Complete the following achievements to unlock Microsoft Gamerscore points.
Achievement | How to unlock | Points
Arrows Extravaganza | Unlock Bolmenta. | 50
Bannermen to arms | Unlock bannermen. | 50
Craftsman Power | Unlock Hookefix. | 25
Equipment upgrade | Unlock Hemafix and Cyklofix. | 50
Fight in the shade | Unlock Entafix. | 25
First Hero | Unlock Clementa. | 25
First Lost | Loose your first battle. | 25
First Victory | Win your first battle. | 25
Good Start | Finish the tutorial. | 25
Kamikaze | Use grenade on your unit. | 25
Magic solution | Unlock Druids. | 100
Master besieger | Kill 50 enemies using a Catapult or a Trap. | 100
More units. More items | Unlock Chieftain and Bargania. | 50
Necromancer | Use gut grenade on 10 units. | 50
Pyromancer | Kill 200 enemies using fireball. | 200
Victory | Conquer ROME! | 150
Warriors onboard | Unlock Astefix and Obefix. | 25