Complete the following achievements to unlock Microsoft Gamerscore points.
Achievement | How to unlock | Points
Across the Border | Push down the egg. | 30
After All | Complete all challenges in a single player mode. | 90
Caught in a Trap | Kill twenty enemies in rapid succession. | 30
Danger Ahead | Kill fifteen enemies with a single shot from a deadly web. | 90
Don't Bring Me Down | Kill five enemies with Grenade bug explosion. | 90
Everyone's Born to Die | Kill 2000 Bugs. | 90
Hello My Old Friend | Resurrect an ally in coop mode. | 10
I'm Alive | Reach 2000 points in arcade mode. | 90
In For The Kill | Kill ten Thunderbugs in rapid succession. | 30
In My Own Time | Survive for 180 seconds. | 90
Look at Me Now | Reach 4000 points in arcade mode. | 90
The Fall | Prevent hundred eggs from hatching. | 90
Time of Our Life | Complete all challenges in coop mode. | 90
Wild West Hero | Reach 6000 points in arcade mode. | 90