Complete the following achievements to unlock Microsoft Gamerscore points.
Achievement | How to unlock
"Desserts," I Stressed (10 points) | Activate the secret switches in World 5.
Aibohphobia (10 points) | Activate the secret switches in World 2.
Anything Goes (30 points) | Complete all levels in World 9.
Avid Diva (10 points) | Activate the secret switches in World 4.
Beste Toggler (50 points) | Perfect all levels in World 2.
Breaking Up (30 points) | Complete all levels in World 4.
Carolina Reaper (50 points) | Perfect all levels in World 7.
Checking All The Boxes (50 points) | Perfect all levels in World 6.
Common Jalapeņo (30 points) | Complete all levels in World 7.
Dr. Awkward (10 points) | Activate the secret switches in World 6.
Engage Le Jeu Que Je Le Gagne (10 points) | Activate the secret switches in World 1.
Everything Went (50 points) | Perfect all levels in World 9.
Evil Olive (10 points) | Activate the secret switches in World 7.
Filling In The Blanks (30 points) | Complete all levels in World 6.
Follow The Bouncing Boxes (15 points) | Exchange momentum 4096 times.
Fully False Walls (50 points) | Perfect all levels in World 3.
Guten Toggler (30 points) | Complete all levels in World 2.
I Prefer Pi (10 points) | Activate the secret switches in World 3.
Mixmaster (50 points) | Perfect all levels in World 8.
Mixologist (30 points) | Complete all levels in World 8.
Moving On (50 points) | Perfect all levels in World 4.
Now I Won (10 points) | Activate the secret switches in World 10.
Okay, Just A Little More (50 points) | Perfect all levels in World 10.
Ramped Up (30 points) | Complete all levels in World 1.
Resets And Resurrections (15 points) | Reset or die 625 times.
Semi-False Walls (30 points) | Complete all levels in World 3.
The Grand Finale (100 points) | Complete all levels in World 10.
Too Hot To Hoot (10 points) | Activate the secret switches in World 9.
Total Control (50 points) | Perfect all levels in World 5.
Totally Ramped Up (50 points) | Perfect all levels in World 1.
Ufo Tofu (10 points) | Activate the secret switches in World 8.
Under Control (30 points) | Complete all levels in World 5.