Complete the following achievements to unlock Microsoft Gamerscore points.
Achievement | How to unlock | Points
And that's four! | Defeat Tacos, General of the fourth Island. | 50
And that's one! | Defeat Nacho, General of the first Island. | 50
And that's three! | Defeat Tortilla, General of the third Island. | 50
And that's two! | Defeat Burritos, General of the second Island. | 50
Combo Master | Unleash your additional Combo Attacks to the max. | 50
Gold Collector | Get a total of 10.000 Golds. | 25
Healthy! | Unleash yous HPs to it's maximum potential. | 50
Invincible! | Complete a Stage without breaking your Combo. | 50
Medals of honor | Get all hidden Medals. | 75
Muscular Hero | Complete World 1 to 100%. | 25
Muscular Legend | Complete World 4 to 100%. | 25
Muscular Mercenary | Complete World 2 to 100%. | 25
Muscular Savior | Complete World 3 to 100%. | 25
Perfect! | Get the perfect score of 100 in any Stage. | 75
Shell Collector | Find all hidden Shells. | 75
Simply the Best! | Complete the game at 100%. | 100
The icing on the cake | Defeat the Demon King and complete the game! | 100
Unstopable! | Reach a combo of 250. | 50
Welcome to Muscle Islands | Beat Salsa and reach Muscle Islands. | 50