Complete the following achievements to unlock Microsoft Gamerscore points.
Achievement | How to unlock | Points
Advancing by leaps and bounds | Complete first chapter. | 100
Dashing through the wind | Do 10 dashes. | 100
Dying twice wasn't enough | Die 3 times. | 50
First steps | Complete tutorial. | 100
I believe I can fly | Do 40 dashes. | 100
Infinite resurrection | Die 27 times. | 50
Invincible | Get 7 extra lifes. | 100
Nobody can stop you | Block 15 proyectiles. | 50
Slay them all! | Defeat 50 enemies. | 50
Step by step | Complete level 3. | 100
That was close | Block 5 proyectiles. | 50
Unstoppable Knight! | Defeat 10 enemies. | 50
You got my heart | Get an extra life. | 50