Complete the following achievements to unlock Microsoft Gamerscore points.
Achievement | How to unlock | Points
Curator | You look like a trainer | 200
Curiosity for fish | You catch five fishes. | 10
Curiosity for insects | You catch five insects. | 10
Curiosity for minerals | You found five minerals. | 10
Entomological passion | You catch hundred insects. | 50
Entomologist | You really like insect? | 100
Explorer | Now you can catch them all! | 25
Fish collector | You catch fifty fishes. | 25
Fishing pro | Don't eat them! | 100
Icthyological passion | You catch hundred fishes. | 50
Insect collector | You catch fifty insects. | 25
Mineral collector | You found fifty minerals. | 25
Mineralogical passion | You found hundred minerals. | 50
Mineralogist | You really like pebbles? | 100
Multi-Activity | Three challenges done! | 20
Quasi-Decathlete | Soon Olympics Game? | 50
Treasure hunter | You are a pirate? | 150