Complete the following achievements to unlock Microsoft Gamerscore points.
Achievement | How to unlock | Points
"Fair" Play | Generate 50,000 gold in your Casino. | 10
...Sting Like a Bee | Combo Boxing Glove into Bees. | 5
100 Minions | Have 100 minions in the Lair. | 10
150 Minions | Have 150 minions in the Lair. | 10
20 Minions | Have 20 minions in the Lair. | 5
200 Minions | Have 200 minions in the Lair. | 15
50 Minions | Have 50 minions in the Lair. | 5
A Charming Wit | Train a Socialite. | 10
A Consummate Professional | Train a Counter Agent. | 15
A Cunning Intellect | Train a Scientist. | 5
A Dangerous Mind | Train a Quantum Chemist. | 15
A Deadly Force | Train a Hitman. | 15
A Deadly Team | Recruit five Henchmen in a single game. | 10
A Deceitful Grin | Train a Valet. | 5
A Little Muscle | Train a Guard. | 5
A Living Weapon | Train a Martial Artist. | 15
A Master of Life | Train a Biologist. | 10
A Place To Call Your Own | Build an Inner Sanctum. | 5
A Priceless Collection | Steal Twenty Loot Items in a single game. | 20
A Simple Technician | Train a Technician. | 5
A Sparkling Tableau | As Max, create twenty Golden Statues, and add them to the Inner Sanctum. | 10
A Tool For Every Job | Unlock all minion types. | 15
A Weapons Expert | Train a Mercenary. | 10
An Accomplished Liar | Train a Spindoctor. | 10
An Unstoppable Horde | Recruit 300 minions at once. | 15
Anarchy | Complete the Game as Emma on any Difficulty. | 15
Assuming Indirect Control | Build a Control Room. | 5
Best Served Chilled | Knock a Frozen Agent into a Shark Tank. | 5
C-C-C-Combo | Bounce one Agent against three Pinball Bumpers. | 5
Can't Be Fooled | As Emma, remove fifty Agent Disguises. | 15
Connected | Fire V.O.I.D. for the first time. | 10
Corruptible | Upgrade 23 Criminal Networks to Level 4. | 15
Cry H.A.V.O.C. | Fire H.A.V.O.C. for the first time. | 10
Curling 101 | Knock a Frozen Agent into a Pinball Bumper. | 5
Ex-Agent | Defeat P.A.T.R.I.O.T.'s Super Agent once and for all. | 10
Fan Assisted Cooking | Combo Giant Fan into Flamethrower. | 5
Fighting With Fire | Set H.A.M.M.E.R.'s Super Agent aflame. | 10
Float like a Butterfly... | Combo Giant Fan into Boxing Glove. | 5
Fulfilling Your Expectations | Defeat every Super Agent once and for all. | 20
Get The Gang Back Together | As Ivan, recruit some old friends. | 15
Golden Age | Complete the Game as Max on any Difficulty. | 15
Greater Evil | Execute a loyal Henchman. | 10
Greedy | Steal one Loot Item. | 5
Humanity 2.0 | Complete the Game as Zalika on Hard Difficulty. | 25
I Was Always Better | As Emma, complete all the Genius Upgrade Research. | 5
I'll Take Care of This Myself | Defeat a Super Agent with your Genius. | 10
Infamous. V.E.N.O.M.ous. | Fire V.E.N.O.M. for the first time. | 10
International Treasures | Steal Fifteen Loot Items in a single game. | 15
Just Like In The Trailer | Combo Giant Fan into Laser Wall into Shark Tank. | 5
Just The Two Of Us | Recruit a Henchman. | 5
Learning Experience | Complete the Tutorial. | 5
Master Spy... Master | Complete the Game as Emma on Hard Difficulty. | 25
Maximum Power! | Fire a Doomsday Device at Strength 3. | 20
More Power! | Fire a Doomsday Device at Strength 2. | 15
Moving In | Start a new game. | 5
No no no no no no...! | Combo Giant Fan into Shark Tank. | 5
Old Friends? | As Emma, capture and mock a pale imitation during 'The Melting Point Of Steele'. | 10
Old School | As Ivan, kill fifty Agents using an old school weapon. | 10
One Billion Dollars? | Have one million Gold in the Vault. | 10
Perfectly Balanced, As All Things Should Be | Allow the finest Rogue in the world to succeed. | 10
Recruit Them All | Recruit all available Henchmen in a single playthrough. Some betrayal required. | 15
Science Above All | As Zalika, Research everything. | 15
She Went Out Like A Wrecking Ball | Defeat S.A.B.R.E.'s Super Agent once and for all. | 10
Shtirred | Drop a certain agent into a specific trap. | 10
Skilling Up | As Max, complete the Henchmen Upgrade Research. | 15
Smashed | Defeat S.M.A.S.H.'s Super Agent once and for all. | 10
Soldier Supreme | As Ivan, engage Atomic Olga in hand-to-hand combat. | 15
Specialised Workforce | As Max, have 200 Specialist minions in the Lair at once. | 15
Squeaky Clean | Combo Bubble Cannon and Slippery Floor. | 5
Survival Of The Fittest | Clone a minion with the Cloning Machine and... deal... with the inferior copy. | 5
Technical Marvels | As Zalika, steal an extinct creature, one that is yet to hatch, and a treasure from another world. | 10
The First Resort | Use your Casino to completely drain the Resolve of 200 Agents. | 15
The Gold Standard | Complete the Game as Max on Hard Difficulty. | 25
The Inner Circle | Recruit three Henchmen in a single game. | 10
The Man With the M.I.D.A.S.Touch | Fire the M.I.D.A.S. Device for the first time. | 10
The People's Revolution | Complete the Game as Ivan on any Difficulty. | 15
The Seven Wonders | Steal Seven Loot Items in a single game. | 10
The Stoppable Force | Defeat H.A.M.M.E.R.'s Super Agent once and for all. | 10
The name's... | Bring an end to a considerable threat. | 15
They're Onto You... | Have one Region enter Lockdown. | 5
Title Match | Defeat the finest Saboteur in the world with Jubei. | 10
To Take A Life | Defeat A.N.V.I.L.'s Super Agent once and for all. | 10
Total Annihilation | Destroy every Region. Permanently. | 20
Up In Flames | Take care of an intruder, and then destroy the evidence. | 5
Utopia | Complete the Game as Zalika on any Difficulty. | 15
Warlord | Complete the Game as Ivan on Hard Difficulty. | 25
Weak-Minded Fools | As Zalika, convert fifty Agents to your cause. | 15
Who smelt it | Blow a Gas Cloud into an Agent with a Giant Fan. | 5
You Only Live Once | Die for the first time. | 10
Your Very Own Museum | Steal every available Loot item in a single playthrough. | 20