Complete the following achievements to unlock Microsoft Gamerscore points.
Achievement | How to unlock | Points
Double Gold | Get gold score on 2 levels. | 100
First Act | Finish Act 1. | 100
Fourfold Gold | Get gold score on 4 levels. | 100
Half Way Act 1 | Finish Act 1 - Level 6. | 100
Half Way Act 2 | Finish Act 2 - Level 6. | 100
I got gold! | Get gold score on any level. | 50
It's Blue | Find the Blue Gem. | 100
It's Kylee Time | Complete a level with Kylee. | 100
It's Owen Time | Complete a level with Owen. | 100
It's Red | Find the Red Gem. | 100
Time to Retry | Die on any level. | 50