Complete the following achievements to unlock Microsoft Gamerscore points.
Achievement | How to unlock | Points
Apprentice Exorcist | First attempt at banishing a demon. | 25
Blackwood Reunited | Gather Annie's sons four objects. | 50
Bookworm | Read the entirety of the books, journals and notes in the game. | 75
Buried Whispers | Find Bune's opposite sigil in the Fields of Stone. | 25
Clear-sightedness | Discover the power of Vision. | 35
Crossing the Styx | Discover the power of the Ferryman. | 35
Curiosity | Solves every puzzle in the game. | 75
Explorator | Explore every place in the game. | 70
Fallen Leaves | Find Foras' opposite sigil in Eldwitch Forest. | 25
First Encounter | Make contact with a demon. | 25
Ghost Town | Find Paimon's opposite sigil in Oakmarsh. | 25
Occultist | Unlock all achievements. | 200
Scattered Memories | Find Naberius' opposite sigil in the Silver Labyrinth. | 25
Strength of Character | Discover the power of Strength. | 35
The Cleansing | Clear Blackwood from its demons. | 25