots of damage too. Try not to get too close to them as their scratch
(punch?) attack is much more powerful then their slimeball attack. Use a
powerful weapon such as the rocket launcher or plasma rifle to take these
guys out quickly.
Spider Masterminds: The final boss in Doom isn't really the hardest monster
in the game. To take out these b#$%@!& use the BFG9000 3 times to finish
Cyberdemon: The boss at the end of the second episode, to kill the
Cyberdemon, use the rocket launcher or BFG9000 while dodging his
Abbreviations and definitions
N,S,E,W,NW,NE,SW,SE = North, South, etc. North is up on the map, east is
right, etc.
Jump = Run off the edge of a platform.
Activate = Press the use (default is spacebar) button. If I say something can
be activated it generally looks different then its surrounding walls.
Episode 1: Knee-Deep in the dead
The only episode in the shareware version, this episode is really easy,
both combat and puzzle-wise. I really don't know why I’m even
writing a solution for this episode...
E1M1- Hanger
i. Head N and open the door.
ii. Head E then S.
iii. Keep heading S until you can touch the exit switch
E1M2- Nuclear plant
i. Head E to either of the 2 doors.
ii. Go up the stairs then get the red key.
iii. Retrace your steps to the starting room then head through the red
iv. Walk forwards and up the stairs.
v. Walk around the pathway to the elevator
vi. Flip the switch at the other end of the room
vii. Head through either of the opened passages.
viii. Go down the stairs, and enter the pit in the room (watch out for
the imp that will appear on harder difficulty settings)
ix. Press the switch.
E1M3- Toxin Refinery
Blue key
i. Exit room and head through the left-hand door.
ii. Head north to the slime pit.
iii. Walk around the pit to the other side.
iv. Follow the corridor around to the blue key.
v. Get the blue key and kill all monsters.
i. Retrace your steps back to the slime pit at the beginning.
ii. Go through the blue door.
iii. Go through either passage.
iv. Go up the stairs to the exit room
E1M4- Command Center
Note: Apparently there is a very fast, easy way to finish this stage.
If you know or can find out what it is could you please e-mail me?
Blue key
i. Open the door and go through any of the three passages you can see.
ii. Enter the central room and get the blue key.
iii. Exit the room by standing in the patch of light.
Traverse the maze
i. Head to the W end of the room.
ii. Go to the left and enter the blue room.
iii. Head through the SW passage.
iv. Follow it round, then go through the NE passage at the next
v. Head E then immediately N again to exit the maze.
Leave level
i. Grab the yellow key and keep following the corridor around.
ii. Press the switch and open the door.
iii. Go up the stairs, cross the bridge and exit the level.
E1M5- Phobos Lab
Yellow key
i. Go north across slime pit then head E as far as you can go.
ii. Go north and watch bridge rise.
iii. Go back and head up stairs.
iv. Cross the bridge and enter dark(ish) passage.
v. Get key at passage end and retrace your steps back to the first
Enter central complex
i. Open door and head left through yellow door.
ii. Go down and left or right.
iii. Cross slime pit and press switch.
iv. Go back through yellow door.
v. Enter newly opened door across slime pit.
Blue key and exit
i. Go to blue room.
ii. Hit switch in alcove at end of room.
iii. Follow twisting dark passage around to blue key room.
iv. Get key and go down stairs and through blue door.
v. Keep to right hand wall in maze to find exit room.
vi. Enter room and flick switch.
E1M6- Central Processing
Red key
i. Exit entrance room and head right into large room.
ii. Get red key from the end of the room.
iii. Exit room. If entrance is closed wait until it opens.
Blue key
i. Follow path to red doors.
ii. Enter either one and follow corridor around to blue key.
iii. Go back to start room.
iv. Enter room across from starting position. (I'll call this room
the 'hub')
v. Head through E opening to blue door.
Yellow key
i. Go south at every junction in the maze.
ii. Flick switch when you find it.
iii. Go back to room with off-coloured wall (from switch go N to
intersection, then go W at intersection, then head N until you see
the open door)
iv. Go to end of room and grab the key.
v. RUN back to intersection then go N to blue door.
i. At 'hub' room go NE through yellow door.
ii. Head upstairs then go N downstairs.
iii. Go N up either staircase and continue until you hit the switch.
iv. Go back down 2 flights or stairs then W through newly opened door.
v. Go down either flight of stairs (again).
vi. Find and hit switch in this room.
vii. Go N to exit room and hit the switch.
E1M7- Computer Station
Yellow key
i. Exit start room.
ii. Head SE to blue area with elevator.
iii. Ride elevator up and follow ledge around to alcove with the
yellow key.
Red Key
i. Drop down and go S then W through yellow door.
ii. Follow right wall around without entering any doors until you
reach the room with lowering pillar.
iii. Kill monster in pillar then head right until you reach a door.
iv. Open door and go through elevator in far side of room.
v. Follow corridor and grab red key.
Blue key
i. Retrace steps to yellow door.
ii. Stick to left-hand wall and go through red door.
iii. Grab blue key then go back to yellow door and enter it.
i. After going through yellow door, head S until you see blue door to
your left.
ii. Enter door and go through right opening.
iii. Follow corridor around to switch.
iv. Press switch and go back to room.
v. Go through the now open door and keep going until you reach the exit.
E1M8- Phobos Anomaly
Defeat Barons
i. Press switch at start, then shoot barrels to kill demons.
ii. Head left then go down to the end of the long corridor.
iii. Press the switch then ride the elevator up.
iv. Walk forwards to engage barons in fight....
Easy skill levels [Too young to die, not too rough]
Get out a powerful weapon and circle the barons, shooting.
Harder skill levels [hurt me plenty, ultra-violence, nightmare]
Try to get the barons to hurt the specters and grab the powerups around
the levels edge. When the barons have finished off the specters,
circle the barons and fire. If the specters are becoming a problem,
take some of them out so you can move around easier.
Enter gateway to Deimos
i. Wait for walls to lower
ii. Go to structure and press switch on side.
iii. Head up stairs and step onto evil symbol.
iv. Kill as many demons as possible before you die!!!
E1M9- Military base
Yellow key
i. Head out to the courtyard then go through W passage.
ii. Go around barrier to get key.
Red key
i. Go back to courtyard.
ii. Head through E passage.
iii. Go S through yellow door.
iv. Grab key and kill monsters.
Blue key
i. Head W through yellow door, then W again through red door.
ii. Hit switch in SW of room.
iii. Go E or through newly opened door.
iv. Get blue key.
Get the hell out
i. Head N to courtyard.
ii. Head N through blue door.
iii. Drop into trench and follow it around to button.
iv. Press button and go through newly opened door.
v. Go to end of new passage to elevator.
vi. Open door at top of elevator then cross bridge to flick exit switch.
Episode 2: Shores of Hell
This episode is much harder than the first episode, yet still isn't all
that hard, except maybe on Ultra-Violence if you're not that good a
Doom player.
E2M1- Deimos Anomaly
i. At the start, turn right at the first chance you get. Then
go through the red gateway and shortly after you'll find the
blue key.
ii. Go back then go through the teleporter
iii. Continue forwards, but be careful at the 'bridge', it
will collapse when you go over it.
iv. Go through the next teleporter, and press the switch
on the S side of the wall in the indent.
v. Kill the demons and go around the wall through the blue door.
(If you got the red key you may want to search that room...)
vi. After going through the teleporter, press the switch on the
southern side of the part of the wall that's sticking out.
vii. Go up the new stairs and press the switch there.
viii. Go back downstairs and through the new teleporter.
ix. Head forwards, then go into the exit.
E2M2- Containment Area
Yellow Key
i. Stick to the left hand wall until you can see an
opening into a larger corridor.
ii. In the large chamber go S, and press the switch to raise
the stairs
iii. Go left around the wall, then step underneath
the blue lights to safely get the yellow key.
Blue key
i. Cross the pathway again then go through the SW passage
in the room.
ii. Go forwards and left around to some crushing walls.
iii. Time your run under the walls, then continue on,
over a slime pit, to the blue key.
Red key and exit
i. Go downstairs and through the blue door.
ii. Go right through another blue door and grab the key.
iii. Retrace your steps to the red door (OR) Go back
to the room immediately before the yellow key room and
go through the SW passage to the red door.
iv. Head around the narrow corridor and flick the switch.
v. Go back through the red door, then through to the exit.
i. Go to the big room as in the normal solution.
ii. This time go W to the slime tunnel (grab the radiation
iii. When you reach the area below the exit, you can aim
yourself so you can press the switch that you would
normally need the red key to access. After you manage to
active it, quickly run onto the bridge so you won't
get trapped.
E2M3- Refinery
Blue key
i. Head S then go right around the 'structure' to
go through the SW passage.
ii. Cross the slime pit and go W.
iii. Go N and just before you enter the barrel room
turn W then enter the room to get the blue key.
i. Return to the room with the shotgun and go W into
the room with the slime pool in the centre.
ii. There is a wall on the E side that will open up
when you activate it. Go through.
iii. Go E as far as you can then go N. When you
reach the blue door go through.
iv. Follow the corridor around until you reach a dark
room with a flickering light.
v. Go against the right-hand wall (keep to the northern
end of the maze).
vi. You should end up at a slime pit. Cross it, then
follow the passage to the exit room.
E2M4- Deimos Lab
Blue Key
i. Head through the teleporter at the start.
ii. Go through the large opening to the left.
iii. Keep going W until you reach a wall in a blue area.
iv. Follow the corridor around to the S and go through
a door.
v. Press the switch near the elevator to lower it, then
ride it up to the blue key.
Yellow key
i. Return to the evil symbol in the blue room.
ii. Go N then through the blue door.
iii. In the red area, keep going until you see the
yellow key under an odd looking ceiling.
iv. RUN underneath the ceiling and grab the yellow key.
Get out alive
i. Go through the yellow door then travel around to
the northern end of the room.
ii. Go onto the red platform, which will lower.
iii. Go to the S side of the large central 'pillar'
to find a switch.
iv. Press the switch, and climb the stairs. Keep
repeating switch pressing and stair climbing until
you reach a lit stand.
v. Stand on the stand, then go downstairs and onto
the new teleporter.
vi. Drop into the blood pit then go to the NE
side of the room and press the switch.
vii. Enter the nearby teleporter.
viii. Step forwards a bit then go back to re-teleport.
ix. Cross the bridge to the exit, although you may
want to get that soulsphere which becomes accessible
just before you enter the exit room.
E2M5- Command center
Please note: This level is very mazey, yet features
no keys so please follow the solution CAREFULLY.
Unless of course, you want to go to the secret level
or have fun wandering the maze.
i. Head S outside, then go to the NW of this room
and go upstairs.
ii. Go through the W door and follow the passage
around to the next door.
iii. Head S through the next room to an area with
lots of doors and three pillars. Go through the
NE door [From the symbol's view it would be the one
to the FAR LEFT, just out of its line of sight].
iv. Go through the very next door you see. Go
upstairs then through the door at the very top
of the stairs.
v. Go down the left-hand set of stairs, at
the bottom you should be in a room with a radiation
suit, grab it.
vi. Open the door in this room and cross the slime
floor and go upstairs.
vii. Open the door at the top, then go through the
very first door you can see.
viii. Travel in a NW direction until you can see the
E2M6- Halls of the Damned
Blue key
i. Go into the open room, then open the SE door.
ii. Press the switch then return to the first room
and go through the new opening.
iii. Head N to an area with some mini-pillars and
a switch. Press the switch and grab the berserk pack.
iv. A new passage has opened in the SE corner of this
level, follow it to the end and press the switch.
v. Go back through the passage and turn left to an
area with a blue door and a normal door.
vi. Go through the normal door and head SE to find the
blue key. (Watch out for the monsters!)
You can get either key next but I’ll list them in the
order I get them.
Red key
i. Head in a westerly direction until you see a dark
area [I hate this place:(]
ii. The door to the next part of the maze is on the
southern wall.
iii. The red key is in the western area of this
maze. (Go NW from the door then S to be in an area
VERY close to the red key)
iv. Retrace your steps to the area where you
Yellow key
i. Go N past the first 'candle door' to the second
'candle door.' Enter.
ii. Go to the next door and head through to a very
tiny room with a switch. Press it then go through
the recently opened door.
iii. Follow the long corridor then go through the
S door.
iv. Go round the wall and grab the yellow key.
v. Go back through the door, and head through the
SW door.
vi. Retrace your steps to the entrance, being wary
of some newly released monsters.
i. Make your way back to the blue door and go
through it, and the following red and yellow doors,
to the exit.
E2M7- Spawning Vats
Blue key
i. Go through the small SE corridor and follow it
around to a large box room.
ii. Go to the SW corner of the room and press the
switch. Follow the hallway around.
iii. Go to the S end of this room to get the blue
Yellow key
i. Press the switch in the SE corner of this room,
then retrace your steps back to the beginning room.
ii. Go through the other hallway and go through the
blue door as soon as you see it.
iii. Head downstairs and through the opening on the
iv. Go around the wall to some stairs, head up them
then grab the yellow key at the top.
Red key
i. Drop off the platform then head through the opposite
ii. Head E then go through the yellow door.
iii. Go through the SW door, then head around the
machine in the centre to go through a corridor to
a switch.
iv. Press the switch then go back to the machine and
grab the key that's now there.
Blow this hellhole
i. Go back through the yellow door and head W to
the area with the long stretch of lighted blue floor.
ii. Go through the SW door.
iii. Head through the red door and press the switch,
then press the switch behind that.
iv. Cross the bridge to the finish.
E2M8- Tower of Babel
Defeat the Cyberdemon Lord
i. Press any of the switches and head through any of the
opened doors.
ii. Go outside and kill the Cyberdemon.
There are 3 ways you can defeat him, they are listed as
1. Get the rocket launcher and shoot volleys of rockets
at him, strafing to avoid the Cyberdemon's rockets. As
you may have heard before this is a good level to
practice strafing.
2. Get out the chaingun or pistol and fire at the
Cyberdemon through the small gaps between the pillars
at the corners of the central building. Your shots should
pass through but the Cyberdemon's won't. This takes a
while though.
3. Try to get the Cyberdemon stuck in one of those supply
rooms, and go into the opposite room and fire at him so
your shots fire over the pillar with the door opening
switches. I have seen this in a demo and have managed to
do it, however, occasionally the demon may manage to
fire over it.
Be careful on Ultra-Violence as the Lost Souls can
distract your marines shots.
E2M9- Fortress of Mystery
i. Go through the door to the E
ii. Before going through the next door to the E,
you may want to kill most of the monsters, or
get the monsters to attack each other.
iii. Press the skull switch, get the key, then
I think you can finish this stage without too much
Episode 3: Inferno
This last episode can get very messy, especially on Ultra-Violence
where the first levels will be real pains with just a pistol. Not
only this, but some of the levels are difficult in puzzles too.
However, I guess it is set in Hell, so...
E3M1- Hell keep (Keep?! The only time it's well protected is
on Ultra-Violence!)
i. Press the switch in front of you.
ii. Head N and press the left-hand switch to open the door
iii. Head NE through a door to another courtyard.
iv. Head through the E door and follow the long hallway
to an area with some red pillars.
v. Head N through two doors then enter the teleporter to finish
the level.
E3M2- Slough of Despair
i. Keep to the left-hand wall at the start and just keep running
along it until you find the blue key.
ii. Go SE then N into another opening to find what looks like a
dead end.
iii. Approach the wall and then avoid or kill the lost souls to
reach the blue door.
iv. Enter the door, press the switch then go into the soul room
and head N into the exit.
E3M3- Pandemonium
Blue key
i. Head N then go up the stairs.
ii. Go to the NE corner of this largish room and go up
the stairs.
iii. Head S at the top, then follow the passage around
to another junction, go S again.
iv. Drop down and go SW to find a metal room that houses
the blue key.
i. Go upstairs from the blue key room.
ii. Go straight ahead and press the switch.
iii. Run through the next corridor to return to the largish
room. (If you fell of the platform, retrace your steps to
the start room)
iv. Go back to the start room. (unless you're already there,
in which case go to step v)
v. Go W (you could also go E but it's a little harder)
vi. Keep going N until you reach a room with a skewered
vii. Go E through the 'archway' then immediately N upstairs.
viii. Go E through the blue door then N through to the exit.
E3M4- House of Pain
Blue key
i. Go S upstairs and follow the twisty corridor around
to a door.
ii. Go S and press the W most switch or the switch on the
far right.
iii. Go through the SW passage then continue W into the
stone room.
iv. Go S as far as you can, then go E to get the blue key.
Yellow key
i. Go W then N to the door with the barrels.
ii. Go E through the door that looks like a computer
circuit board.
iii. To open the N door, step in the water pit, then quickly
run through the open door.
iv. Go through the tunnel until your reach two red pillars
with switches, I’ll call them the left-hand and right-hand
pillar from how you can see it now.
v. Press the W switch on the left-hand pillar, then go
through into the NW room and grab the yellow key.
Red key and beyond
i. Press the E switch on the right-hand pillar then go
through the NE room and open the yellow door to get the
red key.
ii. Press the S switch side on the right-hand pillar,
then go through the E room and into the red door.
iii. Follow the passage around, through a red health draining
passage to a switch.
iv. Drop down off the platform and go through the SE door.
v. Follow the corridor round and go through the exit door.
E3M5- Unholy Cathedral
Blue key
i. Go N slightly, then go W as far as you can.
ii. Go N through 3 set of doors.
iii. In the room with 3 pillars, go through the NE most
door (not the one with the teleporters), then go through
the E door.
iv. Go NE and walk through the red 'box' to open the door.
v. Go N through the door, carefully press the NE switch and
then go into the NW corner to get the blue key.
i. Dodge the SW crusher and enter the teleporter.
ii. Kill or avoid the demons and go through the S door.
iii. Go SE then E through the blue door.
iv. Head W into the exit.
E3M6- Mt Erebus
Finishing the level
Easy skill levels (1, 2 & 3)
i. Head E then go NE over the lava.
ii. Head N to get the blue key.
iii. Go slightly NE to find a radiation suit.
iv. Grab the suit and go to the NW area of
the map to find a building with a small entrance
that will take you to a blue key barrier.
v. Go through the barrier to the exit.
Hard skill levels (4 & 5)
i. Go to where the blue key is on easier skill
levels (near the caged imps).
ii. Go into the building and open the secret door
near the SW candle.
iii. Jump into the red box and go into the teleporter.
iv. Turn around then go to the SE corner of this building
to get the blue key.
v. Go to the western area of this building and press the
switch, then go to the NE area to escape the building.
vi. Go NW to find a radiation suit.
vii. Go S around the grey stone building into the small
entrance, and around through the blue barrier to the
E3M7- Gate to Limbo
Blue and Red keys
i. Go N into the large chamber, then through the W
ii. Head S then SE into the larger room. Cross either
mini-bridge to get the blue key.
iii. Retrace your steps back to the large blood filled
chamber, but go through the E opening this time.
iv. Go through the N blue door and go up the stairs to
the W.
v. Go N and drop through the hole.
vi. Grab a rad suit and go W through the door.
vii. Continue W through to the next 'safe' room and go
through the W opening in that room.
viii. When you can see the teleporter in the blood maze,
go S then W to get the red key.
Yellow key
i. Go back to the large blood-filled chamber and go N
through the opening. Grab a rad suit to the right
ii. Go through the western red teleporter in this room.
iii. Press the switch then go back through the teleporter.
iv. Go through the other teleporter in this room and grab
the yellow key.
i. Go back through the teleporter and then go to the blue
key area. Go W to find another teleporter.
ii. Go forward and press the switch then go back through the
iii. Go to the large chamber and go through the teleporter
in the center of the room.
iv. Cross the bridge and open the yellow door, then press
the switch.
v. Go back through the teleporter then go to the room W of
the large chamber.
vi. Head through the NE passage in this room and enter the
teleporter here.
vii. Open the yellow door, then cross the bridge to the exit.
E3M8- Dis
Finish the Original doom!
i. Open the door and walk or run down the hallway.
ii. Turn right to fight the final boss...
1. Take out the BFG9000 and you should kill it in 3 shots.
2. On harder difficulty levels, get the monsters to fight
the spider to weaken it.
3. Hide behind the central pillar, taking potshots every
now and then.
I find this level on Ultra-Violence easier then the
other skill levels, but that may just be me.
E3M9- Warrens
i. Press the switch to raise your platform.
ii. Go to the door ahead and press the left-hand button.
iii. Go through the door then through the NE door.
iv. Go to the small door and make your way through the
narrow passage.
v. In the room with the red pillars, go N through 2 sets
of doors.
vi. Step on the teleporter then go N to get the blue key
(you may want to kill the cyberdemon)
vii. Retrace your steps to the start (kill demons if
viii. Go E through a newly opened passage.
ix. Go E to get the red key, then go back to the area
you teleported to and go S.
x. Go W back into the start area and go open the red door.
xi. Step onto the teleporter.
Episode 4- Thy Flesh Consumed
The hardest (and last) episode, unless you play it on easy this episode
will really annoy you. It's also the only episode where the level
names aren't the names of places like the other episodes. If you
think this episode is easy on Ultra-Violence, try The Plutona
Experiment on Final Doom...
E4M1- Hell Beneath
Red Key
i. Head S into the switch room
ii. Press the W switch and head back N.
iii. Go W through the new passage.
iv. Head to the N side of this room and go S into the central
building (watch out for the Baron!)
v. Keep heading S then look E and grab the red key.
Blue key and exit
i. Go N from the red key hall and activate the platform to the E.
ii. As soon as the platform has risen, run off it onto the other
iii. Keep going E then go through the red door.
iv. Head E around the wall and go into the E alcove to get the
blue key.
v. Head back to the blue door (Go W as far as you can)
and enter it.
vi. Enter the exit teleporter.
E4M2- Perfect Hatred
Yellow key
i. Get the imps to kill the enemies directly in front of you
at the start.
ii. Jump to the W platform and press the switch.
iii. Turn around and jump into the new opening.
iv. Drop down, get the rad suit, press the switch then quickly
run to the rising part of the floor.
v. Follow it round to the plasma rifle
vi. Grab the rifle, then killing/avoiding the Baron, grab the
yellow key.
Blue key
i. Drop down then go N up the stairs.
ii. Keep going N and go through the teleporter.
iii. Jump to the E platform this time and press the yellow switch.
iv. Jump to the N platform then NE into a chamber.
v. Head S through the cavern and go up the stairs.
vi. Just before you enter the teleporter head S to get the blue key
i. Go through the teleporter.
ii. Jump to the W platform then continue onto the blue barrier.
iii. Open the barrier then CAREFULLY continue upstairs.
iv. _RUN_ N through the door to the exit.
E4M3- Sever the Wicked
Red key
i. Drop down then head W down some stairs.
ii. Head upstairs and follow the corridor around to the red key
iii. Drop through the hole around the red key to the S end.
iv. Quickly run out of the lava and press the switch that is just out
of the lava to lower the red key platform.
v. Grab the red key.
Blue key
i. Head to the S end of this room and enter the teleporter (take care
of the monsters first or they may telefrag you).
ii. Activate the platform and step onto it.
iii. Head S through any of the 3 passages then go E and up the stairs.
iv. Go E until you can see an elevator platform then ride it up.
v. Head NW and lower the red barricade.
vi. Go N and search around the pillar directly in front of you to get
the blue key.
i. Head E to a pit then drop down and run to the SE corner.
ii. Go through the red door.
iii. Head upstairs and go through a blue door. (if you teleport
on your way upstairs you can make your way back by following
point (v) from the blue key section.
iv. Follow the terrace around to the exit.
E4M4- Unruly Evil
Red key
i. Head E through the door, then go onto the E platform.
ii. Head E through another door into a courtyard.
iii. Drop into the SW pit and follow it around to an 'elevator'
iv. Go through the new opening in the NW to get the red key
off the pedestal (Just like in Indiana Jones though, a trap has
been set so be careful).
Get out
i. Go through the red door and hit the switch to your right.
ii. Run onto the lowered platform to the N.
iii. Go through the W teleporter and press the switch to
the N.
iv. Drop down and go through the E teleporter (after repeating
steps i to ii in this section)
v. Hit the switch to the N then get back up that platform and head
into the exit pit.
E4M5- They Will Repent
Red key
i. Head S downstairs and go through the door.
ii. Head around the wall to the N then go through the door.
iii. Head N, onto the elevator then grab the red key.
Blue key
i. Drop down and head through the red door to the SW.
ii. Walk forwards to activate the platform.
iii. Drop off the end of the balcony into the blood
iv. RUN W onto the mini stone floor.
v. Grab the rad suit.
vi. Go upstairs then through the door to your left.
vii. Head around to find a raising and lowering platform with
the blue key.
Yellow key
i. Go back through the door to the top of the stairs.
ii. Head E and go through the blue door.
iii. Jump from platform to platform, then go down the
iv. Head through the door in the trench to the NW.
v. Enter the teleporter then carefully get the yellow key.
Get out
i. Enter the teleporter to the SW of this room.
ii. Go through the door in front of you then go through
the yellow door.
iii. Go to the exit switch.
E4M6- Against Thee Wickedly
Blue key
i. Head W then head in a SE direction through the mini-maze.
ii. Drop into the W most part of the moat to get a rad suit.
iii. Head through either passage to enter the castle.
iv. See the pillar with the teleporter in the large pit.
v. Head through the teleporter down the W.
vi. Jump W then go upstairs to grab the blue key.
Red and yellow key
i. Enter the teleporter from the N and press the blue
switch to the E.
ii. Head W and press the switch there.
iii. Head N and get the yellow key.
iv. Get a rad suit from the large pit and enter the teleporter
from the E.
v. Go through the SE passage then through the teleporter to
the S.
vi. Just to the S is a yellow door, go through and press the
vii. Go through the teleporter to the S then jump to the
teleporter that was previously blocked by the yellow
viii. Head E then follow the hallway to the red key.
Exit (alive!)
i. Go back to the balcony and go across the new bridge to
go back to the platform you were at previously.
ii. Go to the area where the yellow barricades were and
drop down.
iii. Get a rad suit, then go the S most room and enter it.
iv. Press the switch and enter the teleporter to the N.
v. From where the red barricades once were, jump to the
platform with the BFG9000.
vi. Go through the teleporter then kill the Cyberdemon
with the BFG.
vii. Go through the now lowered barricade to exit the
E4M7- And Hell Followed
Red key
i. Head W up the stairs.
ii. Go S through a fast opening door, then go E to an
iii. When the altar rises you can jump SW to get the
red key.
Finish the level
i. Go back to the beginning room and go N through the
ii. Drop into the W end of the trench and try to get a rad
suit quickly.
iii. Follow the trench to the W and open the red barriers.
iv. After riding the elevator up, press the switch at the top.
v. After the main pillar lowers, press the next switch.
vi. Drop out of the window and cross the bridge to the
central platform.
vii. Walk around it for a while then press the switch that
pops up.
E4M8- Unto the Cruel
Yellow and red key
i. Go downstairs and press the switch.
ii. Head through the evil symbol door to the SW.
iii. Go up the stairs to the SE.
iv. Go N along the suspended walkway and follow it
around to a small room.
v. Press the switch in the room and drop down the
vi. Head E to get the yellow key then go back and up
the stairs.
vii. Head W then down the stairs and through the
viii. Go through the NW evil symbol to get the red
Finish off the Spider Mastermind
i. Go to the central structure, and open the yellow and
red doors, pressing the switches inside.
ii. Go through the now accessible door to the W.
iii. Kill the Spider Mastermind.
1. Use the BFG or failing that, the rocket launcher.
2. Try to get the other monsters to fight it.
3. Go to the rooms to the N and S as you can get
some ammo and weapons.
4. If the fight is going badly, you can get the soulsphere
and armor down by activating the pillars they are on.
iv. After killing the Spider, go through the pit that you
should see shortly.
E4M9- Fear
Yellow key
i. At the start, go S through 2 doors and press the switches
to the W and E. (you may want to go S and kill the enemies
in the cage, it will make the next part easier)
ii. Go back to those barricades from before (the N).
iii. Go to the corner to the E. See the narrow platform
with the yellow key?
iv. Jump onto the yellow key platform from the N then
go S to get it.
Get to the evac point.
i. Go through the teleporter to the N then press the switch
to the S.
ii. Go W or E past the lowered barricades, then go to the
S most part of the level and a teleporter should open up.
iii. Enter the teleporter, turn around, go through either
of the yellow doors, and flick the exit switch.
Level 'ratings'
These are my level 'ratings' which should be self-explanitory.
These are just my personal fellings however, and if you think
something really different you can e-mail me and i'll put your
suggestion up.
E1M1: For the first level, this is rather decent and lets
you get used to the controls without too much difficulty.
The layout is decent too, although i really wouldn't call
it a hanger...
Layout: 8/10 (10 is best). Difficulty: 1/10 (both puzzle
and enemy difficulty, averaged out of all skill levels)
E1M2: This level is a little small but it isn't too bad, although,
as with nearly all doom levels, it doesn't represent what
the name says.
Layout: 8/10. Difficulty: 2/10
E1M3: A level that is close to what its title describes, but
not exactly. This level isn't bad in both difficulty or layout
but i really think something is lacking...
Layout: 7.5. Difficulty: 4/10
E1M4: A large(ish) level that is non-linear and contains
many secrets, this level can keep you occupied if you play
it properly.
Layout: 7. Difficulty: 4/10
E1M5: A reasonable level but it really lacks something
that I'm not really sure of. The level is rather linear and
can get boring after you've played it a few times.
Layout: 6. Difficulty: 5/10
E1M6: This level is really not one of my favourites.
This level requires you to run all over the place just to
press switches and get keys (although I suppose all
the doom levels are like that, but still...). It's not the
worst doom level, but it's not too far from it.
Layout: 3. Difficulty: 4.5
E1M7: This level gets a bit boring as you can get lost
rather easily, and just like the last level, it just doesn't
appeal to me.
Layout: 5. Difficulty: 5
E1M8: I don't mind this level, and it is a pretty good
level for the last one. Short and sweet, that's what all
final levels should be.
Layout: 9. Difficulty: 4
E1M9: This level is not too bad but it can get annoying
at times, unless you have some good weaponry. The
layout is pretty good but the trench ending isn't something
I liked.
Layout 7. Difficulty: 5.5
E2M1: Not a bad level but is a little hard at times (on
Ultra-Violence), unless you’re a good Doom player.
Layout: 8. Difficulty: 4
E2M2: This level is a little strange in layout terms
but in difficulty it’s not too bad, especially because
of all the ammo lying around.
Layout: 6. Difficulty: 4
E2M3: The layout for this level is terrible in my
Opinion, and there is NO way this could be considered
a refinery. The level is of average difficulty, mainly
because of that baron of hell.
Layout: 3. Difficulty: 5
E2M4: I don’t like this level very much at all. It’s
absolutely terrible. I only play it so I can say I finished
Doom without cheating and not be lying.
Layout: 3.5. Difficulty: 6
E2M5: This level, as I said before, is very mazey, but
I don’t hate it as much as some of the other maze levels.
In fact, this level isn’t half bad, but if you don’t know what
you’re doing, be careful.
Layout: 5.5. Difficulty: 6.5
E2M6: I HATE THIS LEVEL! It's a pathetic maze-like level
which although is 'atmospheric' I just don't like it at all.
Really. The level is great for deathmatch though, which
saves it somewhat.
Layout: 4. Difficulty: 7.5
E2M7: This level is a bit big but isn't too bad too explore
due to the fact it's non-linear. It can be a bit hard though,
especially if you get surrounded in the 'demon room.'
Layout: 6. Difficulty: 7
E2M8: A great layout for a boss level, but on Ultra-
Violence, those lost souls can really get in your way,
but at least they block the Cyberdemon's shots.
Layout: 9. Difficulty: 6
E2M9: A great level for practicing battling against
a large amount of enemies, and I find it a fun, reasonably
easy level to play.
Layout: 9. Difficulty: 2
E3M1: A little difficult for the first level, but there is enough
room to move about, except in the twisty demon passages.
Health can be a problem here, and so can ammo so that’s why
I consider it quite a difficult level.
Layout: 8. Difficulty: 8
E3M2: Due to the amount of room there is on this level, and the
fact that you can easily run around the enemies, this level is
hard, but not quite as hard as the previous level.
Layout: 7. Difficulty: 6.5
E3M3: This level is like some sort of castle that is populated with
some tough demons such as barons of hell. You can get lost in
this place sometimes, so you must be careful.
Layout: 6.5. Difficulty: 8.5
E3M4: This is a pretty big house, and contains quite a few
enemies. There is enough ammo and health to keep you going
however, unless you try to fully clear the level out on Ultra-
Layout: 5. Difficulty: 6.5
E3M5: Hmmm, I don't like this level. The courtyard idea wasn't
too bad, but the fact that you can't really finish the level by going
around the edge can be annoying.
Layout: 4. Difficulty: 7
E3M6: This level is very open and avoiding the enemies is easy
enough, but on Ultra-Violence the blue key is VERY hard to find,
unless you are very thorough.
Layout: 6. Difficulty: 3-5
E3M7: This level is not very good as it involves a lot of running
around, and getting rad suits. I don't really like this level very
much and cannot give it any good comments.
Layout: 4.5. Difficulty: 6
E3M8: This is another good boss level, but there isn't much cover,
and when you're being shot at by a super-chaingun, you really
want to hide somewhere.
Layout: 7. Difficulty: 5
E3M9: This level is pretty hard, and the layout is just like
E3M1 but has a few extra rooms. Beware of the Cyberdemon!
Layout: 8. Difficulty: 9
I don't plan to do an Episode 4 'rating' as I don't like that episode
much. If anyone out there does want to do one, feel free.
That's all for now. I may fix this FAQ up a bit, but I'll
probably be concentrating on my Final Doom or
Icarus walkthrough.