Complete the following achievements to unlock Microsoft Gamerscore points.
Achievement | How to unlock | Points
!egg | Hatch a 10 or higher cost creature from the Egg of Wonders. | 15
Armageddon | Destroy 5 creatures with one Meteor. | 15
Bargain | Reduce the Faeria cost of cards in your hand by 50 Faeria in one game. | 15
Breaching the Gates | Complete 1 run of Pandora. | 10
Burn | Win a game without attacking your opponent's orb. | 15
By design | Kill a Dragon using Sharra. | 15
Classic Collection | Collect all cards in Classic Faeria. | 30
Conflagration | Play 250 Red Cards. | 25
Contender | Win 10 games in Ranked or Casual. | 10
Death from above | Kill your opponent with a Ranged creature. | 15
Deep blue | Play 250 Blue Cards. | 25
Draft King | Complete 10 Pandora runs with six wins and no losses. | 50
Dragon Slayer | Beat 5 Dragons in the Dragon's Lair. | 15
Encounter with Ulani | Complete all missions in Ulani's Realm. | 10
Flawless Victory | Complete a Pandora run with six wins and no losses. | 30
Flourishing | Play 250 Green Cards. | 25
For the swarm | Summon 20 Swarming Carassius in a single turn. | 15
Gatekeeper | Complete 30 runs of Pandora. | 30
Genocide | Destroy 1000 creatures. | 30
Genuine Grandeur | Play a 20/20 Illusion of Grandeur. | 15
Gladiator | Win 100 games in Ranked or Casual. | 30
Go the distance | Win a game with fatigue damage. | 15
Grandmaster Adventurer | Complete 100 Daily Quests. | 30
High End Raiding | Beat 50 Dragons in the Dragon's Lair. | 30
Highlander | Win 10 games with a deck containing no more than 1 copy of each card. | 15
Jelly? | Have Istanu regenerate 5 times in one game. | 15
Like a Boss | Defeat King Yaknus. | 5
Living the dream | Play Aurora's Dream and win a PvP game. | 15
Master Adventurer | Complete 25 Daily Quests. | 15
Mission complete | Complete a Mission Pack. | 5
Mission master | Complete all classic Mission Packs. | 30
Mythic Victory | Win a game with a deck full of Mythics. | 50
Nice moves, keep it up | Move the same creature 3 times in one turn. | 15
OTK | Deal 20 or more damage to the enemy god in one turn. | 15
Oblivion awaits | Kill your opponent with Ostregoth in a PvP game. | 15
Puzzle Master | Complete all puzzles in Classic Faeria. | 15
Sadist | Deal 20 damage to yourself in one game, and win. | 15
Sand, it gets everywhere | Play 250 Yellow Cards. | 25
Secret of Everlife | Complete all missions in Gaea's Navel. | 10
Skilled Adventurer | Complete 5 Daily Quests. | 5
Slaughter | Destroy 250 creatures. | 15
Slaying | Destroy 50 creatures. | 5
Smorc | Deal 1000 damage to enemy gods. | 15
Storming the Gates | Complete 10 runs of Pandora. | 15
That's Wild | Complete 10 Wild Mission Packs. | 10
The Face is the Place | Deal 5000 damage to enemy gods. | 30
The Strategist | Reach Rank 15 in constructed. | 30
The stories were true | Play 250 Legendary cards. | 25
To the Face | Deal 100 damage to enemy gods. | 5
Welcome to Faeria! | Complete the introduction missions. | 5
Who's the Boss? | Defeat 6 World bosses. | 15
Wisplight Fallen | Complete all missions in Wisplight Falls. | 10
Yo ho | Complete all missions in Pirate's Aerie. | 10
You're the Boss | Defeat all World Bosses. | 30