Complete the following achievements to unlock Microsoft Gamerscore points.
Achievement | How to unlock
Bully (100 points) | Throw stones at anything that moves.
Clumsy (100 points) | Just stumble everywhere.
Coward (50 points) | Go and see the crow a few times.
Delegator (100 points) | In any unclear situation just use puggerpillar.
Distractor (100 points) | Distract the guard and you'll get it.
DJ (100 points) | That spider need some swing.
Exploiter (100 points) | Use your neighbor.
Rolly-Polly (50 points) | Ever seen Rolly-Polly before?
Sneaky thief (100 points) | Sneak and pick.
Stinky (100 points) | Fart few times and you'll get it.
Sycophant (100 points) | Make that lady happy!