Complete the following achievements to unlock Microsoft Gamerscore points.
Achievement | How to unlock | Points
3 for 1 | Defeat the three headed lich in the ruins. | 15
Adventurer's kit | Get the dash boots and the power ring. | 15
An easy way out... | Beat the game (Ending C). | 15
Are you aware? | Collect 10 awareness potions. | 15
Can't touch this | Collect 10 iron skin potions. | 15
Chest nuts | Loot 100% of the chests. | 30
Critical Strike! | Have Pip do an elemental strike on an enemy weak to it. | 15
Erudite Barbarian | Unlock all bestiary entries. | 30
Final rest | Defeat Cobalt. | 15
Gardener | Defeat the Goddess and her undead servant. | 15
Generous barbarian | Bribe your way in twice. | 15
Good memory | Get Friffle's kid's name right. | 15
Hot revenge | Defeat the Ogre Leader. | 15
I HAVE THE POWER | Collect 10 Ogre draughts. | 15
I even like rocks that dont shine | Carry 30 stones. | 15
I left my berserk rage at home | Carefully beat a boss without getting hit. | 30
I think rocks are pretty | Find 10 gems. | 15
Immortal | Reach the final boss and escape the cave victorious without dying. | 80
It's over 9! | Get all heart upgrades. | 15
Lamawhat? Check out this rock that shines! | Find all gems. | 30
Make Twigs proud | Reach the ogre fortress factory's entrance without being caught once. | 30
Oh no | Have Drai Lez join the team. | 15
Oooh, shiny rocks... | Find 25 gems. | 15
Organized barbarian | Find 10 upgrade satchels. | 15
Posthumous anthology | Find all the maps. | 15
Right behind you! | Trust Twigs to join your team. | 15
That annoying lever | Hit that annoying lever. | 15
That's cool | Pip is frozen now... | 15
That's not cool | Pip is on fire. | 15
This story isn't quite right... | Beat the game (Ending B) | 15
Victorious! For now. | Beat the game (Ending A) | 30
What kind of barbarian is this? | Read something in the dungeon. | 15
Who's gonna clean the slime off the walls? | Defeat the quivering ancient. | 15
World-class performance | Trick the imps. | 15